asimonia / ex_sandwich


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Sandwich Maker


These commands are a helpful quick start. You may choose to ignore them completely and create your own directory structure. If you choose to use this recommendation, just copy the commands below and paste. It doesn't matter what directory you are currently in.

mkdir -p ~/workspace/exercises/spa/sandwich && cd $_
touch index.html
mkdir javascripts && cd javascripts
touch SandwichMaker.js


Create a sandwich order form that allows the user to select all the ingredients for a custom deli sandwich. Create a Sandwich module, then create the following as individual modules, using IIFE syntax, to augment Sandwich:

  • bread
  • meat
  • cheese
  • condiments
  • veggies

Your project should have one HTML file that has:

  • a section of options for each sandwich part
  • the ability to select multiple, or zero, choices for each section (such as turkey and bacon, or "no meat")
  • an empty DOM element into which the final sandwich order and its cost will be inserted

The ingredient choices should be stored as JS objects that contain the ingredients as keys and their cost as the value. {"turkey": 0.90, "bacon": 1.50}

Make sure the ingredient objects cannot be accessed by the other modules except through an accessor (getter) method.

Each IIFE should expose, in its public interface, a method named add{ingredient} (e.g. addMeat or addVeggies) that accepts a single argument. That argument's value should be the ingredient selected by the user.

You should also create an additional JavaScript file that handles interacting with the form elements and determining which method should be called.

Don't worry about exposing the prices to the user until you display the final cost. This is just an exercise, not a business model.

Here's some simple boilerplate code to get you started.

var SandwichMaker = (function() {

  // Private variable to store the price
  var totalPrice = 0;

  // Return the public interface that other code can interact with
  return {
    addTopping: function(toppingPrice) {
      totalPrice += toppingPrice;
// This SandwichMaker IIFE augments the original one
var SandwichMaker = (function(maker) {

  // Private variable to store the different meat prices
  var meatPrices;

  // Augment the original object with another method
  maker.addMeat = function() {
    return ???;

  // Return the new, augmented object with the new method on it
  return maker;
// Variable to hold the final price. Default to 0.
var finalSandwichPrice = 0;

// Variable to hold topping that the user selects
var selectedTopping;

// Get a reference to the <select> element that has all the meat options
var meatChooser = document.getElementById("meat-chooser");

  A <select> element broadcasts a change event, so you listen for it
  and get the value of the topping from your augmented IIFE
meatChooser.addEventListener("change", function(event) {
  // Get the value chosen from the DOM
  selectedTopping =;

  // Determine the price of the topping chosen

  // Add the topping to the SandwichMaker to increase the total price




Language:JavaScript 84.1%Language:HTML 14.7%Language:CSS 1.2%