ashayh / playa-mesos-centos

Remake of playa-mesos for centos

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Playa Mesos

This is rewrite of playa-mesos from ubuntu to centos 7

This guide is made for OS X, but may work with changes on Linux.

The Vagrant box image can be downloaded here:

Playa Mesos helps you quickly create Apache Mesos test environments. This project relies on VirtualBox, Vagrant, and an Ubuntu box image which has Mesos and Marathon pre-installed. The box image is downloadable for your convenience, but it can also be built from source using Packer.

This vagrant project will bring up 7 total VMs: 3 mesos masters and 4 slaves. Each VM uses 684MB of Ram, so you better have enough :) The 3 masters can also be converted to master + slaves

The definitions for the hostnames and IPs for these VMS exist in nodes.json

Vagrants hostmanager plugin will add hosts file entries in /etc/hosts This step may ask for your sudo password.

Once hosts entries are added, you can directly use the hostnames of the VMs in your local machine.


Quick Start

  1. Install VirtualBox or use brew to install virtualbox as shown below.

  2. Install Vagrant or use brew to install Vagrant as shown below.

  3. Install all required or optional tools, then clone this repository:

###### Use brew to install vagrant & virtualbox

# using brew is not required, you can install with your favorite method
brew tap phinze/homebrew-cask
brew install brew-cask
brew cask install vagrant
brew cask install virtualbox

###### these vagrant plugins are *required*
###### Note: hostsmanager adds hosts in /etc/hosts & ot may ask for a password

vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-share
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

# clone this repository
cd playa-mesos-centos
  1. Start the VMs, this will bring up 7 Vms sequentially:
vagrant up
  1. Connect to the Mesos Web UI on and the Marathon Web UI on

You may be redirected to the mesos master that is currently the 'leader' node.

There is an example tomcat app that can be deployed using Mesos.

To deploy that app, run the script, which will deploy 2 instances of tomcat on any 2 slaves.

You can then experiment with any of the mesos/marathon features like:

  • Kill tomcat from any slave and see it pop up again instantly, often on another slave.
  • Scale tomcat to 4 instances (the constraint in tomcat-testapp.json limits it to 1 instance per VM, which you can change)
  • Play with the various APIs.
  1. SSH to the VM
vagrant ssh
ps -eaf | grep mesos
  1. Halt the VM
vagrant halt
vagrant halt        # halt only one slave
  1. Destroy the VM
vagrant destroy
vagrant destroy     # destroy only one slave

Building the Mesos box image (optional)

  1. Install Packer

Installing Packer is not completely automatic. Once you have downloaded and extracted Packer, you must update your search path so that the packer executable can be found.

export PATH=$PATH:/path/where/i/extracted/packer/archive/
  1. Destroy any existing VM
vagrant destroy
  1. Build the Vagrant box image
# the build command will use run packer, which will use ```packer-virtualbox.json``` as input
# this json file has hard coded IP address. CHANGE it to your local machines main IP address
# The kickstart file can then be served over HTTP for example by python:

cd packer && python -m SimpleHTTPServer

# Optionally change the kickstart or the scripts run by packer to configure the new box
# then buile the box:
bin/build     # build the packer box
  1. Add the packer box to vagrant:
vagrant box add packer/builds/ --name playa_mesos_centos-7.1-virtualbox
  1. Change the default VM name in nodes.json, then start the VM using the local box image
vagrant up

The build is controlled with the following files:

For additional information on customizing the build, or creating a new profile, see Configuration and the Packer Documentation.


Similar Projects

  • vagrant-mesos: Vagrant provisioning with multinode and EC2 support

Author of this project:

Authors of the original playa-mesos:

VMware Support: Fabio Rapposelli (@fabiorapposelli)


Remake of playa-mesos for centos

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 93.7%Language:Ruby 6.3%