ashemah / Generic-API-Client

A sample test client for the generic MyDesktop API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Sample cURL commands, Python, Perl and PHP code for connecting to MyDesktop's Generic API

Only approved integration partners can access this API. To find out more, please email

Changes to the API are published on Twitter -

Authentication Flow

Once you've become an approved integration partner, MyDesktop will supply you with a unique API Key. Every request must include a query string parameter api_key with your API Key. This is how we identify you as the partner accessing the API.

Office Based Authentication

Using a token from this authentication method will return the office's full data set

A System Administrator in the MyDesktop office will also need to allow you API access to their MyDesktop database. They will supply you with a unique Access Token. This token never changes for that office, unless they revoke and re-create the token.

User Based Authentication

Using a token from this authentication method will return a subset of the office's data, only what is accessible by this user

Any MyDesktop user can provide their username and password to be used as HTTP Basic Authentication details for the /login endpoint, which returns a unique Access Token.

If the user has Two Factor Authentication enabled:

  • The Access Token will not be returned by this initial connection
  • A message will be returned (to display for the user) stating an SMS has been sent to the user with the 2FA PIN
  • Make another /login call with the same username, and the entered 2FA PIN as the password
  • Assuming a correct PIN was entered, the user's Access Token will now be returned

Developers should not be storing user credentials during this method

Due to this flow, currently the User Based Authentication should only be used in instances where the user logs themselves in personally

This token will remain valid until the user changes their password, in which case it will be invalidated and need to be reauthenticated.

The Access Token

Now, you can use the Access Token to access the office or user's data. For example, you would call the /contacts endpoint, using the Access Token as the HTTP Basic Authentication username.

We recommend building logic in to your application to handle a 401 error.

Date/Time Format

Generally, the API returns the following format for Date objects:


e.g. 2016-04-28

and the following format for DateTime objects:


e.g. 2016-04-28T14:49:05

When sending date/datetime data to the API, you have the option to submit in these formats:


DateTime: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Please note that all times are 24-hour.

Rate Limiting

Please note that rate-limiting applies to this API. Integrators can inspect their current rate-limit status by inspecting the X-RateLimit-* response headers from any API request.

X-RateLimit-Limit: 15000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 14295
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1480639379

Because rate-limiting applies, we recommend that integrators cache responses where appropriate.

Image URLs

We recommend that integrators do not hotlink to image URLs present in API responses. The URLs are subject to change without notice. A local copy of each image should be fetched and stored by the integrator.

Tips and Tricks

Creating a listing enquiry form?

  • Ensure a property is linked to the contact note
  • Add an inspectiondate to the contact note if you wish for the enquiry to appear on the Vendor Report


[1.2] - 2017-02-07

  • Change in the way contact-property relationships are described.
  • It is now possible to attach a property to a contact as either 'vendor', 'owner', 'pastowner', 'purchaser', 'pastpurchaser' or 'tenant'.


A sample test client for the generic MyDesktop API


Language:Python 40.1%Language:Perl 32.9%Language:PHP 27.0%