aroyrev / pp

the text preprocessor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The POSIX sh text preprocessor

pp is a shellcheck linted, script written in ~50 s.l.o. POSIX sh that expands inline macros - also written in shell. pp is a much simpler processor than the well-documented m4 without all the new commands and variables to learn. This program also adheres to the UNIX philosophy: doing one thing and doing it well, accepting stdin and writing to stdout. It is super easy and flexible to use, check out the examples.

Uses Include:

  • Preprocessing text files before their final compilation (e.g. pipe into pandoc pandoc pp | pandoc -o file.pdf) extending markdown to add anything that may appear in stdout.
  • Writing a book/website in markdown. Import text from different files, using a common header/footer while substituting relevant information (see examples)
  • Don't leave your editor, enter a command on a line in your file, in vim tap in the shortcut (see install) and it'll expand. !! which python expands to /usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin/python.
  • Create always up to date, dynamic text files. Want a date at the top of the file that is always correct? A short up to date git log statement? Enter the commands and every time pp is run on the file, the output is up to date.
  • Basically anything you do in the command line can automatically be filled in - in your text file.


This processor has one simple rule and three variables that together offer a large degree of flexibility.

Rule: Beginning a line with !! marks that the rest of the line (until newline) is a shell command to evaluate. The output then replaces the marked line when written to stdout.

Variables: $FILE, $line and $ln are preset variables when appearing on marked lines. $FILE is the name of the marked up file. $line is a variable containing the contents of the marked line after the initial !! and any whitespace that may follow. ln is the line number of the current marked command.


~$ cat
!! echo "word"
!! echo "${PWD}/${FILE}"
!! echo "$ln"

~$ pp

Use the manual man pp for more information.


Clone the repository and enter, then run the install script which will prompt you if the default install location is correct. Edit the file if need be for pp in your $PATH and pp.1 in your $MANPATH.

git clone
cd pp

To add a little Vim shortcut to open the expanded form in a new vim window when you type <leader>p run:

echo 'nnoremap <leader>p :w! \| !pp % \| vim -<Enter>' >> $HOME/.vimrc


Import text? Use cat.

To import an html body, body.txt, and title an html document with the name of the file home.html, the input file would look like:

!! echo "${FILE##*/}"
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
!! cat "body.txt"

the output of pp home.html is then,

<h1>Hello World!</h1>
Lorem ipsum,
dolor sit amet.

Want output in the middle of a line? Use xargs.

Format the output of your line by using xargs -0 into a printf command. Where your %s is, your previous outputs will appear. With printf remember to put a newline at the end.

!! command | xargs -0 printf 'foo %s bar\n'

Want to keep your command in the line? Use echo &&.

To keep the command line (e.g. on line 42) when run, begin your command with:

!! echo '!! '"$line" && command

Make sure the exclamation marks aren't in double quotes where in shells the have a different meaning.

Want comments in your markdown file? Use !!#

The shell will ignore whatever is between a # and a newline.

!!# This is a comment and will only be visible before processing

Want to chain multiple preprocesses together? Use pp.

There are three auxiliary texts {header,footer,body}.md and one main file, pp can be called from within to compile the auxiliary files before importing each one in the appropriate location.

~$ cat
title: MAIN
subtitle: Generated with pp
!! whoami | xargs -0 printf 'author: %s'
!! date +%F | xargs -0 printf 'date: %s'

~$ cat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque bibendum, urna sed posuere egestas, mauris erat finibus dui, at convallis odio mi non velit.

~$ cat
<center> [home](/ </center>
!! date +%Y | xargs -0 printf '<center> Copyright (C) %s - by me </center>'

and the main file

~$ cat
!! pp > header_${FILE}
!! cat header_${FILE}

!! echo "$FILE"
!!# This is a comment for the unprocessed file and will be
!!# removed by pp

This file
!! echo "(${FILE})"
is all about...

!! figlet "$FILE"


!! pp > body_${FILE}
!! cat "body_${FILE}"


!! tree --charset=ascii

* Past progress 

!! git log -5 --pretty="%h %ar %B"

* Tasks still left to do

!! task next

!! pp > footer_${FILE}
!! cat footer_${FILE}

By running the pp on it has already been specified in the text that pp will run on the auxiliary files before they are imported into the text. The result will look like:

~$ pp
title: MAIN
subtitle: Generated with pp
author: username
date: 2020-04-17

This file
is all about...

                 _                       _ 
 _ __ ___   __ _(_)_ __    _ __ ___   __| |
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | '_ \  | '_ ` _ \ / _` |
| | | | | | (_| | | | | |_| | | | | | (_| |
|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_(_)_| |_| |_|\__,_|


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque bibendum, urna sed posuere egestas, mauris erat finibus dui, at convallis odio mi non velit.



0 directories, 9 files

* Past progress 

b30905f 2 hours ago Added more latin

c8b0c4c 2 hours ago Made the copyright date automatically find the year

ca52330 4 hours ago Added a little figlet script

23326b7 4 hours ago Thought about adding figlet text

05b2007 5 hours ago Initial commit

* Tasks still left to do

ID Age Due  Description                             
-- --- ---- --------------------------------------------------
 5 9mo -8mo Is pp a good name for a program?? Answer soon
 1 11w      Start writing bash scripts not POSIX shell
 2 6mo      Go for a run
 3 4mo      Default task
            YAML header time
 4 4mo      Need to start thinking about use of fake latin in body

5 tasks

<center> [home](/ </center>
<center> Copyright (C) 2020 - by me </center>

All in a couple simple commands. Every time the command is run the output is up to date!

Submit a pull request for this README if you can think of a super cool use of this preprocessor.


the text preprocessor

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 59.0%Language:Roff 41.0%