arpith / rust-intro-ngw

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Rust 101

We're going to build a tiny HTTP client, and then use that to build a tiny multithreaded web scraper.

Our HTTP client is going to use the socket interface directly, bypassing Rust's standard library. This

You'll need Rust installed, which you can do by following the instructions at

This will install the Rust compiler and standard library, as well as the Cargo build and dependency management tool.

A word on docs

There are a couple of ways to get documentation for Rust packages, which are called crates. There's a publicly hosted site at with docs for all the crates (packages or libraries) on You can get a crate's docs by going to, which will redirect you to the latest version of its docs.

Alternatively, Cargo has a subcommand for building docs for your project and all its dependencies: cargo doc --open. This generates the docs, and then opens them in a browser. It's really handy to have all the docs for the libraries you're using in one place.

Setting up your project

Cargo can set up a project for you, including version control:

$ cargo new rust-ngw
     Created binary (application) `rust-ngw` project
$ cd rust-ngw
$ ls -a
./  ../  Cargo.toml  .git/  .gitignore  src/
$ cat src/
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Note it's created a skeleton project, including initilising a git repository. (If you prefer another version control system, check cargo new --help for docs on the --vcs flag.)

Now, if we run cargo run, it will bulid our binary and run it:

$ cargo run
   Compiling rust-ngw v0.1.0 (file:///tmp/asss)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.87 secs
     Running `target/debug/rust-ngw`
Hello, world!

Since we'll be using the nix library, let's add it to our project right away! Open up Cargo.toml, and this under [dependencies]:

nix = "0.10"

If you've used something like npm or bundler, Cargo plays a similar role: it manages dependencies, and figures out which versions to install and so on. We just told Cargo that we want nix at version 0.10.x.

If you run cargo run again, you'll see Cargo download and compile nix and its transitive dependencies.

A quick change to main

The default main doesn't return anything. Because we'll be doing all kinds of IO and network stuff that can fail, we want to signal this in our main functions's signature. So change it to return a Result, which is Rust's way of representing tihngs that might fail. So let's change fn main() to

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>

We'll get a chance to look at Result and Error in more detail later. For now let's just move on to...

Opening a TCP connection with sockets

To start off, we're going to learn a tiny bit about socket programming. A socket is an endpoint for communication. There are a bunch of different types, but the ones we're interested in here are TCP sockets.

First, we'll need to create a socket! This means we have to tell the OS what kind of socket we want. There are a couple of axes:

  • the address family, which for us will either be AF_INET (IPv4) or AF_INET (IPv6).
  • the type of socket, which for TCP sockets os SOCK_STREAM

The C function for creating a socket is socket() in the sys/socket.h header. The modules in the nix bindings mirror the layout of the C headers, so we can get it by

extern crate nix;
use nix::sys::socket::socket;

extern crate nix is telling Rust to bring the nix library in.

You can take a look at the docs for socket to see how to call it. To create a TCP/IPv4 socket, we'll pass AddressFamily::Inet as the address family, and SockType::Stream as the socket type. This means we need to use (ie import) those types as well, so change the use statement to

use nix::sys::socket::{socket, AddressFamily, SockFlag, SockType};

Now we can create the socket!

let sock = socket(AddressFamily::Inet, SockType::Stream, SockFlag::empty(), None)?;

To break this down, we're asking the OS to create a socket for us using the IPv4 address family, and with type stream, ie, a TCP socket. The SockFlag::empty() and None arguments are the flags and protocol options, and we don't need to set any here.

Great! Now, at this point, all we've done is create the socket. It's not currently connected to anything.

To connect to a server, we call the aptly named connect function, passing it the socket and an address to connect to:

let ip_addr = IpAddr::new_v4(1, 1, 1, 1);
let addr = SockAddr::new_inet(InetAddr::new(ip_addr, port));
connect(s, &sockaddr)?;

Building up the address is kind of tedious. That's what we get for bypassing the standard library!

Exercise. Open a TCP connection to port 80.

What's up with those question marks?

You might be wondering what the deal is with the ?s. They're a shorthand to say "hey we know this call might fail. If it does, just return the error immediately, and stop running this function."

Exercise. See what happens if you connect to an IP / port combo that isn't listening for connections. Eg. try port 123.

Reading from a socket: Star Wars in the terminal

To receive bytes from the socket, we need somewhere to put them. We'll use a 1024-byte buffer:

let mut buf = [0u8; 1024];

This defines an array with 1024 entries, all of which are 0u8, ie 0 as an unsigned 8-bit number, aka a byte.

Now we're ready to receive using [recv][docs-nix-recv]. We'll need to add it to the use statemnt up top. This function takes a flags argument, but we don't actually want to pass any flags, so we'll pass in empty flags.

let len = recv(sock, &mut buf, MsgFlags::empty())?;

recv returns the number of bytes it received and wrote into buf. So if we want just the newly received bytes, we can take a len-long slice of buf:

let new_bytes = &buf[..len];

To put this together, we're going to watch Star Wars Episode IV in our terminal! If we connect to at TCP port 23, we can have some fun.

But! We don't know how to turn a host name into an IP address yet. You'll have to look it up with dig or nslookup and hardcode the IP address. (Or, just take my word that it's!)

Exercise. Write a loop that repeatedly calls recv and then writes those bytes to stdout.

Hint. An infinite loop in Rust looks like this:

loop {
  // do stuff for a long long long long long time

Hint. Here's how to write bytes out to stdout:


(You'll need to use std::io up top to bring the IO module in, and use std::io::Write to bring in the write method.)

Writing to a socket, with some help from from a cat

Great, now we can connect out, and receive bytes. But we need to be able to make requests over th socket, so we'll have to be able to send bytes as well. The function that does that is send.

To help us see this in effect, we'll use netcat. For a quick demo, open up two terminals. In on of them, run

nc -lp 12345

This tells netcat to listen on port 12345. In the other one, run nc localhost 12345, which tells netcat to connect to port 12345 on your machine. You should now be able to type stuff in either terminal and have it show up in the other one. :-)

For our purposes, we'll just have the listening netcat. The role of the connecting netcat will be played by our program.

Exercise. Change your program to connect to port 12345, and write some bytes! They should show up in your listening netcat.

Hint. You can turn a string into bytes by writing mystr.as_bytes(), so pass something like "never graduate!".as_bytes() to send.

Time for a tiny bit of abstraction!

We've got a handy little set of tools now. We can

  • connect to a TCP address
  • receive bytes
  • send bytes

Let's extract this and package it up into a type with some methods. We'll define a struct! Here's a basic struct definition:

struct MyStruct {
    a_number: u32,
    a_string: String,

Now we can define some methods using an impl block:

impl MyStruct {
    fn print_it(&self) {
        for i in 0..self.a_number {
	    println!("{}", self.a_string);

    fn number(&self) -> u32 {

    fn set_number(&mut self, n: u32) {
        self.a_number = n;

Exercise. Define a TcpSocket struct, with one field fd of type RawFd. This is the type that socket returns: a raw file descriptor.

Exercise. Define a connect method that takes an IP and port, and returns a TcpSocket connected to them. Since this might fail, we'll have it return a Result type like main does. Here's a signature:

    fn connect(ip: [u8; 4], port: u16) -> Result<TcpSocket, Box<std::error::Error>> {
        // STUFF

Exercise. Add a recv method that takes a buffer and receives bytes into it, returning the number of bytes received. Here's a signature:

    fn recv(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Box<std::error::Error>> {
        // STUFF

The buf is &mut [u8] which means a mutable "slice" of bytes. The mut means that we can write bytes in there, which is needed to be able to put the bytes we receive there. :-)

Exercise. Add a send method that takes a buffer and sends bytes from it, returning the number of bytes sent. I bet you can figure out a signature for this!

Hint For sending bytes, we don't need to change the buffer, so you can leave off the mut!

Learning a bit about traits via Read and Write

Remember further up where we wrote use std::io::Write to be able to write to stdout? Write is the interface for... writing. There's analogous one for reading called Read. Both Read and Write are traits, which is Rust-speak for an interface.

To make our little fledgling socket wrapper interoperate with Rust libraries, we can implement Read and Write for it ourselves!

To implement a trait, you make a special impl block, and then defined the required methods.

impl SomeTrait for MyStruct {
    // Required method definitions here!

For Read and Write, these are

    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, io::Error>


    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, io::Error>


These signatures are really close to our own send and recv, so we can actually just implement them using the methods we already defined.

Exercise. Implement Read and Write for TcpSocket.

Hint The big difference is the error type. To get an io::Error, call `io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, error).

Exercise. Look up io::copy and go back to the Start Wars example and use it to replace the loop.

Making an HTTP request

All right, let's make an HTTP request! We're going to make some requests to, a super handy service for messing around with HTTP. Here's where we'll start:

"GET /get HTTP/1.1\r\n",

Exercise. Use your skillz to find an IP address for, and then use your TcpSocket to connect and send this HTTP request. Then io::copy the result to stdout.
