asonix / modalcell

A cell type using a shared tag to control mutable access.

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ModalCell provides an approach for using Rust's borrow checker to enforce access to a value via an associated mode.

Consider this example:

use modalcell::{ExclusiveCell, ExclusiveMode, RefMut, SharedCell, SharedMode};

// Create our shared mode.
let mut shared = SharedMode::new();
// Obtain exclusvie access to the mode.
let exclusive: ExclusiveMode<'_, _> = shared.as_exclusive();
// Create a new cell with the initial value of `1`. This cell can be
// accessed `mut`-ably using an `ExclusiveMode`.
let mut exclusive_cell: ExclusiveCell<usize, _> = exclusive.new_cell(1);
// Obtain a SharedCell, which can be converted to an `&T` using a
// `SharedMode`.
let shared_cell: SharedCell<usize, _> = exclusive_cell.as_shared();

// The Rust compiler now guarantees safe access to the data.
// shared_cell.get(&shared); // Because `exclusive` borrowed from
//                           // `shared`, this is a compilation error.

let cell_contents: &usize = shared_cell.get(&shared);
assert_eq!(*cell_contents, 1);

// To change the value, we must obtain exclusive access again.
let exclusive: ExclusiveMode<'_, _> = shared.as_exclusive();

// `&T` references prevent entering exclusive mode. This can be tested by
// uncommenting the following line:
// assert_eq!(*cell_contents, 1);

// Each RefMut tracks the lifetime of the &mut ExclusiveCell<T> as well as
// the lifetime of the `ExclusiveMode`. This ensures that no `&mut T` can be
// created without exclusive access to `shared`.
let mut cell_contents: RefMut<'_, '_, usize, _> = exclusive_cell.get_mut(exclusive);
*cell_contents = 2;

assert_eq!(*shared_cell.get(&shared), 2);

// Accessing `shared_cell` can only be done safely if `cell_contents` isn't
// used again. Uncommenting this line will produce a compiler error.
// *cell_contents = 3;

The approach taken by this crate gives similar properties to an Rc<RefCell<T>>, except that with an Rc<RefCell<T>> the contents must be accessed through std::cell::Ref/std::cell::RefMut. This crate allows direct access to shared references without an intermediate type. With this type, the Rust compiler enforces correctness, while RefCell requires runtime checks.

This crate still performs one check at runtime: is the mode being passed the same one that was used to create the cell. Because this is a logic bug, passing an incorrect mode will result in a panic.

This crate also provides an implementation that allows using this mode of data access in multi-threaded code:

use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, SyncSender};

use modalcell::{ExclusiveCell, SharedMode, ThreadSafe};

fn main() {
    let mut shared = SharedMode::new_threadsafe();
    let cell = shared.new_cell(0);
    let shared_cell = cell.as_shared();

    let (counting_sender, counting_receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(1);
    let (printing_sender, printing_receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(1);

    // Spawn a thread that updates the value.
    std::thread::spawn(|| counting_thread(cell, counting_receiver, printing_sender));

    loop {
        // Send the mode to the thread, allowing it to gain mutable access.
        // Wait for mode to be returned to us.
        shared = printing_receiver.recv().unwrap();
        // Use it to gain access a reference of the value.
        let value: &usize = shared_cell.get(&shared);
        println!("New Count: {value}");
        // Stop after 10.
        if *value == 10 {

fn counting_thread(
    mut cell: ExclusiveCell<usize, ThreadSafe>,
    receiver: Receiver<SharedMode<ThreadSafe>>,
    sender: SyncSender<SharedMode<ThreadSafe>>,
) {
    while let Ok(mut shared) = receiver.recv() {
        // Enter exclusive mode. This is a borrow-checker only operation and has
        // no runtime overhead.
        let exclusive = shared.as_exclusive();
        // Gain access to the cell's contents using our exclusive marker.
        let mut contents = cell.get_mut(exclusive);
        // Update the value through DerefMut.
        *contents += 1;
        // Return the `SharedMode` back to the other thread.

        // Attempting to use `exclusive` now will result in a compiler error.
        // let _error = cell.get_mut(exclusive);
        // let _error = *contents;


A cell type using a shared tag to control mutable access.


Language:Rust 100.0%