aslakg / elm-components

A component-based approach to building UI in Elm

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Components in Elm

This package provides an abstraction over TEA (The Elm Architecture) that lets you define your UI as a tree of self-contained components.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  3. Motivation
  4. Diving in
  5. What about performance?
  6. Future plans


  • Each component has its own local state and behaviour.
  • Child components are mounted in the view. Their init, update and subscriptions functions are managed automatically.
  • Components are configured through view and the configuration can be accessed in any of its functions.
  • Components are automatically initialized and destroyed when they are added to the tree or removed from it.
  • Flexibility: easily embed view blocks inside child components etc.
  • Communication between components.
  • Ability to react to changes in component's input parameters.
  • Support for rtfeldman/elm-css (use locally scoped dynamic styles like with Html.Styled).
  • Each component has a globally unique ID which you can use for your needs.
  • Easy integration with plain TEA code.


  • The official Elm guide says that you should build your UI with reusable view functions as much as possible and not to think in terms of components. See the Motivation section for the explanation for when to choose this library over community recommendations.
  • elm-components puts functions in both the Model and the Msg of your application for performance reasons. It will certainly break the import/export feature of the Elm debugger. It might be possible to implement a "debug mode" in the future, but I can't guarantee it, so if import/export is critical for your workflow, don't use this package. This also means that you can't compare your Model for equality, but only outside components since inside them you don't have access to parts of the Model that contain functions.
  • Regardless of anything else, if you are a beginner, don't use this package. It does a lot of magic behind the scenes and will surely hurt you in the process of mastering Elm and functional programming. Instead, focus on learning the language and try to build things without elm-components.


The general recommendation for working with Elm is to avoid organizing your UI in a nested manner and instead to scale your update and view functions independently. There really aren't many reasons for your view code to be grouped together with your logic unless you have some "dynamic" (such that requires some state/behaviour) UI piece which also needs to be reusable. Once the need for such reusable things emerges, some technique for dealing with them is required.

Basically, there are two such techniques:

  • The pattern demonstrated in Evan Czaplicki's elm-sortable-table package. Essentially, it's about building your component around a function which has the signature like (State -> msg) -> State -> Html msg. The first argument is the thing that is often called toMsg and what you do is you send a new state to the parent on an event directly from your view: onClick (toMsg newState). The parent is then responsible for replacing the old state of your component with the new one in its own state. One of the limitations of this approach is that it's only suitable for components that don't do any side effects.
  • Another option is two give your component its own State and Msg as well as init/update/view(/subscriptions) functions. This is also sometimes called "triplets".

I also recommend Richard Feldman's Scaling Elm Apps talk if you haven't seen it.

The important thing about these recommendations is that they imply that components are not that often needed — most of the time you should be able to reuse your UI with just view functions and only sometimes you'll need to reach for one of the patterns listed above. And that's OK! If it's true for the thing you're building, you probably don't need this package. elm-components is quite a complex thing and it may be better for you to stick to the defaults and write some extra boilerplate code than depend on it. But what if it's not true?

When you need this library

Suppose you're working on a project and you need to design a button with the following requirements:

  • The button must have an animation when you click on it and it's complex enough so that it's not possible to implement it with CSS. You'll need something like mdgriffith/elm-style-animation.
  • At least buttons don't need to do side effects, right? Well, in Chrome, when you click on a button, it remains focused until you click on something else. You need to fix this small visual flow. The most straightforward way to achieve this is to use the Dom.blur function every time the button is clicked, so now it's going to produce a Cmd on update (in reality don't forget about keyboard users though).

This means the following:

  • The button should have its own State and Msg types.
  • You should explicitly init and update it every time you use it manually replacing the state and mapping the Cmd.
  • You should not forget to call its subscriptions function — the compiler won't help you with this!
  • Remember that you need to launch the animation and send the blur command when the button is clicked, but you also need to notify the component's consumer about the click. It's impossible to send two messages from the view simultaneously, so you need a workaround, maybe an OutMsg or something similar. Perhaps you'll need to split the config of your button into two parts requiring a message for onClick to be passed to update and other options to view. All this will make the button's API harder to use and your code more complicated and error-prone.

Now imagine that you have not only a button but also lots of other small complex components that you need to compose in a similar way, and they are everywhere in your app. Your codebase will become really hard to work with. And this is when you can benefit from a more heavy solution like elm-components.

Components are objects

One of the arguments against components you may hear is that components are objects and because Elm is a functional language it's a bad idea to design your app around objects. First of all, I agree that components are objects. They sure are. Components encapsulate state and communicate via messages — this is essentially object-oriented programming. But OOP is not necessarily bad! It is certainly overused, but it does have use cases, and one of such use cases is UI programming. It might not be the best possible way for doing UI in theory, but it works.

But isn't Elm a functional language? Well, FP is not the opposite of OOP really (it's rather the opposite of imperative programming) and there is nothing wrong with these paradigms to be combined if needed. elm-components is not the only existing component-based UI library for a functional language after all — for example, see ReasonReact and purescript-halogen from which it gets some inspiration. Another example might be Erlang/Elixir processes, which are also very similar to objects — they can hold state and communicate between each other via messages. Also, in my opinion, if you use patterns like the approach of elm-sortable-table or triplets, you are already doing OOP, just in a less obvious way.

Diving In

This section will guide you step-by-step through the features of this library. You can find examples shown here in the examples folder of the repository.

Defining a component

Here is an example of a simple counter component:

module Counter exposing (Container, counter)

import Components exposing (Component, send)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { value : Int

type Msg
    = Increment
    | Decrement

type alias Parts =

counter : Component Container m p
counter =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = ()

init : State
init =
    { value = 0

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        Increment ->
            { state | value = state.value + 1 }

        Decrement ->
            { state | value = state.value - 1 }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    div []
        [ button [ onClick (send Decrement) ] [ text "-" ]
        , div [] [ text (toString state.value) ]
        , button [ onClick (send Increment) ] [ text "+" ]

As you can see, the structure of components is very similar to the one that an Elm program has, with a few differences. Let's explore what's going on here.

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

Each component should define and expose a Container type which is needed for its consumers to use that component. The type Parts is used to register child components. It's not called Children because a part is not necessary a child, meaning that it can be passed to other components and therefore rendered in another place (and also because it's shorter). Our Counter doesn't have any parts so it's just an alias for the unit type.

counter : Component Container m p

This can be read as the following: a counter is a component which defines a container of type Container and can be embedded in any other component that has a Msg of type m and parts of type p.

    { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
    , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
    , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
    , view = \_ -> view
    , parts = ()

Our counter is a regular component which just means that it can't render view blocks passed to it from its parent. You can also see that each of the functions that we pass to regular receives an extra argument. It's called Self, but let's ignore it for now. Additionally, init and update functions return a three-element tuple. The third element is a list of messages sent to other components. We also need to explicitly declare parts here — you'll see how it's done once we have some.

view : State -> Html Msg Parts

elm-components exposes its own Html and Svg modules. Unlike the one from the official package, the Html type has two type variables. Here we say that our component's view is Html that can produce messages of type Msg and contain components which are described by the type Parts.

onClick (send Decrement)

Notice that you also need to send a message. You'll see why it's necessary later.

Embedding components in your app

The Components module exposes functions that you can use to embed any component in any part of your app. Here is how you can play with our Counter:

module Main exposing (main)

import Components
import Counter
import VirtualDom

type alias State =
    { counterState : Components.State Counter.Container Never

type Msg
    = CounterMsg (Components.Msg Counter.Container Never)

main : Program Never State Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        , view = view

init : ( State, Cmd Msg )
init =
        ( counterState, counterCmd ) =
            Components.init Counter.counter
    ( { counterState = counterState
    , CounterMsg counterCmd

update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
    case msg of
        CounterMsg counterMsg ->
                ( newCounterState, counterCmd, _ ) =
                    Components.update counterMsg state.counterState
            ( { state | counterState = newCounterState }
            , CounterMsg counterCmd

subscriptions : State -> Sub Msg
subscriptions state =
    Components.subscriptions state.counterState
        |> CounterMsg

view : State -> VirtualDom.Node Msg
view state =
    Components.view state.counterState
        |> CounterMsg

This all should look very familiar to you. The Never in the definitions of counterState and CounterMsg means that the component doesn't send any messages to its surrounding context. If it does, they are returned from the Components.update function. You can see how we ignore them here:

-- The third element is a `List Never`.
( newCounterState, counterCmd, _ ) =
    Components.update counterMsg state.counterState

You need the elm-lang/virtual-dom package to run the example above (or you can use elm-lang/html instead). elm-components intentionally doesn't expose its own program function. VirtualDom.program is going to live in elm-lang/browser in 0.19 and elm-components shouldn't depend on it or make any assumptions about how and in which environment you use it.

It's also possible to use views built with the official packages inside components with the help of the Html.plain function. Given all that, you can easily embed components in any part of your project, or you can do it the other way around. For example, if you decide to rewrite your app with elm-components, it can be done from top to bottom. First, convert your top-level module to be a component. Then convert your pages. While you're doing it, the rest of your app should just continue to work without modifications.


Let's take a look at something more interesting now: composing multiple components together. While we are at it, let's also learn how to pass configuration to components and how to style them. We'll begin with an updated example of our Counter:

module Counter exposing (Config, Container, counter)

import Components exposing (Component, send)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Attributes exposing (css)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Css exposing (padding, px)

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { value : Int

type Msg
    = Increment
    | Decrement

type alias Parts =

type alias Config =
    { initialValue : Int
    , step : Int

counter : Config -> Component Container m p
counter config =
        { init = \_ -> ( init config, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update config msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = ()

init : Config -> State
init config =
    { value = config.initialValue

update : Config -> Msg -> State -> State
update config msg state =
    case msg of
        Increment ->
            { state | value = state.value + config.step }

        Decrement ->
            { state | value = state.value - config.step }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    div [ css [ padding (px 10) ] ]
        [ button [ onClick (send Decrement) ] [ text "-" ]
        , div [] [ text (toString state.value) ]
        , button [ onClick (send Increment) ] [ text "+" ]

As you can see, there is nothing special about configuration. The Config record is passed to the counter function and then down to init and update. As for the styling, it's done via the rtfeldman/elm-css package, so you need to install it to run the example. See its documentation for more info.

And now the composition. Here is an example of a component that renders two counters:

module App exposing (Container, app)

import Components exposing (Component, slot, x2)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, div)
import Counter

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =

type alias Msg =

type alias Parts =
    { firstCounter : Counter.Container
    , secondCounter : Counter.Container

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( (), Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg _ -> never msg
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ _ -> view
        , parts = x2 Parts

view : Html Msg Parts
view =
    div []
        [ firstCounter
        , secondCounter

firstCounter : Html Msg Parts
firstCounter =
        { initialValue = 0
        , step = 1
        |> slot ( .firstCounter, \x y -> { y | firstCounter = x } )

secondCounter : Html Msg Parts
secondCounter =
        { initialValue = 100
        , step = 10
        |> slot ( .secondCounter, \x y -> { y | secondCounter = x } )

We first need to add our counters to the Parts type:

type alias Parts =
    { firstCounter : Counter.Container
    , secondCounter : Counter.Container

You may be disappointed that this isn't handled automatically, but there are a couple of reasons for it to be done this way:

  • It's not possible to do it implicitly due to the Elm's type system.
  • You'll need a way to refer to your parts somehow if you want to send any messages to them, so it's useful.
  • It's necessary to give some kind of ids to the components you render anyway. Imagine that you have a list of components. If you change their order, elm-components needs a way to map each component to its state on view recalculation. This is similar to why you're using Html.Keyed around stateful DOM elements to prevent the Virtual DOM algorithm from messing them up.

The library also needs a constructed Parts record populated with some default values. There is no way for it to be created automatically, so we need to do it manually:

, parts = x2 Parts

elm-components provides x1-x50 helpers for this purpose where the number is how many parts your component has. If you ever need more you can combine them (as an example, x50 >> x1 will give you an equivalent of x51).

Finally, we can render our parts by converting them to Html with the help of the slot function by giving it a tuple of functions that define a strategy for reading and writing a part from/to our Parts:

    { initialValue = 0
    , step = 1
    |> slot ( .firstCounter, \x y -> { y | firstCounter = x } )

This looks a bit ugly but it's necessary. Let's hope that someday we'll get a special syntax for that thing in Elm (or maybe a macro system) so that it'll look something like &firstCounter. For now, you can extract it into a separate function if you prefer (there is a Slot alias for that tuple), but it actually looks okay once you are accustomed to it. Also, be sure to write it properly (not like ( .firstCounter, \x y -> { y | secondCounter = x } )) and don't ever render the same part more than one time, or you'll break your UI! Maybe the latter can be made to be safer in the future.

The coolest thing is that adding or removing parts doesn't require any changes to the State, Msg, init/update/subscriptions and API of our component. Also, it's completely valid for our App to have its own behaviour, but for now it has an empty state and doesn't produce any messages.

It's also possible to have a Dict of components:

module App exposing (Container, app)

import Components exposing (Component, Slot, dictSlot, slot, x2)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, div)
import Counter
import Dict exposing (Dict)

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =

type alias Msg =

type alias Parts =
    { firstCounter : Counter.Container
    , secondCounter : Counter.Container
    , counterDict : Dict Int Counter.Container

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( (), Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg _ -> never msg
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ _ -> view
        , parts = x2 Parts <| Dict.empty

view : Html Msg Parts
view =
    div []
        [ firstCounter
        , secondCounter
        , counterFromDict 0
        , counterFromDict 1

firstCounter : Html Msg Parts
firstCounter =
        { initialValue = 0
        , step = 1
        |> slot ( .firstCounter, \x y -> { y | firstCounter = x } )

secondCounter : Html Msg Parts
secondCounter =
        { initialValue = 100
        , step = 10
        |> slot ( .secondCounter, \x y -> { y | secondCounter = x } )

counterFromDict : Int -> Html Msg Parts
counterFromDict key =
        { initialValue = 0
        , step = 1
        |> slot (dictSlot counterDictSlot key)

counterDictSlot : Slot (Dict Int Counter.Container) Parts
counterDictSlot =
    ( .counterDict, \x y -> { y | counterDict = x } )

Optional parts

Suppose you need to add a component that should be displayed only under certain conditions. It's easy:

module App exposing (Container, app)

import Components exposing (Component, send, slot, x3)
import Components.Html as Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Counter

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { isThirdCounterVisible : Bool

type Msg
    = ToggleThirdCounter

type alias Parts =
    { firstCounter : Counter.Container
    , secondCounter : Counter.Container
    , thirdCounter : Counter.Container

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = x3 Parts

init : State
init =
    { isThirdCounterVisible = False

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        ToggleThirdCounter ->
            { state | isThirdCounterVisible = not state.isThirdCounterVisible }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    div []
        [ firstCounter
        , secondCounter
        , maybeThirdCounter state
        , toggleButton

firstCounter : Html Msg Parts
firstCounter =
        { initialValue = 0
        , step = 1
        |> slot ( .firstCounter, \x y -> { y | firstCounter = x } )

secondCounter : Html Msg Parts
secondCounter =
        { initialValue = 100
        , step = 10
        |> slot ( .secondCounter, \x y -> { y | secondCounter = x } )

maybeThirdCounter : State -> Html Msg Parts
maybeThirdCounter state =
    if state.isThirdCounterVisible then
            { initialValue = 0
            , step = 1
            |> slot ( .thirdCounter, \x y -> { y | thirdCounter = x } )

toggleButton : Html Msg Parts
toggleButton =
    button [ onClick (send ToggleThirdCounter) ]
        [ text "Toggle third counter"

The third counter is automatically reseted when you re-add it to the tree which makes your code more declarative. But what if you want to just hide it instead of destroying? The rules are simple — if a component is not in the tree, it doesn't exist. If you want it to be hidden, use CSS (or a hidden attribute).

Signals and messages

elm-components has a thing called Signal. It has nothing to do with the concept of Signal that Elm had before 0.17. I'm sorry for reintroducing that term, and if someone thinks that it's harmful and has an idea for a better name, I'm open to renaming it!

Basically, a Signal represents a message that has been "sent" either to a component or to one of its Parts. Remember how we do things like send Increment in views? The function send has the following signature:

send : msg -> Signal msg parts

Signals are used in views and for communication between components. This is what your return as a third element of a tuple from your init and update functions. The reason they exist is simple — to provide a way to convert messages from types of one component to types of another one and therefore lift them up the component tree. It should all become clear once you see examples in the following sections.


There are two types of communication:

  • Sending messages to component's ancestors.
  • Sending messages to component's parts. This should rarely be needed because just passing data to parts directly from the view should be enough most of the time, but it can be useful sometimes.

The following demonstrates a reusable alert dialog component with animated background which sends a message to its consumer when it's closed. It uses the mdgriffith/elm-style-animation package for animation.

module Alert exposing (Config, Container, alert)

import Animation
import Components exposing (Component, Signal, send)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Css

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { backgroundAnimation : Animation.State

type Msg
    = AnimateBackground Animation.Msg
    | Closed

type alias Parts =

type alias Config m p =
    { text : String
    , onClose : Signal m p

alert : Config m p -> Component Container m p
alert config =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ -> update config
        , subscriptions = \_ -> subscriptions
        , view = \_ -> view config
        , parts = ()

init : State
init =
    { backgroundAnimation = [ Animation.opacity 0 ]
            |> Animation.interrupt
                [ [ Animation.opacity 1 ]

update : Config m p -> Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg, List (Signal m p) )
update config msg state =
    case msg of
        AnimateBackground animationMsg ->
                updatedAnimation =
                    Animation.update animationMsg state.backgroundAnimation
            ( { state | backgroundAnimation = updatedAnimation }
            , Cmd.none
            , []

        Closed ->
            ( state
            , Cmd.none
            , [ config.onClose ]

subscriptions : State -> Sub Msg
subscriptions state =
    Animation.subscription AnimateBackground [ state.backgroundAnimation ]

view : Config m p -> State -> Html Msg Parts
view config state =
    div [ css rootStyles ]
        [ background state
        , div [ css boxStyles ]
            [ div []
                [ text config.text
            , button [ css closeButtonStyles, onClick (send Closed) ]
                [ text "Close"

background : State -> Html Msg Parts
background state =
        attributes =
            [ css backgroundStyles
            , onClick (send Closed)

        animation =
                |> Animation.render
                |> Attributes.plain
    div (attributes ++ animation) []

rootStyles : List Css.Style
rootStyles =
    [ Css.position Css.fixed
    , Css.left
    , Css.width (Css.pct 100)
    , Css.height (Css.pct 100)

boxStyles : List Css.Style
boxStyles =
    [ Css.position Css.absolute
    , (Css.px 50)
    , Css.left (Css.pct 50)
    , Css.transform (Css.translateX (Css.pct -50))
    , Css.padding (Css.px 15)
    , Css.minWidth (Css.px 80)
    , Css.textAlign
    , Css.backgroundColor (Css.rgb 255 255 255)
    , Css.boxShadow4 (Css.px 7) (Css.px 20) (Css.rgba 0 0 0 0.3)

closeButtonStyles : List Css.Style
closeButtonStyles =
    [ Css.display Css.inlineBlock
    , Css.marginTop (Css.px 15)

backgroundStyles : List Css.Style
backgroundStyles =
    [ Css.position Css.absolute
    , Css.left
    , Css.width (Css.pct 100)
    , Css.height (Css.pct 100)
    , Css.backgroundColor (Css.rgba 0 0 0 0.6)

The key part here is that it receives a Signal from its consumer:

type alias Config m p =
    { text : String
    , onClose : Signal m p

Which it then returns from its update function to notify the consumer about the close event:

Closed ->
    ( state
    , Cmd.none
    , [ config.onClose ]

And here is how to use it:

module App exposing (Container, app)

import Alert
import Components exposing (Component, send, slot, x1)
import Components.Html as Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { isAlertVisible : Bool

type Msg
    = ShowAlert
    | HideAlert

type alias Parts =
    { alert : Alert.Container

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = x1 Parts

init : State
init =
    { isAlertVisible = False

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        ShowAlert ->
            { state | isAlertVisible = True }

        HideAlert ->
            { state | isAlertVisible = False }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    div []
        [ alertButton
        , maybeAlert state

alertButton : Html Msg Parts
alertButton =
    button [ onClick (send ShowAlert) ]
        [ text "Show alert"

maybeAlert : State -> Html Msg Parts
maybeAlert state =
    if state.isAlertVisible then
            { text = "Alert!"
            , onClose = send HideAlert
            |> slot ( .alert, \x y -> { y | alert = x } )

Now let's look at communication with parts. We are going to enhance our Counter to support reset functionality:

module Counter exposing (Config, Container, Msg, counter, reset)

import Components exposing (Component, send)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Attributes exposing (css)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Css exposing (padding, px)

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { value : Int

type Msg
    = Increment
    | Decrement
    | Reset

type alias Parts =

type alias Config =
    { initialValue : Int
    , step : Int

counter : Config -> Component Container m p
counter config =
        { init = \_ -> ( init config, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update config msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = ()

reset : Msg
reset =

init : Config -> State
init config =
    { value = config.initialValue

update : Config -> Msg -> State -> State
update config msg state =
    case msg of
        Increment ->
            { state | value = state.value + config.step }

        Decrement ->
            { state | value = state.value - config.step }

        Reset ->
            { state | value = config.initialValue }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    div [ css [ padding (px 10) ] ]
        [ button [ onClick (send Decrement) ] [ text "-" ]
        , div [] [ text (toString state.value) ]
        , button [ onClick (send Increment) ] [ text "+" ]

We are adding the Reset message and exposing it to users of our module:

type Msg
    = Increment
    | Decrement
    | Reset
Reset ->
    { state | value = config.initialValue }
reset : Msg
reset =

Also, it's finally time to learn what the Self is. Remember that extra argument that your component's functions receive? It's a data structure that has two purposes:

  • It provides some useful information about your component. For now, it's just an id field which is a string of the form _06f8786c-fd3f-4057-ada2-9561883241db_9. You can use it for things like HTML id attributes or CSS classes. It consists of an UUID and a sequential number. The UUID is the same for all components in the same tree.
  • It holds some internal data which is used by some functions of the library, like sendToPart in the example below.

Let's add the Counter to our App:

module App exposing (Container, app)

import Alert
import Components exposing (Component, Signal, Slot, send, sendToPart, slot, x2)
import Components.Html as Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Attributes exposing (id)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Counter

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { isAlertVisible : Bool

type Msg
    = ShowAlert
    | HideAlert
    | ResetCounter

type alias Parts =
    { alert : Alert.Container
    , counter : Counter.Container

type alias Self p =
    Components.Self State Msg Parts p

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = view
        , parts = x2 Parts

init : State
init =
    { isAlertVisible = False

update : Self p -> Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg, List (Signal m p) )
update self msg state =
    case msg of
        ShowAlert ->
            ( { state | isAlertVisible = True }
            , Cmd.none
            , []

        HideAlert ->
            ( { state | isAlertVisible = False }
            , Cmd.none
            , []

        ResetCounter ->
            ( state
            , Cmd.none
            , [ sendToPart self counterSlot Counter.reset ]

view : Self p -> State -> Html Msg Parts
view self state =
    div [ id ]
        [ counter
        , alertButton
        , counterResetButton
        , maybeAlert state

counter : Html Msg Parts
counter =
        { initialValue = 0
        , step = 1
        |> slot counterSlot

alertButton : Html Msg Parts
alertButton =
    button [ onClick (send ShowAlert) ]
        [ text "Show alert"

counterResetButton : Html Msg Parts
counterResetButton =
    button [ onClick (send ResetCounter) ]
        [ text "Reset counter"

maybeAlert : State -> Html Msg Parts
maybeAlert state =
    if state.isAlertVisible then
            { text = "Alert!"
            , onClose = send HideAlert
            |> slot ( .alert, \x y -> { y | alert = x } )

counterSlot : Slot Counter.Container Parts
counterSlot =
    ( .counter, \x y -> { y | counter = x } )

We first need to import some extra stuff:

import Components exposing (Component, Signal, Slot, send, sendToPart, slot, x2)

Then to add a message to reset the counter:

type Msg
    = ShowAlert
    | HideAlert
    | ResetCounter

We are also making an alias for the Self type to make it shorter:

type alias Self p =
    Components.Self State Msg Parts p

Finally, we need to handle our new message:

ResetCounter ->
    ( state
    , Cmd.none
    , [ sendToPart self counterSlot Counter.reset ]

Given the counterSlot and the self, the sendToPart function now has all necessary data to transform Counter.Msg into Signal m p which we then return from our update function.

Notice that we've also rendered the id of our App. Check it out with your inspector!

A few more things:

  • It's important to understand that communication between components happens in a single frame. This means that the view won't be re-rendered until all communication is completed.
  • You can also "send" messages to your components from your plain TEA code. Use the Components.wrapMsg function (for example, Components.wrapMsg Counter.reset) and then feed the result into Components.update.
  • elm-components gives you a powerful mechanism for inter-component communication, but when combined with the local state feature, it's also easy to abuse it. Don't forget about the "Single source of truth" principle! Avoid state synchronization between components — move such state to a common ancestor and pass down as config instead.

Passing view blocks to parts

Let's say you need to build a Dialog component that must accept some arbitrary Html from its consumer and render it inside itself. elm-components provides a Components.mixed function for that purpose. A mixed component differs from the regular one only in that its view returns Html m p instead of Html Msg Parts, meaning that the view is parametrized on types of its consumer. So you can just accept some Html m p as a parameter and then return it from the view. There are also a couple of simple functions that let you easily combine views of different types:

  • convertNode which converts Html Msg Parts to Html consumerMsg consumerParts.
  • convertSignal which converts Signal Msg Parts to Signal consumerMsg consumerParts.

Our Dialog is also going to have the following features to demonstrate the usage of the functions listed above:

  • A button to hide/show its contents.
  • The dialog's background will be darkened when you move mouse over its contents.
module Dialog exposing (Config, Container, dialog)

import Components exposing (Component, Signal, convertNode, convertSignal, send)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Attributes exposing (css)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick, onMouseOut, onMouseOver)
import Css

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { isShowingContents : Bool
    , isBackgroundDark : Bool

type Msg
    = ToggleContents
    | DarkenBackground
    | LightenBackground

type alias Parts =

type alias Self p =
    Components.Self State Msg Parts p

type alias Config m p =
    { onClose : Signal m p

dialog : Config m p -> List (Html m p) -> Component Container m p
dialog config contents =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = view config contents
        , parts = ()

init : State
init =
    { isShowingContents = True
    , isBackgroundDark = False

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        ToggleContents ->
            { state | isShowingContents = not state.isShowingContents }

        DarkenBackground ->
            { state | isBackgroundDark = True }

        LightenBackground ->
            { state | isBackgroundDark = False }

view : Config m p -> List (Html m p) -> Self p -> State -> Html m p
view config contents self state =
    div [ css rootStyles ]
        [ background config state
        , box config contents self state

background : Config m p -> State -> Html m p
background config state =
        [ css (backgroundStyles state)
        , onClick config.onClose

box : Config m p -> List (Html m p) -> Self p -> State -> Html m p
box config contents self state =
        [ css boxStyles
        , onMouseOver (send DarkenBackground |> convertSignal self)
        , onMouseOut (send LightenBackground |> convertSignal self)
        [ maybeContents contents state
        , buttons config self

maybeContents : List (Html m p) -> State -> Html m p
maybeContents contents state =
    div [] <|
        if state.isShowingContents then

buttons : Config m p -> Self p -> Html m p
buttons config self =
    div [ css buttonsWrapperStyles ]
        [ toggleButton self
        , closeButton config

toggleButton : Self p -> Html m p
toggleButton self =
    button [ onClick (send ToggleContents) ]
        [ text "Toggle contents"
        |> convertNode self

closeButton : Config m p -> Html m p
closeButton config =
    button [ onClick config.onClose ]
        [ text "Close"

rootStyles : List Css.Style
rootStyles =
    [ Css.position Css.fixed
    , Css.left
    , Css.width (Css.pct 100)
    , Css.height (Css.pct 100)

boxStyles : List Css.Style
boxStyles =
    [ Css.position Css.absolute
    , (Css.px 50)
    , Css.left (Css.pct 50)
    , Css.transform (Css.translateX (Css.pct -50))
    , Css.padding (Css.px 15)
    , Css.minWidth (Css.px 80)
    , Css.textAlign
    , Css.backgroundColor (Css.rgb 255 255 255)
    , Css.boxShadow4 (Css.px 7) (Css.px 20) (Css.rgba 0 0 0 0.3)

buttonsWrapperStyles : List Css.Style
buttonsWrapperStyles =
    [ Css.display Css.inlineBlock
    , Css.marginTop (Css.px 15)

backgroundStyles : State -> List Css.Style
backgroundStyles state =
        opacity =
            if state.isBackgroundDark then
    [ Css.position Css.absolute
    , Css.left
    , Css.width (Css.pct 100)
    , Css.height (Css.pct 100)
    , Css.backgroundColor (Css.rgb 0 0 0)
    , Css.opacity (Css.num opacity)
    , "transition" "opacity 400ms"

Notice how we can easily embed local view blocks by converting them to Html m p:

button [ onClick (send ToggleContents) ]
    [ text "Toggle contents"
    |> convertNode self

In fact, the regular component is implemented on top of a mixed one by simply applying the convertNode function to its entire view.

It's also easy to send messages to our component from Html m p with the help of the convertSignal function:

    [ css boxStyles
    , onMouseOver (send DarkenBackground |> convertSignal self)
    , onMouseOut (send LightenBackground |> convertSignal self)
    [ maybeContents contents state
    , buttons config self

You can finally see the real reason why the Signal type exists at all. If we were passing around messages instead, it wouldn't be possible to achieve things like this since there is no way to convert Msg to m (consumer's Msg).

The last interesting bit here is that we can deliver signals to the consumer directly from the view instead of returning them from the update function:

closeButton : Config m p -> Html m p
closeButton config =
    button [ onClick config.onClose ]
        [ text "Close"

Now let's render our Dialog with a Counter inside it:

module App exposing (Container, app)

import Components exposing (Component, send, slot, x2)
import Components.Html as Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Counter
import Dialog

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { isDialogVisible : Bool

type Msg
    = ShowDialog
    | HideDialog

type alias Parts =
    { dialog : Dialog.Container
    , counter : Counter.Container

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = x2 Parts

init : State
init =
    { isDialogVisible = False

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        ShowDialog ->
            { state | isDialogVisible = True }

        HideDialog ->
            { state | isDialogVisible = False }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    div []
        [ showDialogButton
        , maybeDialog state

showDialogButton : Html Msg Parts
showDialogButton =
    button [ onClick (send ShowDialog) ]
        [ text "Show dialog"

maybeDialog : State -> Html Msg Parts
maybeDialog state =
    if state.isDialogVisible then
            { onClose = send HideDialog
            [ counter
            |> slot ( .dialog, \x y -> { y | dialog = x } )

counter : Html Msg Parts
counter =
        { initialValue = 0
        , step = 1
        |> slot ( .counter, \x y -> { y | counter = x } )

There is one more case we haven't talked about: what if you need a component to accept some Html from its consumer and pass it further down the tree to one of its parts? Let's try to build a DialogWithConfirmation component on top of our Dialog and see if it works:

module DialogWithConfirmation exposing (Config, Container, dialog)

import Components
        ( Component
        , Signal
        , convertNode
        , convertSignal
        , send
        , slot
        , x1
import Components.Html as Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Attributes exposing (hidden)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Dialog

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { waitingForConfirmation : Bool

type Msg
    = ShowConfirmation
    | HideConfirmation

type alias Parts =
    { dialog : Dialog.Container

type alias Self p =
    Components.Self State Msg Parts p

type alias Config m p =
    { onClose : Signal m p

dialog : Config m p -> List (Html m p) -> Component Container m p
dialog config contents =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = view config contents
        , parts = x1 Parts

init : State
init =
    { waitingForConfirmation = False

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        ShowConfirmation ->
            { state | waitingForConfirmation = True }

        HideConfirmation ->
            { state | waitingForConfirmation = False }

view : Config m p -> List (Html m p) -> Self p -> State -> Html m p
view config contents self state =
        { onClose = send ShowConfirmation |> convertSignal self
        [ div [ hidden state.waitingForConfirmation ] contents
        , maybeConfirmation config self state
        |> slot ( .dialog, \x y -> { y | dialog = x } )

maybeConfirmation : Config m p -> Self p -> State -> Html m p
maybeConfirmation config self state =
    if state.waitingForConfirmation then
        div []
            [ div []
                [ text "Close the dialog?"
            , button [ onClick (send HideConfirmation) ]
                [ text "No"
                |> convertNode self
            , button [ onClick config.onClose ]
                [ text "Yes"

Now if you try to compile it, you'll get a hard-to-understand error from your compiler. The reason is that when you pass contents (which is List (Html m p)) to the Dialog.dialog function, the Dialog is now itself expected to be converted to Html m p. But when you use your slot function with the .dialog slot of your local Parts, you're trying to convert it to Html Msg Parts instead! Fear not, it's still possible to achieve what we want. There is one more function called convertSlot which exists for this particular case:

import Components
        ( ...
        , Slot
        , convertSlot


view : Config m p -> List (Html m p) -> Self p -> State -> Html m p
view config contents self state =
        { onClose = send ShowConfirmation |> convertSignal self
        [ div [ hidden state.waitingForConfirmation ] contents
        , maybeConfirmation config self state
        |> slot (convertSlot self dialogSlot)

dialogSlot : Slot Dialog.Container Parts
dialogSlot =
    ( .dialog, \x y -> { y | dialog = x } )

What it does is it converts Slot Dialog.Container Parts into Slot Dialog.Container p making the Dialog to behave like if it was registered in consumer's Parts, though it's really registered in Parts of DialogWithConfirmation.

It all might sound a bit overwhelming, but it's not that hard once you develop some intuition!

Listening for updates in surrounding context

elm-components gives you a way to receive a message each time input parameters of a component may have changed. This can be useful when you can't synchronously calculate your view from the value of a parameter and want, for example, to perform an HTTP request or a call to a port when it changes, or when you need to know both its previous and its current values.

The following example demonstrates a Colorbox component which displays a string of text passed to it as an argument and sequentially changes its color theme from the list of available themes whenever the string is updated:

module Colorbox exposing (Container, colorbox)

import Components exposing (Component)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, div, text)
import Components.Html.Attributes exposing (css)
import Css

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { value : String
    , currentTheme : Theme
    , otherThemes : List Theme

type alias Theme =
    ( Css.Color, Css.Color )

type Msg
    = ContextUpdated

type alias Parts =

colorbox : String -> Component Container m p
colorbox value =
        { init = \_ -> ( init value, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update value msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = ()
        , options = { onContextUpdate = Just ContextUpdated }

init : String -> State
init value =
    { value = value
    , currentTheme = ( Css.hex "ad9784", Css.hex "181e1e" )
    , otherThemes =
        [ ( Css.hex "fc5b70", Css.hex "13206a" )
        , ( Css.hex "34abf2", Css.hex "11198a" )
        , ( Css.hex "400844", Css.hex "eed7c9" )
        , ( Css.hex "b35acd", Css.hex "23070a" )

update : String -> Msg -> State -> State
update value msg state =
    case msg of
        ContextUpdated ->
            if state.value /= value then
                    ( currentTheme, otherThemes ) =
                        case state.otherThemes of
                            nextTheme :: moreThemes ->
                                ( nextTheme
                                , moreThemes ++ [ state.currentTheme ]

                            [] ->
                                ( state.currentTheme
                                , state.otherThemes
                { state
                    | value = value
                    , currentTheme = currentTheme
                    , otherThemes = otherThemes

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
        ( backgroundColor, textColor ) =
        [ css
            [ Css.display Css.inlineBlock
            , Css.backgroundColor backgroundColor
            , Css.color textColor
            , Css.padding (Css.px 10)
            , Css.empty [ Css.padding ]
        [ text state.value
module App exposing (Container, app)

import Colorbox exposing (colorbox)
import Components exposing (Component, send, slot, x1)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, div, input)
import Components.Html.Attributes exposing (autofocus, value)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onInput)

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { value : String

type Msg
    = UpdateValue String

type alias Parts =
    { colorbox : Colorbox.Container

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = x1 Parts

init : State
init =
    { value = ""

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        UpdateValue newValue ->
            { state | value = newValue }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    div []
        [ div []
            [ input
                [ value state.value
                , autofocus True
                , onInput (send << UpdateValue)
        , colorbox state.value
            |> slot ( .colorbox, \x y -> { y | colorbox = x } )

To listen for changes in surrounding context, we need to use the regularWithOptions function and pass it a message which we want to receive:

    { ... 
    , options = { onContextUpdate = Just ContextUpdated }

We will receive the ContextUpdated message each time the consumer's view is recalculated, but there is no any guarantee that anything has changed at all. We need to store the value in the State and check whether it has changed manually:

init value =
    { value = value

update value msg state =
    case msg of
      ContextUpdated ->
          if state.value /= value then
              { state
                  | value = value
                  , ...

By doing this we are breaking the "Single source of truth" principle, but sometimes it's the lesser of two evils.

But in general, using onContextUpdate makes your code more error-prone and harder to follow, so I recommend to avoid this feature unless there is no better way to achieve what you want.


Laziness works a bit differently in elm-components. Let's look at the example first:

module Counter exposing (Container, counter)

import Components exposing (Component, send, slot, x1)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Components.Lazy as Lazy

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { value : Int

type Msg
    = Increment
    | Decrement

type alias Parts =
    { content : Lazy.Container State

counter : Component Container m p
counter =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = x1 Parts

init : State
init =
    { value = 0

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        Increment ->
            { state | value = state.value + 1 }

        Decrement ->
            { state | value = state.value - 1 }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
    Lazy.lazy content state
        |> slot ( .content, \x y -> { y | content = x } )

content : State -> Html Msg Parts
content state =
        _ =
            Debug.log "" "Counter has been recalculated"
    div []
        [ button [ onClick (send Decrement) ] [ text "-" ]
        , div [] [ text (toString state.value) ]
        , button [ onClick (send Increment) ] [ text "+" ]

As you can see, you need to register lazy blocks inside your Parts just like components (Lazy is just a special kind of a component actually). The reason for this is that elm-components implements its own mechanism for laziness to decide when your Html should be recalculated and then delegates the work to VirtualDom.lazy for the diffing part. VirtualDom can cheat and store some state in JS bypassing Elm's type system and making the API more simple, but elm-components doesn't have such luxury, so it requires your code to be more verbose.

The other important difference is that the data that you pass to lazy is compared by value because there is no other way to do it. This means that you should be more careful when you use it with large data structures, and it won't work with values that contain functions. There is one advantage though. When using elm-lang/html, laziness doesn't work if you calculate values on the fly:

-- ( a, b ) === ( a, b ) is always false
Html.Lazy.lazy fn ( a, b )

Since elm-components compares by value, it will still work as expected. An ideal solution might be to add some sort of shallow equality function to Elm which would compare tuples, records and simple union types by value, but things like Lists and Dicts (recursive union types?) by reference.

You can experiment with the following code and see in your console when the App or the Counter is recalculated:

module App exposing (Container, app)

import Components exposing (Component, send, slot, x1)
import Components.Html exposing (Html, div, input, text)
import Components.Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import Counter exposing (counter)

type alias Container =
    Components.Container State Msg Parts

type alias State =
    { value : String

type Msg
    = UpdateValue String

type alias Parts =
    { counter : Counter.Container

app : Component Container m p
app =
        { init = \_ -> ( init, Cmd.none, [] )
        , update = \_ msg state -> ( update msg state, Cmd.none, [] )
        , subscriptions = \_ _ -> Sub.none
        , view = \_ -> view
        , parts = x1 Parts

init : State
init =
    { value = ""

update : Msg -> State -> State
update msg state =
    case msg of
        UpdateValue newValue ->
            { state | value = newValue }

view : State -> Html Msg Parts
view state =
        _ =
            Debug.log "" "App has been recalculated"
    div []
        [ counter |> slot ( .counter, \x y -> { y | counter = x } )
        , input [ onInput (send << UpdateValue) ]
        , div [] [ text state.value ]

If you do this, you can see that when you change the counter, the App's view is not executed even though we don't use laziness there. elm-components is actually smart enough to not recalculate everything even without laziness. See the next section for more details.

There are some more issues/limitations of laziness that you should be aware of:

  • As being said, you can't use it with values that contain functions. This includes Signals and Html.
  • Don't use laziness around components directly for now because you can run into this bug: Wrapping them in a div should help.
  • Don't change the function you pass to lazy dynamically. Consider the following:
type alias Parts =
    { ...
    , form : Lazy.Container State

view state =
    case state.route of
        RegistrationRoute ->
            Lazy.lazy registrationForm state
                |> slot ( .form, \x y -> { y | form = x } )

        LoginRoute ->
            Lazy.lazy loginForm state
                |> slot ( .form, \x y -> { y | form = x } )


elm-components can't compare functions by reference so it won't be able to detect the change. Use different slots instead:

type alias Parts =
    { ...
    , registrationForm : Lazy.Container State
    , loginForm : Lazy.Container State

view state =
    case state.route of
        RegistrationRoute ->
            Lazy.lazy registrationForm state
                |> slot ( .registrationForm, \x y -> { y | registrationForm = x } )

        LoginRoute ->
            Lazy.lazy loginForm state
                |> slot ( .loginForm, \x y -> { y | loginForm = x } )

  • Don't pass anonymous functions to lazy since it's very easy to introduce bugs with them for the same reason as above. Again, the VirtualDom package is able to compare those functions by references so it disables laziness in such cases and saves you from silly mistakes. elm-components can't do this.
  • Currently lazy blocks are cached on the level of the component inside which they are rendered (not where they are registered in the Parts type). This means that if you change the place where they are rendered during the update (for example, if you pass it to some Layout mixed component and then move it to AnotherLayout), it will be invalidated and recalculated.
  • Since elm-components uses Html.Styled under the hood, using lazy on a node will prepend a style element to its children if you style it with elm-css which can break your markup.

What About Performance?

This library might not be the best choice for animation-heavy apps (yet?), but it should be possible to achieve good performance for the most of use cases. I've spent quite a lot of time optimizing it, and there is still room for further optimizations. I don't have any benchmarks, so I'm going to explain how it works under the hood a bit so that you can see what to expect.

Imagine a tree of components:

Component tree

Once initialized, all components are cached in a bunch of Dicts by their IDs. Now let's say an event occurs inside the component (8). Here's what happens:

  1. elm-components maintains a Dict ComponentId ParentId of component locations so, once a message is received, it's able to quickly find a path to the target component. In our case, the message will be routed to the component (3) and then to the component (8).
  2. The update function of the component (8) will be executed and its view will be recalculated. This is important: your views are executed inside update of your program because elm-components needs to collect all rendered components, whereas libraries like elm-lang/html can do it entirely inside requestAnimationFrame. It should be okay for regular user interactions but it's harmful for animations. There is still a way to achieve good performance for animations though: more on this later.
  3. Now elm-components needs to recalculate other components that may be affected by the change to the state of the component (8). Since the state can only be passed down the tree, the part of the tree above the component (8) can't be affected by that change, so it can be leaved untouched entirely. On the other hand, descendants of the component (8) will be invalidated, their onContextUpdate messages will be processed (if they register one) and their views will be recalculated unless they are located inside lazy blocks whose inputs haven't changed (also, new components that were added to the tree will be initialized). Let's imagine that laziness is used around component (12):

Component tree update

  1. All updated state, commands and signals will be lifted up to the top-level component. At this point some cleanup will be made destroying data associated with components that were removed from the tree. Next, all collected signals will be processed the same way as described above potentially accumulating more signals among the way. The process will be repeated until there are no more signals. This means that some unnecessary view calculations will be made (only the last version of the view after this process will be rendered), but again, this shouldn't be critical except in the case of animations.
  2. The update will be finally completed. The Elm runtime will now execute the subscriptions function of your program where subscriptions of all components will be collected (this is a matter of folding over cached components and doing Sub.batch).
  3. Finally, the view function of your program will be executed and your UI will be rendered (possibly not immediately due to requestAnimationFrame from what your animations will benefit). At this point views of all your components will be already built and cached, so there is no need to execute them again. Here things like calculating hashes of your styles, converting your component tree into VirtualDom.Node and diffing will happen. It's important to know that this process will be done for the entire tree except for places where you explicitly use laziness. It's theoretically possible to apply VirtualDom.lazy automatically for parts of the tree above the updated component like it's done for Html rebuilds, but elm-components doesn't do this, mainly because this may introduce style nodes in random places and break your markup (since it actually uses Html.Styled.lazy instead of VirtualDom.lazy directly).

As you can see, by using laziness and relying on the ability of elm-components to skip parts of the tree, you should be able to minimize what is re-rendered quite effectively. In an ideal world, it would be possible to determine the most minimal path of what should be re-rendered, but of course you won't be able to use laziness everywhere because of its limitations.

So what about animations? As been explained, nothing above the updated component is recalculated. This gives you a way for optimizing animations — extract them into separate components so that only a very small portion of view is recalculated every time the animation is updated. This should work great for isolated animations like effects inside buttons or a loading spinner, but of course you won't be able to use this technique for any kind of animation (imagine a page transition effect). You might still be able to use pure CSS for such animations though! It all depends on your requirements.

Future Plans

  • There are only a few basic tests for now. The first thing that needs to be done before any further big changes is writing more.
  • The underlying implementation of the library is quite complex. Maybe some work can be done to simplify things, potentially making more performance optimizations at the same time.
  • It should be examined whether it's possible to implement a "debug mode" recovering the import/export functionality of the debugger in the development environment. This may require changes to the debugger itself though.
  • It should be possible to make elm-components independent of what kind of UI it renders. This will allow to move the current Html/Svg implementation into a separate package and to experiment with alternative abstractions (for example, I have an idea of implementing a more type-safe Html/Svg package that would prevent you from mistakenly rendering invalid markup), or to integrate elm-components with libraries like mdgriffith/style-elements.
  • Executing views of components inside the update is a controversial decision and this is something I would like to change in the future, although I'm not yet sure how to avoid it.


A component-based approach to building UI in Elm

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Elm 100.0%