artur-simon / mini-project-product-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple project using NET.Core EntityFramework and GraphQl to enable an API with CRUD functionalities.

I took a code-first approach, so the DB should be configured to reflect the given context.

GraphQL.NET SDK uses the builder pattern to configure the required GraphQL services.

I intented on making a repository layer to decouple the database but found this and so i took it back.

Installing and running

clone repository

git clone

install framework

cd .SimpleProjectProduct/

dotnet restore

edit .appsetings' ConnectionStrings to reflect the local MSSQL, execute a migration command in the project folder

dotnet ef database update

run project framework

dotnet run


I used mostly Postman or Altair to run queries, using the given sintax:

Select: { product { estoque, nome, preco } }

Create: mutation { create(nome: "Green Fruits", preco: 1.2, estoque : 123) { id } }

Edit: mutation { edit(id: 12, nome: "Green Fruits", preco: 1.2, estoque : 123) { nome, preco, estoque } }

Delete: mutation { delete(id: 12) { id } }


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%