asaadsaad / SD500-collaborative-git

MSD - SD500 - Collaborative Git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SD500 - Collaborative Git

Practice with all the local repository commands from the slides:

  1. git init
  2. git status
  3. git diff
  4. Create .gitignore file, and notice how it works
  5. git add
  6. git commit
  7. git log
  8. git tag
  9. git branch
  10. git switch
  11. git merge
  12. Create a conflict and solve the conflict

Practice with all the remote repository commands from the slides:

  1. Create a remote repository
  2. git clone
  3. git remote
  4. git push
  5. git fetch
  6. git pull

Practice with all the third party repositories commands from the slides:

Assume we are working with the following upstream

  1. Star the repository
  2. Watch the repository for any changes
  3. Fork the repository
  4. Clone your forked repository into your local machine
  5. Create a new topic branch using studentId-studentName format, For example: 610001-JohnSmith
  6. Switch to your new branch
  7. Add a new file with your fullname, example: JohnSmith.ts
  8. Commit the changes
  9. Merge your studentId-studentName branch with the main branch
  10. Push your changes to your remote repo
  11. Create a new Pull Request to the upstream repo

What to submit?

Write down all of the commands you tried in a new file, stage and push it.


Get familiar with the Markdown syntax (Headers, Bold, Code, Unordered List, Links)


MSD - SD500 - Collaborative Git