artursniegowski / News_API

News_API is a program that makes use of the free online News Api ( The retrieved data will be visualized in an interactive matter. (Python 3.10.4 , requests, pygal, unittests)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


News_API is a simple program that makes use of the free online News Api ( and based on our search we will retrive the data and visualizatize it in an interactive matter with python Pygal package. It also includes simple python unittests for error checking.

Program was developed using Python 3.10.4 , requests, pygal , and a virtual environment. Everything is included in the repository (including the virtual enviroment ).

To run the program you have to run the file and adjust the .env.example file. First change its name, from .env.example -> .env and you have to obtain a api key from . After registering you will have your individual API_KEY that you need to use in your .env file.

The file "requirements.txt" includes all the python packages that need to be installed to run this game

A file NEWS_HEADLINES.svg (showing all the results in an interactive way) will be created in the data folder which is best to open with a webbrowser.

Command line info:


Output with all the headlines:



News_API is a program that makes use of the free online News Api ( The retrieved data will be visualized in an interactive matter. (Python 3.10.4 , requests, pygal, unittests)


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%