arthurvr / iron-elements

Core elements

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Basic building blocks for creating an application. Most of the iron elements were previously named the core elements, when compatible with the "Developer Preview" version of the Polymer library.


Elements in progress

  • iron-list - the upgraded version of a virtualized infinite list, previously named core-list. ETA: Couple weeks.

Elements planned

Elements we're planning on building soon but haven't started yet

  • iron-label - still looking for the right way to bring what used to be core-label into the 1.0 world.

Elements not planned, notably

Elements we're not planning on building as part of this product line, but that one might be wondering about

A number of elements existed as core elements that are not in this product line:

  • core-action-icons - This wasn't really an element, and wasn't particularly heavily used.
  • core-animation - The animation-related elements that were part of core will be created as part of the neon product line.
  • core-docs - Deprecated: use iron-doc-viewer.
  • core-drag-drop - Not currently working on.
  • core-dropdown and core-dropdown-menu - These were confusing UI to have in core, so we've moved them to the paper element set for now and made them easier to customize. More on the thought process behind this change in the blog.
  • core-focusable - This has been re-implemented using Polymer behaviors - see for example the paper-radio-button-behavior in paper-behaviors.
  • core-item - This had UI opinion, so was re-implemented as paper-item.
  • core-layout - We're working on more stable, consistent layout elements.
  • core-overlay - This is re-implemented as a behavior, in iron-overlay-behavior.
  • core-popup-menu - This element wasn't particularly of unique value, so we're putting it away for now.
  • core-scroll-header-panel - This had UI opinion, so it's been moved to paper-scroll-header-panel.
  • core-splitter - This element was relatively trivial, so we've put it off for now.
  • core-style - This element is not useful with Polymer's new styling system. Check out the latest docs for more.
  • core-tooltip - This will become paper-tooltip.
  • core-menu - This had UI opinion, and will become paper-dropdown-menu.


Core elements