arran4 / vlc-xattr-plugin

A plugin for VLC to add "seen" to the `xdg.tags` list automatically when ever you watch anything

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

vlc xattr plugin

This is a plugin for VLC which adds the xattr tag 'seen' to the user.xdg.tags list anytime you watch a video.

% attr -g xdg.tags ~/Downloads/14⧸6⧸2024\ \[NU2402V166S00\].mp4
Attribute "xdg.tags" had a 4 byte value for /home/arran/Downloads/14⧸6⧸2024 [NU2402V166S00].mp4:


Currently for any system that supports setxattr and getxattr which AFAIK is just Linux, but Mac might, and Windows might via WSL. (It should be possible to port it.)

How to build it?

Currently I'm using: (To build and install)

cmake --build ./cmake-build-debug --target all -j 14 && sudo cp -vf "./lib/" "/usr/lib64/vlc/plugins/misc/"


  • VLC headers
  • Standard C Development Libraries for Linux
  • Cmake

How to use it

You will need to enable it in the settings once you have placed it in the correct directory:



A plugin for VLC to add "seen" to the `xdg.tags` list automatically when ever you watch anything


Language:C 80.2%Language:CMake 19.8%