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Some notes on this site

The following are some notes to myself about how to work this site and create new content.

How to create a new note?

  • For each note create a dedicated folder for it in content/garden. The folder name should follow the following rules:
    • Only lowercase English letters and dash(-) are allowed.
    • Do not start with a dash.
    • Do not use multiple adjacent dashes.
  • Do not use the slug frontmatter property of a note to change its slug.
Why these rules: To make backlinks work as expected.

Backlink page information is fetched using get_page, which relies on the markdown file path derived from the permalink property. Since Zola 0.18.0(the latest version at the time of writing this page) lacks a property for obtaining the markdown file path directly, failure to follow the rules will result in inability to obtain the correct path from the permalink property, leading to build failure.

Post frontmatter

Optional extra meta tags

These should come in the extra section of note frontmatter. I have stolen the idea of status, importance and certainty from

  • status: Possible values:
    • draft
    • in progress
    • finished
  • importance: a 0 to 10 value from least important to very important.
  • certainty: Possible values:
    • certain
    • highly likely
    • likely
    • possible
    • unlikely
    • highly unlikely
    • remote
    • impossible
  • description: A description of the note, roughly between 150 to 160 characters. This is bascially for SEO.



You can use it to easily scale an image and embed it with some handy features, especially when you have a large image but need a smaller version for faster rendering. Let's explore its usage:

The only required parameter is name where you provide the image name located in your note's folder. So if you have a image in content/garden/my-pet/cat.png, you can embed it like below:

{{ img(name="cat.png") }}

It will embed the original image wrapped in a anchor element so that if you click on the image, it will open in a new tab(or window depending on how your browser treats _blank value of target attribue of anchors).

You have 4 optional parmeters for this shortcode. They are described below:

  • alt: This for setting the alt attribute for an image. If not provided no alt attribute is set by default. Example:
    {{ img(name="cat.png", alt="A cat trying to catch a fly") }}
  • scale: Default is 1. It allows you to easily resize the image maintaining it's aspect ratio. 1 means same as original size. For example to make an image half of it's original size, use a scale of 0.5:
    {{ img(name="cat.png", scale=0.5) }}
  • anchor: By default embeded images are wrapped in an anchor element referring to the original image when scale is 1 and when scale is not 1 the resized image is referred. You can stop using the wrappping anchor element by setting its the value to "none":
    {{ img(name="cat.png", anchor="none") }}
  • target: This is releated to the wrappped anchor's target attribute. If your image is wrapped in an anchor, then the default value of its target attribute is _blank. If you want to open the link in the current page use the value _self. In this case no target attribute is used because _self is the default value:
    {{ img(name="cat.png", target="_self") }}
    You can't use any other value for target. If you try, it's equivalent to using the _self value with this exception: if you use any falsy value like 0 or "" it will treated as _blank.


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