artem-malko / pug-inheritance

Reduce compilation time for Jade files by understanding inheritance.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is fork of Paul Young's jade-inheritance lib migrated to new Pug parser (former Jade).


Build Status

Reduce compilation time for Pug (Jade) files by understanding inheritance.

The problem

When a Pug (former Jade) template is modified, there is no way of knowing how that change has affected the rest of a project. Other files that have extended or included the modified file also need to be compiled.

As a result, common practice is to compile all template files to ensure that everything is up to date. This does not bode well for rapid development since files are unnecessarily being compiled and this can take a long time on a large project or if the use of inheritance and mixins is pervasive.

The solution

Use pug-inheritance to determine which files in a project extend and include modified files, and only compile those that are affected.

An example

var PugInheritance = require('pug-inheritance');
var inheritance = new PugInheritance('foo.jade');

Inheritance tree



  "foo.jade": {
    "extendedBy": {
      "bar.jade": {
        "includedBy": {
          "baz.jade": {}
    "extendedBy": {
      "qux.jade": {}

Dependant files




Integration with grunt-contrib-jade

// Gruntfile.js
  watch: {
    jade: {
      files: [
      tasks: [
      nospawn: true
  jade: {
    compile: {
      options: {
        basedir: 'app',
        pretty: true
      files: [{
        expand: true,
        src: 'app/**/*.jade',
        dest: 'assets/',
        ext: '.html'

var PugInheritance = require('pug-inheritance');
var changedFiles = [];

var onChange = grunt.util._.debounce(function() {
  var options = grunt.config('jade.compile.options');
  var dependantFiles = [];

  changedFiles.forEach(function(filename) {
    var directory = options.basedir;
    var inheritance = new PugInheritance(filename, directory, options);
    dependantFiles = dependantFiles.concat(inheritance.files);

  var config = grunt.config('jade.compile.files')[0];
  config.src = dependantFiles;
  grunt.config('jade.compile.files', [config]);

  changedFiles = [];
}, 200)

grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {


  • options.basedir = 'app'

    Defines the root, from where pug-inheritance starts to scan for all *.jade files in all existing folders within the basedir.

    var options {
      basedir: 'app'
  • options.extension = '.pug',

    Defines the used file extension. This option was integrated because of the conversion of Jade to Pug. If you allready use *.pug as file extension you can leave this option aside, but if you still use *.jade you need to set this option.

    var options {
      extension: '.pug' // Default is '.pug'
  • options.skip = 'node_modules'

    If you are using the root folder options.basedir = '.' to process your *.jade files, you have to skip node_modules. Because of dependant PUG-packages which may contain test files, that may cause errors during the compile. This option accepts a string or an array.

    var options {
      // as string
      skip: 'node_modules',
      // or as array
      skip: ['node_modules', 'some_other_folder']

    If you want to set this global, you are able set this option also into your package.json. But watch out, this will be overwritten by setting this option directly to the pug-inheritance object.

      "skipInheritances": [


$ npm install -g pug-inheritance

Command line usage

$ pug-inheritance --help



$ npm run-script build


$ npm test

Possible concerns

Currently, pug-inheritance depends on its own version of Pug to parse templates. Since pug-inheritance does not offer compilation, this must be done using other tools which may use a different version of Pug (Jade).


Reduce compilation time for Jade files by understanding inheritance.

License:MIT License


Language:CoffeeScript 54.8%Language:JavaScript 45.2%