Alexander Segarra (asegarra1)


Geek Repo

Location:Syracuse, NY

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alexander Segarra's repositories


Haptic Feedback Cane for the Visually Impaired: A smart cane project integrating ultrasonic sensors, cameras, and haptic feedback to aid navigation. Developed by the 'Blind Boyz' team, this repository contains code, algorithms, and documentation for our senior computer engineering project focused on enhancing mobility for visually impaired users.



This repository contains the implementation of an AVL (Adelson-Velsky and Landis) Tree in C++. The goal of this assignment is to deepen understanding of tree data structures, particularly in how they manage balance and handle insertions and deletions.



This repository contains the implementation of a Red-Black Tree, a self-balancing binary search tree, in C++. The project demonstrates the intricate balancing operations that maintain the tree's properties after insertions and deletions, ensuring logarithmic time complexity in the worst case for search, insertion, and deletion operations.
