ashwinbhaskar / sight-clojure

Official Clojure client for the Sight API.

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This repository contains the official Sight API Clojure client. The Sight API is a text recognition service.


  1. Add this project as a dependency.


[sight "1.1.0"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn:

sight {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}


compile 'sight:sight:1.1.0


  1. Require or import the package. For example, add it to :require:
(ns my-namespace
  (:require [sight.core :as sight]))
  1. Grab an API key from the Sight dashboard.
  2. Create a client, passing your API key into the constructor, and recognize text:
    • One shot response

      (let [client (sight/->Client "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
            files  ["/user/foos/dummy.pdf"]]
        (sight/recognize client files))

      Response would look something like this

      {:pages [{:error "",
                :file-index 0,
                :page-number 1,
                :number-of-pages-in-file 1,
                :recognized-text [{:top-left-y 193,
                                   :bottom-right-y 243,
                                   :bottom-left-x 152,
                                   :top-right-x 500,
                                   :bottom-left-y 248,
                                   :top-right-y 188,
                                   :top-left-x 151,
                                   :bottom-right-x 501,
                                   :confidence 0.10092532855610954,
                                   :text "Dummy PDF file"}]}]}
    • Stream response

      You can also stream the response as they are returned.

      (let [client (->Client "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")]
      (->> (recognize-stream client (list "/Users/ashwinbhaskar/Downloads/flight-euro.pdf" "/Users/ashwinbhaskar/Downloads/dummy.pdf" "/Users/ashwinbhaskar/Downloads/flight-euro.pdf"))
          (run! process)))

      Caveat : Exceptions are not thrown if there is a an error fetching some pages. Instead, a failure is returned this. So your process function will have to check for failure . As an example

      (:require [failjure.core :as f])
      (defn process [pages]
        (->> pages
             (map (fn [p]
                    (if (f/failed? p)
                      (failure-func (f/message p))
                      (:recognized-text p)))))

      pages looks like this

       [{:error                   "",
         :file-index              0,
         :page-number             1,
         :number-of-pages-in-file 2,
         :recognized-text         [{:top-left-y     35,
                                    :bottom-right-y 47,
                                    :bottom-left-x  395,
                                    :top-right-x    449,
                                    :bottom-left-y  47,
                                    :top-right-y    35,
                                    :top-left-x     395,
                                    :bottom-right-x 449,
                                    :confidence     0.22863210084975458,
                                    :text           "Invoice"}]}]

`:file-index` is the index of this file in the original request's "files" array.

Word-Level Bounding Boxes

recognize has an additional signature with a third parameter, word-level-bounding-boxes. If it's true then word-level bounding boxes are returned instead of sentence-level bounding boxes. E.g.,

(sight/recognize client (list "invoice.pdf" "receipt.png") true)
(sight/recognize client (list "invoice.pdf" "receipt.png") true)

Official API Documentation

Here is the official documentation for the Sight API.

Apache V2 License

This code is licensed under Apache V2.0. The full text of the license can be found in the "LICENSE" file.

Lead Maintainer



Official Clojure client for the Sight API.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%