ashwani-cse / product-service-api

A microservice which provide API to create product with Category in Database. In this microservice, i have implemented exceptional handling and API validation.

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product-service-api Microservice

This repository contains a Spring Boot project named product-service-api. The project is built using Maven and includes controllers, a repository, a service, and exception handling.

Table of Contents


The project consists of a Spring Boot application with the following components:

  1. Main Application Class: ProductServiceApiApplication

    • Entry point for the application.
    • Annotated with @SpringBootApplication.
  2. Controller Class: ProductController

    • RESTful controller handling product-related requests.
  3. Aspect Class: CategoryController

    • RESTful controller handling category-related requests.

Project Structure


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Build the project:

    mvn clean install -U

-U: It is a optional to update snapshots and releases. 3. Run the application:

mvn spring-boot:run
  1. Access the API:

    Open a web browser or a tool like Postman and make a GET request to http://localhost:8080/products/.

SQL Queries executed

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS product_service_flywaydb;
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS product_service_flywaydb_user IDENTIFIED BY 'product_service_flywaydb_pass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON product_service_flywaydb.* TO product_service_flywaydb_user;

Make some security changes before exposing application to user. Because you may be exposed to SQL injection attacks.

  • Command to revoke all the privileges from the user associated with the application:
     revoke all on product_service_flywaydb.* from 'product_service_flywaydb_user';
  • And give some necessary privileges to application to make changes to only data of the database.
     grant select, insert, delete, update on product_service_flywaydb.* to 'product_service_flywaydb_user';

When you want to make changes to the database:

  • Re-grant permissions.
  • Change the spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update
  • Re-run your applications.

Then repeat the two commands shown here to make your application safe for production use again. Better still, use a dedicated migration tool, such as Flyway or Liquibase.

OWASP Dependency-Check tool :

This is a popular open-source tool that helps identify project dependencies and check if they have known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities. To identify and report known vulnerabilities in the dependencies of a Maven-based project execute below command -

 mvn dependency-check:check 

Note: Use the NVD API key for fast scanning.

If you see any vulnerability, try to update with latest version of that dependency. In this project i found vulnerability with jackson-databind-core in 2.15.x versions. So i updated pom with dependency management with latest jackson-databind core version.

Note: for github use to commit/push and pull create a token from developer settings then in-place of password enter that token. Because from 2021, password has disabled for security reason.

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A microservice which provide API to create product with Category in Database. In this microservice, i have implemented exceptional handling and API validation.


Language:Java 99.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%