ashrafkm / ervitis

resume profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 👋

Software Engineer & Software Architect & DevOps ❤️

Currently, working at X by Orange. The cloud telco for small businesses.

Love cooking, crossfit and craft beer. My first computer was an AMSTRAD:


Then I had an IBM Pentium 486DX2 with 20Mb of RAM!!

I began with PHP5, then Python2.5, Java, PHP again with some frameworks like Silex or Symfony2 & Python3, jQuery, NodeJS and vanilla javascript (and other frameworks like AngularJS or Angular), Scala and (finally?) Golang. I have used a lot of CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Travis, Circle, GoCD and Gitlab CI. Also, I have used Ansible, Terraform (little), Packer, Vagrant and Docker for building and hardening images and upload them into our AWS infrastructure. My favourite IDE is any product from Jetbrains. I think Git saved and is saving a lot of work, and I love working with it.


I'm still playing video games in my megadrive.

My superpower: I can speak Japanese (a little).

Reach me in LinkedIn.

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