ashrakt amin's repositories
create route and controller and return format API response with data using Trait , API resource , Implementing JWT authentication , Custom Auth Middleware ,
Laravel Chat Using Pusher - Database Schema and Migrations - Eloquent Models and Relationships - Back-end Controllers and Routes - JavaScript and Realtime Messages Listener - jQuery AJAX request
Social Login with Laravel Socialite (Google , facebook , github)
calculator with laravel
Crud operation with laravel
Create Routes , Controllores , migrations Query builder , Eloquent ORM , models Validation In Controller One To One , One To Many , Many To Many Relationship Accessor , Mutator function Ui , Breeze , Jetstream Authentication packages Middleware Seeder , Factory Class Insert Data Using Tinker Delete , soft delete , Truncate methods Create Email Mailgun and Sending Mail With Markdown Using Laravel Built-in events , Create Custom Events And Listeners Notifications With Database Create Trait , Helpers Create Job And Updata Data With Queue File Storage System
-- Invoices Project using Laravel -- _ ui package for authentication _ spatie package to create permissions, roles, and users with assigned roles _ Mcamara - Laravel Localization package ,, allowing you to easily support multiple languages within your application. _fx3costa/laravelchartjs ,, Simple package to facilitate and automate the use of charts _ notification
Goutte, a simple PHP Web Scraper Goutte is a screen scraping and web crawling library for PHP. Goutte provides a nice API to crawl websites and extract data from the HTML/XML responses.
-a simple multiple-choice quiz system. teacher and would like to be able to quiz his students and evaluate them. - quiz time is ## minutes after this time student session for this exam will be expired - student can perform exam once time - after finishing exam , e-mail will send to admin , and Admin will resend email to student with score and result (Accepted or Rejected) - the quiz system should be private. Users including admins need to login to access the system. - A regular user should be able to login, take a test, and answer the questions then review a report of his answers with the correct answers and grade. -The admin should get an email when a test is finished. questions are multiple choices only and each question has 4 choices and one correct answer.
back end Laravel - Breeze package ->authentication - Translatable package -> store translations of your models into the database - Localization package -> allowing you to easily support multiple languages within your application. - crud operation for [ course - content -objective -language -team ] - database (migration - seeding) - Eloquent: Relationships ( One To Many - Many-to-many )
create an Auth modular with laravel using nwidart/laravel-modules package
a simple web site with HTML and CSS for selling plants
Upload Image and CRUD Operation With Laravel
A project to manage Companies and their Contact Persons and Generate API .
php 8 course's assignments in Elzero web school channel ...