arosh1909 / Leetcode

Record the process of Leetcode by GitHub

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Record the process of Leetcode by issue

Weekly Contest Date
Weekly Contest 162 11/10/2019
BiWeekly Contest 13 11/16/2019
Weekly Contest 163 11/17/2019
Weekly Contest 166 12/8/2019
Weekly Contest 167 12/15/2019
Weekly Contest 168 12/22/2019
Num Problem Level Topics Date
409 Longest Palindrome Easy Hash Table 10/25/2019
290 Word Pattern Easy Array Two Pointers Binary Search 10/25/2019
49 Group Anagrams Medium Hash Table String 10/27/2019
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Hash Table Two Pointers String Sliding Window 10/28/2019
187 Repeated DNA Sequences Medium Hash Table Bit Manipulation 10/29/2019
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard Hash Table Two Pointers String Sliding Window 10/30/2019
1237 Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation Easy Math Binary Search 10/30/2019
113 Path Sum II Medium Tree Depth-first Search 10/30/2019
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium Tree 10/30/2019
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium Tree Depth-first Search 10/31/2019
199 Binary Tree Right Side View Medium Tree Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search 11/1/2019
207 Course Schedule Medium Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search Graph Topological Sort 11/2/2019
70 Climbing Stairs Easy Dynamic Programming 11/2/2019
198 House Robber Easy Dynamic Programming 11/3/2019
53 Maximum Subarray Easy Array Divide and Conquer Dynamic Programming 11/4/2019
322 Coin Change Medium Dynamic Programming 11/5/2019
120 Triangle Medium Array Dynamic Programming 11/6/2019
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Hard Binary Search Dynamic Programming 11/8/2019
64 Minimum Path Sum Medium Array Dynamic Programming 11/9/2019
174 Dungeon Game Hard Dynamic Programming Binary Search 11/12/2019
200 Number of Islands Medium Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search Union Find 11/13/2019
1254 Number of Closed Islands Medium Depth-first Search 11/14/2019
127 Word Ladder Medium Breadth-first Search 11/15/2019
1255 Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters Hard Bit Manipulation 11/18/2019
1256 Encode Number Medium Bit Manipulation 11/22/2019
1260 Shift 2D Grid Easy Array 11/23/2019
1275 Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game Easy Array 12/5/2019
126 Word Ladder II Hard Array Breadth-first Search String Backtracking 12/5/2019
1276 Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients Medium Math Greedy 12/6/2019
473 Matchsticks to Square Medium Depth-first Search 12/7/2019
1283 Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold Medium Binary Search 12/8/2019
1282 Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To Medium Greedy 12/8/2019
1277 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones Medium Dynamic Programming Array 12/8/2019
1266 Minimum Time Visiting All Points Easy Array Geometry 12/10/2019
1267 Count Servers that Communicate Medium Array Graph 12/10/2019
551 Student Attendance Record I Easy String 12/11/2019
1268 Search Suggestions System Medium String 12/11/2019
1269 Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps Hard Dynamic Programming 12/11/2019
1287 Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array Easy Array 12/15/2019
1288 Remove Covered Intervals Medium Line Sweep 12/15/2019
1291 Sequential Digits Medium Backtracking 12/15/2019
1292 Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold Medium Array Binary Search 12/15/2019
1293 Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination Hard Breadth-first Search 12/17/2019
1286 Iterator for Combination Medium Design Backtracking 12/17/2019
1247 Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal Medium String Greedy 12/19/2019
1249 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Medium String Stack 12/20/2019
1250 Check If It Is a Good Array Hard Math 12/20/2019
785 Is Graph Bipartite? Medium Breadth-first Search Depth-first Search Graph 12/21/2019
143 Reorder List Medium Linked List 12/21/2019
876 Middle of the Linked List Easy Linked List 12/21/2019
206 Reverse Linked List Easy Linked List 12/21/2019
929 Unique Email Addresses Easy String 12/21/2019
824 Goat Latin Easy String 12/22/2019
970 Powerful Integers Easy Math Hash Table 12/22/2019
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy Tree Depth-first Search 12/22/2019
110 Balanced Binary Tree Easy Tree Depth-first Search 12/22/2019
1295 Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits Easy Array 12/23/2019
1296 Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers Medium Greedy Array 12/23/2019
1297 Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring Medium Bit Manipulation String 12/23/2019
1304 Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero Easy Array 1/10/2020
1305 All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees Medium Sort Tree 1/10/2020
1306 Jump Game III Medium Breadth-first Search Graph 1/10/2010


Record the process of Leetcode by GitHub