ARPIT MALIK (arpitfs)


Geek Repo



Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ARPIT MALIK's repositories


In this project there is a client which calls an API which needs to be authorised. The API is registered with active directory and needs to be authenticated with a token. The client will call the AAD using the application id, secret etc. from there it will get the token if all the details provided to aad is correct. Then after that api request is made with bearer token in the request header which will be validated by api and once it is validated the response is sent back.



This is a secured api which requires a token to get the data. The azure active directory is identity server for the api. The clients needs to be registered to azure too where it will provide the secret or the certificate thumbprint to azure to get the token which is the passed to headers in the api call. The token needs to be passed as a bearer token in the authorization header. The following sets needs to done to register the api to azure.



The project is a blackjack game which is created just using html,css, javascript. The project demostrates the basics of javascripts of how to create an object, working with arrays etc. The project also demostrates some stylings which is appliced and a logo is also added in the app. The project also used font awesome for the fonts.



This is a react application which is used to track and manage the monthly holidays of a team. The application is single page application which contains three parts the overview page, a form to apply the leave and a section to view the leaves of the team. In this project material-ui is used for the styling of the application. React-router-dom is used to redirecting the pages of the application. The firebase cloud store is used for the data storage.



A react application to play tic tac toe. It is demo to learn basic on how to create components and pass information between the components.



The project uses the material-ui for the styling of the application. It uses a firebase database to store the work and its progress. Basically the application helps to understand how the react works and how to integrate a react application with a database. In this application the use of hooks and database has been demostrated.



This is an demostration of integrating azure application insights with existing application. Read the documentation on [Medium](



This project is a demo of using Castle Windsor dependency injection container. The use of container and creating objects at the start of the application and defining the lifetime of an object. The project helps in understanding of dependency injection and the implmentation of a di framework.



This project is a demostration of a docker containers communication within a composed network. In this project there is one web api which is containerized in a docker container which communicates with sql server coantiner. The web api service is build using docker file where as sql server image is used to compose it. Docker compose is used to build is the images and create the network and injects necessory parameters to the respective conatiners.



The project is an identity server which has three endpoints to register the user, login the user and to get the refresh token. The user will get the jwt bearer token with authetication scheme. The token is signed with HmacSha256 algorithm. The code contains to add a custom claim to the payload of the token. Implementation of refresh token is also done.



The project demostrates how to create an sdk that can be used by the other service programatically. The project has used a package named Refit which gives an easy and impressive way for creating the kit.



This repository contains the docker-compose files for different types of applications start up. Currently the repository containers three composing files.



Smooth and fast cross platform Material Design date and time picker for React Native Paper



This is .net core mvc application the whole project was like this application is containerized in docker and hosted on Azure container instance. On hitting the buttons on UI a message is sent to ASB specifically to queue which is monitored by Azure function which picks up the message and send it to slack channel using incoming web hooks api



This is an api project which is a complete demostration of working and the functionality of api. The project core. The api contains two endpoints which do the operations on wwe superstar and managers. The api is used to do crud operations. The api communicates with a database and in the project entity framework code first approach is used.
