ascetic-yuanma / awesome-image-super-resolution

Paper list and implementation (codes and results) of CNN-based single image super-resolution.

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Paper list and implementation (training and testing codes & results) in an unified project of CNN-based single image super-resolution algorithms, inspired by Single-Image-Super-Resolution.

All the implementation results are compared with reported results in their papers. For implementation details (training and testing codes), please refer to [wiki].

Everyone is free to use the results for qualitative comparisons in your own work, I hope this repository can help you a lot! If you have any suggestions, please kindly send an e-mail to

Survey paper

[1] Anwar S, Khan S, Barnes N. A deep journey into super-resolution: A survey[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.07523, 2019. [paper]

Paper list and implementation results of PSNR-maximization algorithms

[1] Dong C, Loy C C, He K, et al. Image super-resolution using deep convolutional networks[J]. TPAMI, 2015, 38(2): 295-307.

algorithms & PSNR/SSIM Set5 Set14 B100 Urban100 Manga109
SRCNN[paper] 30.48/0.8628 27.50/0.7513 26.90/0.7103 24.52/0.7226 27.66/0.8580
implementation[[results]](to be filled) to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled

Paper list and implementation results of PI-minimization algorithms

[1] Ledig C, Theis L, Huszár F, et al. Photo-realistic single image super-resolution using a generative adversarial network[C]//CVPR. 2017: 4681-4690.

algorithms & PI/RMSE Set5 Set14 B100 Urban100 Manga109 PIRM-SR
SRGAN[paper] to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled
implementation[[results]](to be filled) to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled to be filled


Paper list and implementation (codes and results) of CNN-based single image super-resolution.

License:MIT License