arvindarvee / web-dev-study-guide

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Web Development Study Guide

The following are free courses

They are ordered and included in a convenient checklist.


Intro to Programming(Epicodus)

(Pre-Work) Getting Started at Epicodus

(Pre-Work) Getting Started with Intro to Programming

(Week 1) Git, HTML and CSS

(Week 2) JavaScript and jQuery

(Week 3) Arrays & Looping

(Week 4) Object-Oriented JavaScript

(Week 5) Team Week


(Pre-Work) Getting started with CSS

(Week 1) Moving forward with CSS

(Week 2) Responsive design

(Week 3) Sass

(Week 4) Beyond the basics

(Week 5) Team Week


(Pre-Work) Getting Started with JavaScript

(Pre-Work) Introduction to JavaScript

(Week 1) Modern JS Apps

(Week 2) Ember JS

(Week 3) Angular JS

(Week 4) Angular Extended

(Week 5) Team Week


(Pre-Work) Getting Started with Java

(Pre-Work) Java Basics

(Pre-Work) Java Applications

(Pre-Work) Java Branching and Looping

(Week 1) Behavior-Driven Development with Java

(Week 2) Web Applications in Java

(Week 3) Database Basics

(Week 4) Advanced Topics in Java

(Week 5) Team Week


(Pre-Work) Getting Started with Android

(Pre-Work) Introduction to Android

(Week 1) User Interface Basics

(Week 2) Web Service Backends and Custom Fragments

(Week 3) Data Persistence

(Week 4) Gestures, Animations & Flexible UIs

(Week 5) Independent Capstone Projects

Internship and Job Search

Internship Process

Preparing to apply for jobs

Preparing for job interviews



Front End Development Certification

  • HTML5 and CSS(5 hours)
  • Responsive Design with Bootstrap(5 hours)
  • Gear up for Success(20 minutes)
  • jQuery(3 hours)

Basic Front End Development Projects(50 hours)

    • Get Set for our Front End Development Projects
    • Build a Tribute Page
    • Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage
  • Basic JavaScript(10 hours)
  • Object Oriented and Functional Programming(2 hours)

Basic Algorithm Scripting(50 hours)

    • Get Set for our Algorithm Challenges
    • Reverse a String
    • Factorialize a Number
    • Check for Palindromes
    • Find the Longest Word in a String
    • Title Case a Sentence
    • Return Largest Numbers in Arrays
    • Confirm the Ending
    • Repeat a string repeat a string
    • Truncate a string
    • Chunky Monkey
    • Slasher Flick
    • Mutations
    • Falsy Bouncer
    • Seek and Destroy
    • Where do I belong
    • Caesars Cipher
  • JSON APIs and Ajax(2 hours)

Intermediate Front End Development Projects(100 hours)

    • Build a Random Quote Machine
    • Show the Local Weather
    • Build a Wikipedia Viewer
    • Use the JSON API

Intermediate Algorithm Scripting(50 hours)

    • Sum All Numbers in a Range
    • Diff Two Arrays
    • Roman Numeral Converter
    • Wherefore art thou
    • Search and Replace
    • Pig Latin
    • DNA Pairing
    • Missing letters
    • Boo who
    • Sorted Union
    • Convert HTML Entities
    • Spinal Tap Case
    • Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers
    • Sum All Primes
    • Smallest Common Multiple
    • Finders Keepers
    • Drop it
    • Steamroller
    • Binary Agents
    • Everything Be True
    • Arguments Optional

Advanced Algorithm Scripting(50 hours)

    • Validate US Telephone Numbers
    • Record Collection
    • Symmetric Difference
    • Exact Change
    • Inventory Update
    • No repeats please
    • Make a Person
    • Map the Debris
    • Pairwise

Advanced Front End Development Projects(150 hours)

    • Build a JavaScript Calculator
    • Build a Pomodoro Clock
    • Build a Tic Tac Toe Game
    • Build a Simon Game
  • Claim Your Front End Development Certificate(5 minutes)

Data Visualization Certification

  • Sass(5 hours)
  • React(5 hours)

React Projects(200 hours)

    • Build a Markdown Previewer
    • Build a Camper Leaderboard
    • Build a Recipe Box
    • Build the Game of Life
    • Build a Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game
  • D3(5 hours)

Data Visualization Projects(200 hours)

    • Visualize Data with a Bar Chart
    • Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph
    • Visualize Data with a Heat Map
    • Show National Contiguity with a Force Directed Graph
    • Map Data Across the Globe
  • Claim Your Data Visualization Certificate(5 minutes)

Back End Development Certification

  • Automated Testing and Debugging(15 minutes)

Node.js and Express.js(20 hours)

    • Manage Packages with npm
    • Start a Node.js Server
    • Continue working with Node.js Servers
    • Finish working with Node.js Servers
    • Build Web Apps with Express.js
  • Git(3 hours)
  • MongoDB(3 hours)

API Projects(150 hours)

    • Get Set for our API Development Projects
    • Timestamp Microservice
    • Request Header Parser Microservice
    • URL Shortener Microservice
    • Image Search Abstraction Layer
    • File Metadata Microservice
    • Dynamic Web Application Projects(250 hours)
    • Get Set for our Dynamic Web Application Projects
    • Build a Voting App
    • Build a Nightlife Coordination App
    • Chart the Stock Market
    • Manage a Book Trading Club
    • Build a Pinterest Clone
  • Claim Your Back End Development Certificate(5 minutes)

Video Challenges

  • Computer Basics(2 hours)
  • The DOM(30 minutes)
  • JavaScript Lingo(1 hour)
  • Chrome Developer Tools(1 hour)
  • Big O Notation(30 minutes)
  • Accessibility(0 hours)
  • Agile(0 hours)
  • Computer Science(0 hours)
  • Data Visualization(0 hours)
  • Embedded and Internet of Things(0 hours)
  • Game Development(0 hours)
  • Gamification(0 hours)
  • Machine Learning(0 hours)
  • Math for Programmers(0 hours)
  • Mobile JavaScript Development(0 hours)
  • DevOps(0 hours)
  • Software Engineering Principles(0 hours)
  • Statistics(0 hours)
  • Tools(0 hours)
  • User Experience Design(0 hours)
  • Visual Design(0 hours)

Full Stack Development Certification

Nonprofit Projects(800 hours)

    • Greenfield Nonprofit Project #1
    • Greenfield Nonprofit Project #2
    • Legacy Code Nonprofit Project #1
    • Legacy Code Nonprofit Project #2
    • Claim your Full Stack Development Certification

Coding Interview Preparation

Coding Interview Training(70 hours)

    • Soft Skill Training
    • Critical Thinking Training
    • Whiteboard Coding Training
  • Mock Interviews(10 hours)


Full Stack Web Development



Front End

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Responsive Design & Bootstrap
    • JavaScript Basics
    • Advanced JavaScript Topics
    • Algorithms & Data Structures with JavaScript
    • jQuery & AJAX
    • React
    • Common Interview Questions

Back End

    • Node.js
    • Express Framework
    • Node.js Modules
    • MongoDB & Mongoose
    • Heroku

Challenges(Do them in JavaScript and Java)

Additional Material



You Don't Know JavaScript


OpenStax Math

Bonus: Challenges



    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • SQL

30 Days of JavaScript


  • 01 - JavaScript Drum Kit
  • 02 - JS and CSS Clock
  • 03 - CSS Variables
  • 04 - Array Cardio Day 1
  • 05 - Flex Panel Gallery
  • 06 - Type Ahead
  • 07 - Array Cardio Day 2
  • 08 - Fun with HTML5 Canvas
  • 09 - Dev Tools Domination
  • 10 - Hold Shift and Check Checkboxes
  • 11 - Custom Video Player
  • 12 - Key Sequence Detection
  • 13 - Slide in on Scroll
  • 14 - JavaScript References VS Copying
  • 15 - LocalStorage
  • 16 - Mouse Move Shadow
  • 17 - Sort Without Articles
  • 18 - Adding Up Times with Reduce
  • 19 - Webcam Fun
  • 20 - Speech Detection
  • 21 - Geolocation
  • 22 - Follow Along Link Highlighter
  • 23 - Speech Synthesis
  • 24 - Sticky Nav 24 - Sticky Nav: reset index and sty
  • 25 - Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once
  • 26 - Stripe Follow Along Nav
  • 27 - Click and Drag
  • 28 - Video Speed Controller
  • 29 - Countdown Timer
  • 30 - Whack A Mole

Optional Paid Courses

HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition

Part I: Creating the HTML Foundation
  • Chapter 1: Sound HTML Foundations
  • Chapter 2: It’s All About Validation
  • Chapter 3: Choosing Your Tools
  • Chapter 4: Managing Information with Lists and Tables
  • Chapter 5: Making Connections with Links
  • Chapter 6: Adding Images, Sound, and Video
  • Chapter 7: Creating Forms
Part II: Styling with CSS
  • Chapter 1: Coloring Your World
  • Chapter 2: Styling Text
  • Chapter 3: Selectors: Coding with Class and Style
  • Chapter 4: Borders and Backgrounds
  • Chapter 5: Levels of CSS
  • Chapter 6: CSS Special Effects
Part III: Building Layouts with CSS
  • Chapter 1: Fun with the Fabulous Float
  • Chapter 2: Building Floating Page Layouts
  • Chapter 3: Styling Lists and Menus
  • Chapter 4: Using Alternative Positioning
Part IV: Client-Side Programming with JavaScript
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with JavaScript
  • Chapter 2: Talking to the Page
  • Chapter 3: Decisions and Debugging
  • Chapter 4: Functions, Arrays, and Objects
  • Chapter 5: Getting Valid Input
  • Chapter 6: Drawing on the Canvas
  • Chapter 7: Animation with the Canvas
Part V: Server-Side Programming with PHP
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started on the Server
  • Chapter 2: PHP and HTML Forms
  • Chapter 3: Using Control Structures
  • Chapter 4: Working with Arrays
  • Chapter 5: Using Functions and Session Variables
  • Chapter 6: Working with Files and Directories
  • Chapter 7: Exceptions and Objects
Part VI: Managing Data with MySQL
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with Data
  • Chapter 2: Managing Data with MySQL
  • Chapter 3: Normalizing Your Data
  • Chapter 4: Putting Data Together with Joins
  • Chapter 5: Connecting PHP to a MySQL Database
Part VII: Integrating the Client and Server with AJAX
  • Chapter 1: AJAX Essentials
  • Chapter 2: Improving JavaScript and AJAX with jQuery
  • Chapter 3: Animating jQuery
  • Chapter 4: Using the jQuery User Interface Toolkit
  • Chapter 5: Improving Usability with jQuery
  • Chapter 6: Working with AJAX Data
  • Chapter 7: Going Mobile 883
Part VIII: Moving from Pages to Sites 909
  • Chapter 1: Managing Your Servers 911
  • Chapter 2: Planning Your Sites 933
  • Chapter 3: Introducing Content Management Systems 953
  • Chapter 4: Editing Graphics 977
  • Chapter 5: Taking Control of Content 995
