ashish3281 / DSA-1

TOPIC : Basic Question, Array [1D-2D], String, StringBuilder, Sorting .

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Pattern Question

Question 1 to 20 is Pattern question . You can access the question from the uploaded PDF


Number System Question

Question 21 to 26 is number system question

decimal to any base
any base to decimal
any base to any base
any base addition
any base substraction
any base Multiplication

Function Question

Question 27 to 40 is number system question

Is a prime number
Print all prime till N
Print Fibonanic till N
Count Digit in a Number
Digit of a Number
Reverse of a number
Inverse of a number
Rotate of a number
Gcd and Lcm
Prime Factorization of a number
The Curious Case of Benjamin Bulbs
Grading System
Print Z

Array Question

Question 41 to 53 is Array Based question

span of Array
Difference of two array
Reverse of an array
Rotate an array
Inverse of an array
Subarray Problem
Broken Economy
First Index and Last Index
Subset Of an array
Inversted Bar chart

2D Array Questions

Question 54 to 63 is Array Based question

2d Array Demo
Matrix Multiplication
Spiral Display
Exit point of a matrix
rotate by 90
Ring Rotate / Shell rotate
The State of wakand-2
Saddle price
Search in 2d array

2D ArrayList, String, StringBuilder Questions

Question 64 to 67 is Array Based question

ArrayList---Remove Primes 
String-- String compression , print all palindromic substring
StringBuilder-- print all permutation of a string


Question 68 to 97 is recursion Based question

   Basic Of Recursion
Print Decreasing
Print Increasing
Power Linear
Logrithmic Power
Print ZigZag
Tower Of Hanoi
   Recursion with Array
Display Array
Display Array (from last index)
First Index
Max of Array
    Recursion with ArrayList
Get Subsequence
Get KPC 
Get Stair Path
Get Maze Path
Get Maze Path with Jumps
    Recursion with on the way up
Get Subsequence
Get KPC 
Get Stair Path
Get Maze Path
Get Maze PAth with Jump
Print Permutation
Print Encoding
    Recursion with Backtracking
target sum
N Queen Problem
Knights turn


Question 98 to is Sorting Based question

Bubble sort
Selection sort
Merge two sorted array
Insertion Sorted
Merge Sorted
partiotion of an array
Quick Sort
Quick Select

Practice Question

Solve me first
Simple array sum
compare the triplet
a very big sum
diagonal difference
plus minus


TOPIC : Basic Question, Array [1D-2D], String, StringBuilder, Sorting .


Language:Java 100.0%