arunthep / ProjectCylon

Selenium Automate Testing Example

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Selenium Automate Testing Example


Windows Platform

  1. install vc redist (Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package)

  2. install python 2.7 (

  3. add path to python 2.7 and scripts and openssl (C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages;)

  4. install pywin ( select latest build and select correct python version)

  5. install python setuptool (

  6. easy_install pip

  7. pip install selenium

  8. pip install behave==1.2.2 NOTE: do not use version 1.2.3 or above -- there is an issue with Thai language.

  9. pip install colorama

  10. extract ansicon and run ansicon -i (check 32 / 64 bits version)

  11. Git clone ProjectCylon

  12. Install Thai Font for CMD

    • extract
    • install font Courmon.ttf to windows fonts folder
    • run ThaiLangInDOS.reg
    • restart machine
    • run cmd windows and set font to courier mono thai and set font size to 24
  13. Make Python able to run Thai

    • edit C:\Python27\Lib\

    • find the following 2 rows and comment them out:

      • #if hasattr(sys, "setdefaultencoding"):
      • #del sys.setdefaultencoding
    • create file at C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages with the following content

      • import sys
      • reload(sys)
      • sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")
  14. Change Language for non-Unicode program to Thai (Region and Language -> Administrative -> Language for non-Unicode program)

  15. Restart machine

How to install on Unix / Mac

  1. sudo easy_install pip
  2. sudo pip install behave
  3. sudo easy_install selenium
  4. git clone

How to use on window

  • clear all .py files in \pageobject\ (except init)
  • edit csv files in \pageobjectdefinition\
  • run GenAllPageObject.bat
  • run CheckElements.bat to check pageobject
  • edit features file in \features\ (format and example:
  • edit steps file in \features\steps\
  • run RunBDDColor.bat to check test

How to use on Unix / Mac


Selenium Automate Testing Example
