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Documentation for Bubblechart()

Bubblechart can be utilized in order to generate packed bubble charts easily in d3.

To get started, it is necessary to ensure data is formatted correctly. Follow these steps to prep your data and create your own bubble chart!

Step 1: Create a javascript function that reads in data.

Step 2: Within that data, format the data by using map to create a new dataset. It is important in your map function to return your measure, id, and category. These will be the three values necessary to create a bubble chart. The measure will be the size of your circles, id will be the identifier in the dataset, and category will be the value that your bubbles will be grouped together by. An example would be

myData = {
            return {
                measure: d.x,
                id: d.y,
                category: d.category

Step 3: Then you can create the chart by creating a variable that stores BubbleChart(). Additional parameters on BubbleChart() that can be added are title, width, height, diameter, and text.

title: Sets the title of the chart. Takes in a string object and will place the title on top of 
    the chart. Default is 'Chart Title'.

width: Sets the width of the area for the chart (in pixels). Takes in a number of pixels to set
    the width. Default is 960px.

height: Sets the height of the area for the chart (in pixels). Takes in a number of pixels to 
    set height. Default is 500px.

diameter: Sets the diameter for the actual bubble chart within the width and height object.
    Takes in a number to set the diameter (in pixels). Default is 900px. 

text: Sets the label for your circles. Can be set to either your id, measure, or category. Once
    the user hovers over a circle, the label that has been set by the user will appear. Default
    is the id.
colorScheme: Sets the d3 color scheme for the chart. Default is set to 'schemeCategory20'.

    var bubble = BubbleChart();

Step 4: Create the chart by selecting the area in your html you want to generate the chart and calling datum() with your data from step 2, as well as a call() on your BubbleChart() variable. Ex.

    var chart ="#vis")



Language:JavaScript 77.2%Language:HTML 15.7%Language:CSS 7.1%