ashuhleyt / employees_and_departments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Employees and Departments


  • Fork this Repository
  • Clone YOUR fork
  • Compete the activity below
  • Push your solution to your fork
  • Submit a pull request from your repository to the turingschool-examples repository
    • Make sure to put your name in your PR!

Iteration 1

Use TDD to create an Employee class that responds to the following interaction pattern.

pry(main)> require './lib/employee'
# => true

pry(main)> bobbi ={name: "Bobbi Jaeger", age: "30", salary: "$100000"})
# => #<Employee:0x00007fdfd48af848...>

# => "Bobbi Jaeger"

pry(main)> bobbi.age
# => 30

pry(main)> bobbi.salary
# => 100000

pry(main)> bobbi.give_raise(5000)
# => #<Employee:0x00007fce46194788...>

pry(main)> bobbi.salary
# => 105000

Iteration 2

Use TDD to create a Department class that responds to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/department'
# => true

pry(main)> require './lib/employee'
# => true

pry(main)> customer_service ="Customer Service")    
# => #<Department:0x00007fce46993d58...>

# => "Customer Service"

pry(main)> customer_service.employees
# => []

pry(main)> bobbi ={name: "Bobbi Jaeger", age: "30", salary: "100000"})
# => #<Employee:0x00007fce46194788...>

pry(main)> aaron ={name: "Aaron Tanaka", age: "25", salary: "90000"})  
# => #<Employee:0x00007fce46a610a0...>

pry(main)> customer_service.hire(bobbi)

pry(main)> customer_service.hire(aaron)    

pry(main)> customer_service.employees
# => [#<Employee:0x00007fce46194788...>, #<Employee:0x00007fce46a610a0...>]

pry(main)> customer_service.expenses
# => 0

pry(main)> customer_service.expense(100)

pry(main)> customer_service.expense(25)    

pry(main)> customer_service.expenses
# => 125

Iteration 3

You have been contracted by the State of Colorado to create a software system that can track its yearly budgets. Use TDD to create a Budget class that adds the following functionality: (You may choose to add additional methods not listed here to help you build this functionality.)

  1. Each budget has a year, as well as a way to read that data
  2. A budget can list all of its departments
  3. A budget can list all departments with expenses less than $500
  4. A budget can list all employees' salaries
  5. A budget can list all departments and their current expenses
Method Name Return Value
year integer representing year (ex:2023)
departments Array containing Department objects
add_department(department) up to you
departments_with_low_expenses Array containing Department objects
employee_salaries Array containing each Employee's salary (which should be integers)
current_expenses_by_department Hash where keys are Department objects, and values are that Department's current expenses



Language:Ruby 100.0%