ashwanisingh8713 / KMP-LRU

This project is a simple image caching application that loads images from the network and caches them in memory. Supported platforms: Android, iOS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Memory Image Caching Compose Multiplatform Application

This project is a simple image caching application that loads images from the network and caches them in memory.

Supported platforms: Android, iOS.

Please make sure, before running the project:

  • JDK 17 or higher on your machine
  • Android Studio Iguana 2023.2.1 or higher
  • Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin installed in Android Studio
  • file set a path to Android SDK
  • To run the application on iOS, you need to have Xcode installed on your machine.

About the Source Code Detail

  • I created a separate imageCaching module for image caching logic to make it reusable for other projects.
  • The project is built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) and uses Jetpack Compose for UI.
  • The project is divided into 4 modules:
    • imageCaching - This is Image Caching shared module library that contains the core logic of the image caching
      • imageCaching/commonMain - Shared code for Android and iOS,
      • imageCaching/androidMain - Android Image Decoder,
      • imageCaching/iosMain - iOS Image Decoder .
    • composeApp/commonMain - Shared app code for Android and iOS,
    • composeApp/androidApp - Android specific code,
    • iosApp - iOS specific code.

Code Architecture

  • CLEAN & MVVM architecture pattern.
  • SOLID Principles.
  • The project uses Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous programming.
  • Repository pattern is used to abstract the data layer.

Used Techs

Handled Use Case

  • The application loads images from the network and caches them in memory.
  • The application displays a grid of images.
  • Network error handling and retry mechanism.
  • Image loading indicator.
  • Image placeholder.

Compose Unit Tests

  • The project contains compose unit tests for the composeApp module.
  • Android - To Run simulator UI tests: ./gradlew :composeApp:pixel5Check
  • iOS - To Run simulator UI tests: ./gradlew :composeApp:iosSimulatorArm64Test


  • To build, run ./gradlew :composeApp:assembleDebug
  • find .apk file in composeApp/build/outputs/apk/debug/composeApp-debug.apk
  • Android simulator UI tests, run ./gradlew :composeApp:pixel5Check
  • Android Screenshot


  • To run, iosApp/iosApp.xcproject in Xcode and run standard configuration
  • iOS simulator UI tests: ./gradlew :composeApp:iosSimulatorArm64Test
  • iOS Screenshot


  • Unsplash loads maximum 30 images on each request, so the gallery will show only 30 images.
  • As of now the application does not have a pagination feature.
  • API Key is hardcoded in the project, it should be stored in a secure place. If I would have not kept in the project, you would not be able to run the project directly.


This project is a simple image caching application that loads images from the network and caches them in memory. Supported platforms: Android, iOS.


Language:Kotlin 77.9%Language:Swift 22.1%