arslanugur / projects

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# Project List

 - Analyzing Netflix Data on DataCamp
 - Calculator (JS, Py)
 - Advanced Calculator (Java)
   The mother of all projects: How to create Graphical User Interface App
   Java: JavaFX, Swing
   Python: Tkinter
 - Text-to-Speech
 - Talking Dictionary
 - Mad Libs Generator
 - Number Guessing Game (Java)
 - Casino Number Guessing Game (C++)
 - Color Guessing Game (JS)
 - Interactive Map (JS)
 - Calendar (C)
 - Text-Based Adventure Game
 - Dice Rolling Simulator
 - Hangman
 - Tic-Tac-Toe
 - Sudoku (C++)
 - Audio Video Converter
 - Unit Converter (m, kg, ft, C etc.)
 - Contact Book
 - Real-Time Chat (Java)
 - E-Mail Slicer
 - Binary Search Algorithm
 - Desktop Notifier App
 - Python Story Generator
 - Youtube Video Downloader
 - Youtube Data Mining (List from Like, Dislike, Number of Comments, Number of Seen)
 - Making GUI (Tkinter, PyQt, Kivi Libraries)
 - Making a Simple Portfolio Website (Django, Flask)
 - Spin a Yarn
 - What's the Word?
 - Rock, Paper, Scissors
 - Leap it!
 - FlipImage App (App Beginner)
 - Wallpaper Generator App (App Beginner)
 - Notes App (App Beginner)
 - Recipe App (App Beginner)
 - Find Out, Fibonnacci!
 - Countdown Clock and Timer (App Beginner)
 - Alarm Clock
 - Digital Clock (JS)
 - Authentication (JS)
 - Sidebar (JS)
 - Search Bar w Filter (Front-End Beginner)
 - Image Slider w Navigator (Front-End Beginner)
 - Shopping Cart (JS, Front-End Beginner)
 - Glassmorphism Design (Front-End Beginner)
 - Shop Management System
   Practice Databases and GUI
   Manage products from your shop. Add/Remove items, change the prices and taxes! Store all that inside a Database
 - Random Password Generator
 - Random Wikipedia Article
 - Reddit Bot
 - Python Command-Line Application
 - Steganography
 - Snake Game (C)
 - Pacman Game (C)
 - Currency Converter
 - Post-It Notes
 - To-Do App (Front-End Beginner)
 - Weather App
 - Virtual Private Network - VPN (Java)
 - Web City App (Java)
 - Data Visualization Software (Java)
 - Network Packet Sniffer (Java)
 - RSS Feed Reader (Java)
 - Story Generator
 - URL Shortener
 - Desktop Notifier App
 - Search Engine (Java, C)
 - Compiler (C)
 - Banking Application (C)
 - Airline Reservation System (Java)
 - Online Banking Management System (Java)
 - Student Database Management System (SQL)
 - Student Result Management System (Back-End Beginner)
 - Student Portfolio Website (Back-End Intermediate)
 - Centralized College Database (SQL)
 - College Website (Full Stack Dev Intermediate)
 - Hospital Management System (SQL) (Full Stack Dev Intermediate)
 - Railway System Database (SQL)
 - Payroll Management System (SQL)
 - Inventory Control Management System (SQL) (Back-End Intermediate)
 - Bus Reservation System (C)
 - Hotel Booking System (Back-End Intermediate)
 - Retail Management System
 - E-Mail Client Software (Java)
 - Employee Detail Portal w Searching Feature (Back-End Beginner)
 - Library Management System (Java, SQL, C) (Back-End Intermediate)
 - Kitap Envanter Sistemi
 - ATM Interface (Java)
 - Site Connectivity Checker
 - Directory Tree Generator
 - Speed Typing Test
 - Content Aggregator
 - Bulk File Rename/Image Resize Application
 - Python File Explorer (Rename, Date)
 - Plagiarism Checker
 - Web Crawler
 - Music Player
 - Price Comparison Extension
 - Expense Tracker
 - Regex Query Tool
 - Instagram Photo Downloader
 - Quiz Application/Game (Java, C, Front-End Intermediate, App Intermediate)
 - Survey App (Back-End Beginner)
 - Book Finder (App Intermediate)
 - Giphy's API to recreate Giphy (Front-End  Intermediate)
 - MemeMaker (Front-End  Intermediate)
 - String Art (Front-End  Intermediate)
 - Online Survey App (Java)
 - Online Learning Portal (Java)
 - IP Address Changer (Java)
 - Text Editor (Java)
 - User Sentiment (Py)
 - File Explorer (Py)
 - Twitter Bot (Py)
 - Stock Prediction (Py)
 - Desktop Notifier App (Py)
 - URL Shortener (Py)
 - Distance Calculator w Google API (Java)
 - Audiobook
 - Spell Checker (Py)
 - Instagram Automation
 - Chess Game (Java, Py, C++)
 - Twitter Bot
 - Item Catalog (Full Stack Dev Beginner)
 - Neighborhood Map Web Application (Full Stack Dev Beginner)
 - TapNews Web App (Full Stack Dev Beginner)
 - Event Webpage (Full Stack Dev Beginner)
 - Image Uploader (Full Stack Dev Beginner)
 - BookMyShow Clone (Full Stack Dev Intermediate)
 - Web Portal for Motor Servicing at Home (Full Stack Dev Intermediate)
 - File Sharing Website w Timer (Full Stack Dev Intermediate)
 - Youtube Clone (JS)
 - Amazon Clone (JS) (Full Stack Dev Advanced)
 - Online Shopping App (App Advanced)
 - Ecommerce Portal for Used Furniture Sales (Full Stack Dev Advanced)
 - Slack Clone (Full Stack Dev Advanced)
 - E-Voting Web App (Full Stack Dev Advanced)
 - Unsplash Clone (JS)
 - Multiplayer Game (JS)
 - CMS (JS)
 - Social Media (JS)
 - Dice Roller
 - JS Slideshow
 - Web Scraper
 - Meditation App (JS)
 - Expense Tracker (JS)
 - Pinpad (JS)
 - Virtual Keyboard/Keypad (JS)
 - Fake News Detection (JS)
 - Calorie Counter (App Intermediate)
 - Drawing App (App Intermediate)
 - Memory Game (JS)
 - Card-Memory Game (App Intermediate)
 - Match Score App (App Advanced)
 - News App (App Advanced)
 - Food App (App Advanced)
 - Food Delivery App (Full Stack Dev Advanced)
 - Document Scanner App (App Advanced)
 - Website
   Blog (HTML, CSS, JS)
 - Kredi Kartı Onaylayıcı (Luhn Algorithm)
 - User Login Information (Back-End Beginner)
 - Login Form w Google n Facebook (Back-End Intermediate)
 - Login System
 - Login Form w Authentication (Front-End Intermediate)
 - Professional Login and Registration Form
 - Chat App w Vue (Front-End Advanced)
 - Chat App w Facetime (Back-End Advanced)
 - A Website Change Detector using NodeJS (Back-End Advanced)
 - Amazon Clone
 - Backend of Ecommerce Website (Back-End Advanced)
 - Simple CRUD sites (Back-End Advanced)
 - API Integration n Workflow Automation (Back-End Advanced)
 - Movie Search app using React (Front-End Advanced)
 - Portfolio Website w Resume  (Front-End Advanced)
 - Schedule Maker Website (Back-End Beginner)
 - SoundCloud-like Audio Player (Front-End Advanced)
 - Personal Blogging Site (Front-End Advanced)
 - Real Time Model Training and Face Recognition
 - GUI E-Mail Sender
 - Movie Description
 - Restaurant Management System w Sending E-Mail 
 - Typing Master (PyGame)
 - KBC Game
 - Marketler için, kayıt tutan ve stok belirten otomasyon
 - Blood Donation Database (SQL) için otomasyon (Kan gruplarını ayıran, kimin kime kan verebileceği belirten)
 - Araba parçası satan firmalar için takip yapan otomasyon
 *Projelerde veritabanı bağlantılarını kullanmaya çalışmak bir artıdır.

AI Projects
 - T-Rex Dino Bot (Google) - to implement reinforcement learning - learns itself by making mistakes 
 - Next Word Predictor on visual keyboard
 - Movie Recommendation System
 - Music Recommendation App
 - Self-Driving Car
   - Indicate an optimal path on maps to the destination place
       (cost and time can be minimized)
   - Lane Line Detection Technique
       (Computer Vision techniques such as color thresholding to detect the lanes)
 - Face Detection - Count Number of Faces (Py)
 - Car Detection - Count Number of Cars (Py)
 - Automatic Attendance System 
       (by using a camera that automatically recognizes the faces and marks the attendance of the people)
 - Artificial Bot that can compete with humans
 - Chatbot (Py)
     - Building Chatbot using AIML
     - Price Negotiator E-Commerce Chatbot System
 - Fake Product Review Monitoring System
       (Fake or Genuine Product Review - Track the IP addresses)
 - Spam Classifier (Spam or Non-Spam based on the content of the email alone)
ML Projects
 - Handwritten Digits Recognition - PC App/Web App Development using tkinter and flask
 - Handwritten Character Recognition
 - Face Recognition using Support Vector Machine and principal component analysis
 - Predicting the risk of having heart disease using linear regression
 - Brain Tumor Detection using color segmentation w KMeans Clustering
 - Automatic Translation
 - Self-Driving Car
 - Traffic Prediction
 - Stock Price Prediction
 - Bitcoin Price Prediction
 - Web Search and Recommendation Engines
  - Movie Recommendation System
 - Online Fraud Detection
 - Medical Diagnosis
 - Text & Speech Recognition
 - Email Spam Filtering
 - Image Recognition
 - Visual Personal Assistants
   Introduction to Object Detection w Cascade classifier and 68 landmarks detection algorithm
 - Vehicle Detection and Count using cascade classifiers

DL Projects
 Part 1 - Intro to DL, Supervised DL, Intro to feed forward neural networks
 - Handwritten Digit Recognition (Web App Development using Flask w feed forward neural networks)
 - Intro to Convolution Neural Networks and Face Mask Detection w Convolutional Neural Network
 - Covid-19 Positive and Negative Detection Web Application w X-Ray Images using Convolutional Neural Networks
 - Custom Object Detection using TensorFlow Object Detection API
 - Building a Real Life Healthcare Chatbot and deploying in on Website
 - Building One Landing Page



Language:Jupyter Notebook 76.8%Language:CSS 12.5%Language:HTML 9.3%Language:JavaScript 0.7%Language:Python 0.7%