asadparkar / Los_coders_hermanos_Hackdays-Sellular

This is a hackathon management system developed for Sellular Hackathon

Repository from Github https://github.comasadparkar/Los_coders_hermanos_Hackdays-SellularRepository from Github https://github.comasadparkar/Los_coders_hermanos_Hackdays-Sellular


This is a hackathon management system developed for Sellular Hackathon


Create a website that would allow organizers to create events, set up teams, and manage registrations.

It would also allow participants to register for events, join teams, and submit their projects for judging.

Participants can Easily form diverse and skilled teams for hackathon using team-building tools and collaborative platforms.

Participants can also apply for certain position and the developer who wishes to work with that person can directly contact via email id or contact no provided by the user on the profile page.

Organizers can efficiently plan, organize, and run successful hackathons with comprehensive management tools and support.

TECH stack used

This is a complete MERN stack project, which is one of the most popular and in-demand ways of creating a web app Frontend:

• React.js

• Tailwind CSS

• Chakra UI

• Axios

• Redux 


• node.js

• express.js

• mongoose ( MongoDB)

• Express router

• Tools:

• Figma

• Postman

• Git

How to start the website


*vite needed (npm install vite)

1. cd frontend
2. cd sellular
3. npm install
4. npm run dev


*node.js required

1. cd backend
2. npm install
3. npm run dev



Backend + Backend hosted

Postman API Testing

*API for every feature we planned is ready for deployment.

Creating an account


*multi step sign up and profile filling page

Login Page

Home Page

image Screenshot (997)

image image

Organizer Side

Creating new Hackathon Event

image image

Once the user posts the hackathon event, the user can explore it in the Hackathon section.

Managing Applications for the Hackathon

Organisers can reject or accept applications.

Participant Side

Register to a Hackathon

Application is sent to the organizer.

User can also view their status for the ongoing application.

Find team members

User can view other peoples profile.

Application to find team members

image image



The password has been encrypted.

Database for creating an event

Applicants Database for the Hackathon

Applicant Database

Accepted Applicants Database


This is a hackathon management system developed for Sellular Hackathon


Language:JavaScript 99.7%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:CSS 0.1%