asilichenko / enigma

Enigma machine simulator + cipher breakers

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Enigma machine simulator


  • encode and decode Enigma messages with Enigma M3 and M4
  • find machine setting for enciphered message using Hill-climbing algorithm

Enigma machine models that were in use during WWII

# Model UKW Rotors Choice of rotors
1 Wehrmacht (Heer & Luftwaffe) B 3 5 normal
2 Wehrmacht (Heer & Luftwaffe) C 3 5 normal
3 Kriegsmarine M3 B 3 5 normal + 3 double notched
4 Kriegsmarine M3 C 3 5 normal + 3 double notched
5 Kriegsmarine M4 B thin 4 5 normal + 3 double notched + Beta + Gamma
6 Kriegsmarine M4 C thin 4 5 normal + 3 double notched + Beta + Gamma

Beta and Gamma could be placed aside the thin reflector only.

WWII Ciphering procedure


  • choose reflector and rotors
  • setup rings on the rotors
  • setup plugboard
  • select a random basic position (Grundstellung) for example 'EHZ'
  • select a random message key (Spruchschlussel) for example 'XWB'
  • set rotors in basic position 'EHZ'
  • encrypt message key 'XWB', for example got: 'TBS'
  • set rotors in message key position 'XWB'
  • encrypt message text, for example got: 'VJTLFJXWQFLT....'
  • split encrypted message in groups of 4 or 5
  • send message: 'EHZ TBS VJTLF JXWQF LT....'

See also

Hill-Climbing algorithm

There is Hill-Climbing algorithm implementation in module hill-climbing.

This algorithm was described by Geoff Sullivan & Frode Weierud.

My implementation contains few improvements that help save time:

  • reduce ring enumeration by varing enumeration step size
  • use preliminary result filter

Algorithm basic steps:

  • enumerate all reflectors and rotors
  • for each reflector and rotors set do
    • enumerate rings position of the right and middle rotors with step=2 (could be parametrised)
    • create thread
      • create Enigma instance
      • enumerate all rotor positions for all rotors
      • for each indicators set decipher message by Enigma instance and calculate fitness score as index of coincidence (IoC)
        • if this preliminary score is lower than some predefined threshold then skip this result
        • otherwise precompute all alphabet letters encipher for input text length steps - it's one more time saver for next steps
        • hill climb over plug pairs to find best plugboard setting


  • set Enigma rotors position
  • disable auto rotation
  • repeat this procedure input text length times:
    • encipher all alphabet letters with current setting
    • increment rotor setting

We got two-dimensional array: int[][] where each line is an all alphabet letters encryption at the step of line number:

      A    B    C    D
    ['X', 'Q', 'P', 'T', ...], // step 0
    ['V', 'H', 'A', 'N', ...], // step 1
    ... // text.length

'A' at step 0 is enciphered as 'X'
'B' at step 0 is enciphered as 'Q'
'A' at step 1 is enciphered as 'V'
'B' at step 1 is enciphered as 'H'

Hill climb over plug pairs:

  • repeat 10 times (or as many as plug pairs are used)
    • for each pair of left free letters repeat
      • put plug pair
      • decipher the message
      • calculate score using the proper fitness function according to logic
      • remove plug pair
    • choose plug pair with the highest score and put it

For long messages it's enough to use IoC for all plug pairs, but for short could be used next condition:

  • from the 1st pair to the 4th - use Unigram fitness function
  • from 5th to 9th - use Trigram
  • for the last one - use Tetragram

At this project IoC fitness function has been simplified for time saving reason:

  • original IoC: result = sum(histogram[i] * (histogram[i] - 1)) / (N * N - 1)
  • implemented: sum(histogram[i] * histogram[i]) - just remove all static parts.


  • histogram is the number of each of the alphabet characters in the text
  • N - text length

Notice: "X * X" is much faster than "Math.pow(X, 2)"

Other time saving optimisations:

  • this project does not contain lambda functions in crucial parts because they are time-costly
  • primitive array is much faster than List and Map
  • char type is smaller than int but all arithmetic operations auto converts char to int, so all methods work with int letters representation only (index of letter = letter code minus code of 'A')
  • rotors contain wiring of both directions: front and back; front is predefined, back is precomputed at the runtime from the front
  • Streams are too slow to use them in crucial sections, primitive for is much faster
  • parallel Streams are good enough but controlled multithreading was decided to be better choice here
  • special for search project was implemented "light" version of Enigma machine

How to use Hill-Climbing search

You will need HillClimbMain.

Stage 1 - obtain search parameters

Firstly - create sample text the same language as original message the same length.

Call the method calculateThresholds you will get two numbers:

  • test message score
  • score of enciphered test message without plugboard

Notice: you may choose any rotor setting as you wish.

Plain message score could be used to define early find candidate - just reduce this value for a one hundred or smth.

If program find result that has score above candidate threshold - it immediately inform you and continues searching.

Score of enciphered test message without plugboard could be used to cut off garbage (early known wrong results) - just reduce this value for a one hundred or smth.

With 10 plug pairs it's to hard to determine real desired result but it's possible to cut off some wrong results.

Don't be too greedy and don't setup thresholds too high.

For proper rotors and proper wiring positions the score is extremely high above average and this result keep holding for few adjacent ring positions, unfortunately this peek is extremely tight - just don't miss it.

Stage 2 - test searching on single rotor set

Next - test you message with searchForOneRotorSet method, it could take from 1m to 4m on Intel Core i5 100% loaded depending on text length.

Program should find correct plugboard (rings and indicators could be wrong because of ring stepping - just ignore it).

You could modify thresholds and ring steps if needed.

Stage 3 - run full search

Define ring steps, thresholds and how mane top results you need to see from each rotor set.

Call method searchForAllRotors.

You may customize method printResults to store all results to files.

*Notice: if you run search in JetBrains Idea keep in mind that its console holds 5k lines.

See also



GNU License LGPL v3.0


Enigma machine simulator + cipher breakers

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%