aryanpingle / Summer-Of-Code-2023

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Google Summer of Code, 2023

Google Summer of Code - Improving the Squoosh Web App

Project Goals

  • Adding a Modal component to display verbose information to the users
  • Providing explanations for each codec's parameters
  • Adding the Quite OK Image Format to Squoosh
  • Updating existing image codecs
  • Improving the documentation for existing image codecs

What I Accomplished

Adding a Modal component to display verbose information to the users

I created a Pull Request (PR) that's currently in-review.

Providing explanations for each codec's parameters

I plan to explain these parameters to the user via the new Modal component... so this will be pending until I finish the Modal PR.

Adding the Quite OK Image Format to Squoosh

Successfully added it to Squoosh! I plan on writing a detailed blog on this blazingly fast new image format, so stay tuned for that.

Updating existing image codecs

I created a PR to update the AVIF codec, which is currently in-review. Thanks to Wan-Teh Chang, it's nearly complete and will (hopefully) be merged soon.

Improving the documentation for existing image codecs

Squoosh's codec workflow is as complex as it is robust. I plan to include a short guide to adding your own codec to Squoosh, within the QOI Blog.

What I Learnt

  • Always clear your caches.
  • It's not just alright to ask for help - it's paramount to becoming a better developer.
  • Communication is key! Keep your mentors informed, and make sure to run your ideas past them. More often than not, they will guide you to better ones.
