Krishna Chaitanya Kosaraju's starred repositories
This repository holds all the code for the site
Generates a THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) Optimal Multilevel PWM using Linear Programming
This function computes the optimal switching of a single phase rectifier which minimizes a weighted sum of the THDs of the input current and the output voltage.
This function returns the optimal vectors to the robust least squares problem with factored or bounded uncertainty, based on A H Sayed's beautiful paper "A Regularized Robust Design Criterion for Uncertain Data".
This function computes an orthogonal set of vectors which have the minimum of Euclidean distance squared measure.
This function computes the optimal switching of a three phase rectifier which minimizes a weighted sum of the THDs of the input current and the output voltage.
This code determines the subset which minimizes/maximizes the ratio of the subset sums of two vectors of positive numbers. The underlying idea is the Dinkelbach's Theorem.
This code implements the beautiful algorithm given by Ramanujam (in his paper "Note on a set of simultaneous equations") to solve a specific set of nonlinear simultaneous polynomial (in vectors x and y) equations.
This code computes the optimal travel plan (a well known puzzle) by posing it as an ILP and then solving it using a little randomization.