arthurkirkosa / templatehelperz

Drupal - Module: templatehelperz

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Drupal 7 - Module: templatehelperz


$templateVar = field2var($vars, $node);
$vars = [
    'type' => '',             // image, images, term, text, list, array_list, ingrediente, vimeo_embed, vimeo_url
    'field' => '',            // name of the field (field_image, field_tags...)
    'style' => [
        'preset' => '',       // name of the image style (200x100, 366x133...)
        'width' => '',        // width
        'height' => '',       // height
    'class' => '',            // class for each element (default: none)
    'no_container' => false,  // the container that holds all the elements (default: tag -> ul, class -> galerie clearfix)
    'container' => [
        'tag' => '',          // DOM tag for the container (default: ul)
        'class' => '',        // class for the container ( default: galerie clearfix)
    'no_wrapper' => false,    // the wrapper for each element (default: tag -> li, class -> item)
    'wrapper' => [
        'tag' => '',          // DOM tag for the wrapper of each element (default: li)
        'class' => '',        // class for the wrapper of each element (default: item)
    'og' => false,            // set the og:image meta tag in the head
    'link_to' => [
        'href' => '',         // link tag for each element to link to a specified url (include http://)
        'rel' => '',          // rel attribute for the link tag
        'target' => '',       // target attribute for the link tag
        'style' => '',        // link tag for each element to link to a specified image preset style (200x100, 366x133, full...)
    'separator' => [
        'value' => '',        // separator char for terms (default: none)
        'tag' => '',          // separator wrapper DOM tag (default: li)
        'class' => '',        // separator wrapper class (default: separator, class item is added each time)
    'label' => [
        'value' => '',        // adds an element at the begining of the list with the set value (default: none)
        'tag' => '',
        'class' => ''
    'properties' => [
        'name' => 'value'     // adds custom properties to the item


Drupal - Module: templatehelperz