asianirish / AI-Ronaut

AI-Ronaut is an unofficial OpenAI GUI client, built with C++ and Qt, designed to simplify access to the OpenAI API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




This is an unofficial client QT based application with a graphical user interface (GUI) for interacting with the OpenAI API

To access the Openal API, this application uses our OAIC libraries. Currently, OAIC is part of the AI-Ronaut project and is distributed under the same license. In the future, we plan to create a separate project for OAIC and use OAIC as a static library subproject.


  • Qt development environment


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the project in the Qt development environment
  3. Build the project


After successfully building the project, you need to set an environment variable called OPENAI_API_KEY with the value of the key obtained from the OpenAI API.

Efficient Client-Side Computations

A distinctive advantage of our C++ client lies in its ability to handle intensive computations on the client side, independent of the OpenAI API. This allows for significant performance benefits, particularly for applications that require high computational power and efficiency. As we move forward, we plan to further optimize and enhance this feature, to provide an even more powerful tool for your AI development needs.



Our application now supports third-party plugins in the form of dynamic libraries, both for Linux and Windows users. These plugins allow for enhanced flexibility and can be used to extend the functionality of the program.

Creating a Plugin

To create a plugin, developers need to create a class that inherits from the IRootObject interface class and override its virtual functions.

Here is an example:

class RootObject : public QObject, public IRootObject
    Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.asianirish.IRootObject" FILE "ExamplePlugin.json")
    explicit RootObject(QObject *parent = nullptr);

    void doIt() const override;

    PageWidget *createPageWidget(QWidget *parent) const override;

    plg::Info pluginInfo() const override;



Registering and Using a Plugin

To use a plugin, you first need to register it with the application. This can be done using the Register Plugin command, which copies the plugin file and records information about the plugin (title, description, author, plugin version, and plugin file hash code) in a database.

After registering the plugin, the application will automatically verify its integrity at startup by checking its hash code. If the hash code in the database matches the hash code of the file, the application will open a tab with the plugin's widget.

Note: If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please feel free to raise an issue on our GitHub repository. We value your feedback and contributions.

Make sure that your plugins are compatible with the application's current version to avoid any potential issues.


This project is distributed under two licenses: the CC BY-NC-SA License and a commercial license. This means:

  1. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this project under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA License.
  2. If you plan to use this project for commercial purposes, you need to obtain a commercial license. Please contact us at for more information on the commercial license.

We aim to maintain the openness and accessibility of this project by providing the permissive CC BY-NC-SA License. However, we also understand that some organizations may be interested in commercial usage. We offer the option of a commercial license to provide additional support and development for the project.

Additionally, we offer paid customization of the software, including the development of new features based on your specific needs. For inquiries and more details, please reach out to us at


If you appreciate these services and would like to show your gratitude, you can support the project by donating through PayPal or by sending a direct bank transfer.

PayPal: Donate now

IBAN: PL 15 1050 1793 1000 0097 4489 2788
Authorised persons: RISHAT BEKMUKHAMEDOV

IBAN: PL 47 1050 1793 1000 0097 5843 2927
Authorised persons: RISHAT BEKMUKHAMEDOV

IBAN: PL 36 1050 1793 1000 0091 3841 5139
Authorised persons: RISHAT BEKMUKHAMEDOV

ETH: 0xC318401Feb332A2d906e19Bc2E20A0d3661c5250
BTC: bc1ql9f70c5ujukus24nzfrvpy29lz67urc80m7fp4
XX: 6WaZ4Mt7gVj5MxQ9gZEHDpyJ5Yp11SUWhHt77T3YuF8vbZyy
QRL: Q0105006c4cf1793f416e1858d607bcfb28b8b161b46d08da94c4d1eb3d151d3ddd5a8a13909d87


This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of individuals and organizations. If you find this project useful and wish to show your support, you can do so by making a donation.

The following individuals have made significant contributions:

[- Your Name or Nickname Could Be Here!]
[- Your Name or Nickname Could Be Here!]
[- Your Name or Nickname Could Be Here!]

If you'd like to support this project, please consider donating.


AI-Ronaut is an unofficial OpenAI GUI client, built with C++ and Qt, designed to simplify access to the OpenAI API



Language:C++ 96.9%Language:QMake 2.9%Language:Qt Script 0.1%