ashinn / qtools

Nicer versions of the classic unix command-line tools sort, join, grep, supporting tsv, csv and json

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A suite of tools for easily and scalably processing data in the spirit of the classic Unix utilities sort, join and grep. Whereas the classic utilities work only on TSV files, we also support CSV and JSON. Formats are inferred by default, with options to specify explicitly.

The current implementation in fact simply wraps the underlying Unix commands, translating fields and reformatting as necessary. For JSON support you need the jq command installed, and for CSV the Text::CSV Perl module.

Note the "q" prefix doesn't stand for anything in particular, mostly being chosen to avoid conflicts. You can think of it as standing for the "quarantine" during which it was written.


  • qsort [-f [spec1:]field1,[spec2:]field2,...] [sources...]
  • qagg [-o op] [-f field1,field2,...] [-e expr] [sources...]
  • qjoin [-f field1[=field2]] file1 file2 ...
  • qgrep [-f field1,field2,...] [-i] [-v] pattern [sources...]


qsort [-f [spec1:]field1,[spec2:]field2,...] [sources...]

Sorts the sources (default stdin) on the given fields, with successive fields as secondary sorts. Any field can be prefixed with a comparator specifier followed by a colon, where the specifiers are the same as the single charactor options used in GNU sort(1):

  • b - ignore leading blanks
  • d - consider only blanks and alphanumeric characters
  • f - ignore case
  • g - general numeric sort (handles decimals, scientific notation)
  • i - consider only printable characters
  • M - month sort (JAN < ... < DEC)
  • h - compare human readable numbers (e.g. 2K, 1G)
  • n - numeric sort
  • R - random sort (shuffle)
  • V - version sort
  • r - reverse the order (can be combined with other specifiers)

e.g. qsort -f name,rn:age

qagg [-o op] [-f field1,field2,...] [-e expr] [sources...]

Performs an aggregate operation "op" on the values of expr. If fields are provided they are used as a grouping and the input is sorted, otherwise the aggregate is over all data. The following operations are defined:

  • count - counts the number of records
  • sum - sums expr
  • avg - computes the arithmetic mean of expr
  • median - computes the median expr (non-scalable)
  • variance - computes the variance of expr
  • stdev - computes the standard deviation of expr
  • min - computes the minimum of expr
  • max - computes the maximum of expr
  • join - concatenates the values (non-scalable)

When joining the additional option "-j " is supported.

qjoin [-f field1[=field2]] file1 file2 ...

Joins the files on equal values of the given field and outputs the joined results. If the fields are named differently you can use the field1=field2 notation. More than two files can be joined.

qgrep [-f field1,field2,...] [-i] [-v] pattern [sources...]

Filters only records where pattern matches within any of the specified fields. ^ and $ anchors bind to the start and end of the field, not line, respectively.

Common Options:

  • -x, --format
  • -t, --separator
  • -S, --sorted
  • -h, --header
  • -I, --no-input-header
  • -O, --no-output-header

Header Inference

TSV and CSV files assume an initial header row by default, to enable named fields instead of fragile position counting. This header will be preserved on output and updated as necessary, e.g. combining multiple fields for qjoin or including the aggregated expression for qagg. Several options can be used to change this behavior:

  • -h, --header

Explicitly specify the field names, separated by commas. This overrides any names in the input.

  • -I, --no-input-header

Signifies that there is no header row in the input. If fields are referred to be name and this option is provided without explicit -h headers, then an error is signalled.

  • -O, --no-output-header

The default is to always output a header if available (either from the first row or -h). If this option is provided, the output header is omitted.


Nicer versions of the classic unix command-line tools sort, join, grep, supporting tsv, csv and json


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