This repository is part of a University of Chicago course called "Computation for the Social Sciences" taught in the fall of 2020. It contains models for median college student debt data and also data with a subset of variables concerning attitudes towards racist professors from the General Social Survey, both from the US.
- scorecard.Rmd and gss-colrac.Rmd are Markdown files that renders written analysis of the data.
- contains charts and details about linear models of student debt data in the US.
- contains charts and details about classification models of attitutes towards racist professors in the US.
Used Libraries:
- To run the code in this repository, the libraries used were:
- library(tidyverse)
- library(rcfss)
- library(leaps)
- library(caret)
- library(ggplot2)
- library(knitr)
- library(broom)
- library(randomForest)
- library(partykit)