arthurhenning / tivity


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

####UPDATE: there'a problem in the angular-google-maps module, I suggested a fix (angular-ui/angular-google-maps#196 (comment)) , it should be in the works, up until that point, you might experience some issues when getting the plugin from bower.


tivity is a small mobile application made with Angular and all the best and latest 'good practices'.

The app itself serves like a small location aggregator near your location based on your preferences.

The challenge here is to make it as lightweight as possible and to try and get a near to native performance out of it on different mobile devices.

You can access the webapp directly on (have to do something about the naming). The domain is linked to a heroku app wich has the production folder from this repo, builds are updated automagically to the domain.

The concept

Not yet ready from prime time

Conceptual details

Not yet ready from prime time

Technical Details

Not yet ready from prime time

For the tinkerers


I installed protractor for tests.


You might run into some trouble on Windows machine with bower. To use Bower on Windows, you must install msysgit ( correctly. Be sure to check the option "Run Git from the Windows command prompt."

To have everything up and running:

  • you must be running a local server

  • install NodeJS

  • clone and run the project

$ git clone git://
$ cd tivity
  • node package manager will install globally grunt-cli, the cli command line for grunt, karma for testing and bower web package manager
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
  • npm install will get all the dependencies from package.json, this dependencies are for the build/deployment system of the project
$ npm install
  • bower install will run the contents of bower.json to install all the necesarry libraries for the project in the newly created vendor folder
$ bower install
  • now we can run the project in different combinations:
  • grunt will create a development build that will be placed in the build folder
  • grunt watch --force will create a build and watch for any file changes in the src folder and rebuild the entire project in the build folder
  • grunt compile will create a production version of the project, minifying all the templates and JavaScript, compressing CSS into 3 files and one folder placed in bin and production/views folder. We will have the index file, ONE Javascript file containing everything minimized (even the partials/templates are converted to JS Code), one CSS file and the assets.
  • after you run grunt watch, grunt will make a build directory, setup a vhost to that with the following rules:


<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName tivity.local
    ServerAlias tivity.local.*
    DocumentRoot "/your/path/tivity/build"
        <Directory "/your/path/tivity/build">
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
            RewriteEngine on

            # Don't rewrite files or directories
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
            RewriteRule ^ - [L]

            # Rewrite everything else to index.html to allow html5 state links
            RewriteRule ^ index.html [L]

/etc/hosts       tivity.local
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ sudo a2ensite tivity.local
  • now you can test the page in your browser, or if you have you can quickly create a link to see it on your device.
  • if you don't have a local server and you just want to run the node production:
  • run grunt compile
  • cd to the production folder
  • run npm install to run/fetch NodeJs's dependencies
  • run the NodeJS server with node server.js
  • open localhost:8080 in your preferred browser

Voila! Instant gratification code soup

I also implemented beautiful (read: normal) links, as I will TOTALLY not support any version on IE lower or equal to 10 (if you choose to see it with that). This is for mobile devices only, most of which already support HTML5.

Build System

  • incoming description



License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:JavaScript 69.9%Language:CSS 30.1%