arongile / org-export

batch export of org-mode files from the command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


org-export: batch export of org-mode files from the command line


Emacs org-mode is a markup language for “keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents” - but most importantly (to me) it’s a platform for literate programming and reproducible research. Babel supports the creation of documents with interleaved code (eg, R, Python, shell, sqlite, elisp, etc) and text. The code may be evaluated and the results incorporated into the document. One limitation is that org-mode is primarily oriented toward interactive compilation of documents via emacs. This project provides tools for non-interactive compilation of org-mode files. Why is this useful?

  • Not everyone uses emacs (gasp!), but everyone should be able to create documents using org-mode!
  • Document generation can be fully scripted (eg, as the final step in an analysis pipeline).
  • Interactively-compiled documents depend on an individual user’s emacs configuration, which can produce different results for different users; these scripts manage all dependencies from elpa independently of the users’ own emacs config. By default, a new folder is created in ~/.org-export the first time a script is executed, and dependencies (such as the most recent version of org-mode) are installed.
  • These scripts also provide some conveniences with respect to providing css styles.

Installation and use

First, clone this repository and enter the cloned directory. There are a few options for installing and invoking the org-export entry point to a location on your $PATH (we’ll use /usr/local/bin as an example):

Recommended: use a hard link. This method allows you to update org-export with a git-pull from the git repository:

ln org-export *.el /usr/local/bin

Copy the files:

cp org-export *.el /usr/local/bin

Invoke using the absolute path to org-export within the cloned git repository.

Execute the script with -h to see usage and available commands:

./org-export -h
Usage: org-export command options...


Available commands include:

If all of the scripts are on your $PATH, you should be able to execute using:

org-export html --infile ...

You may need to explicitly identify the emacs binary using the EMACS environment variable; for example on OS X:

EMACS=/Applications/ org-export html --infile ...

org-mode, el-get, and certificate errors

tl;dr: install libressl using homebrew if you see errors on a Mac about TLS certificates.

The full story:

As of emacs 25, a few new issues emerged:

package.el began to refuse to install org-mode non-interactively. This may be related to the known issue in which package-installed-p always returns t for built-in packages (see, for example this issue).

In attempting to use el-get as an alternative mechanism for installing packages, I found that a certificate error (using MacOS 10.11) prevented downloads from github. Thanks to this answer on StackExchange, I was able to provide a workaround. The workaround requires installation of libressl using homebrew, and assumes the default installation in /usr/local:

brew update
brew install libressl
brew install emacs --with-gnutls
brew linkapps emacs

Here are the lines in cli-el-get-setup() that implement the fix:

(require 'gnutls)
(setq gnutls-verify-error t)
(add-to-list 'gnutls-trustfiles "/usr/local/etc/libressl/cert.pem")

known issues

  • Installation of org-mode fails on Ubuntu 12.04 using emacs 25.
  • ess fails to compile without R installed.


org-export html

Exports org-mode to html

Command line arguments:

./org-export html -h
Using /Applications/, GNU Emacs
Command line options:

 --infile       path to input .org file (required)
 --outfile      path to output .html file (use base name of infile by default)
 --evaluate     evaluate source code blocks
 --css          path or URL of css stylesheet
 --embed-css    Include contents of css in a <style> block
 --bootstrap    make Bootstrap-specific modifications to html output;
                        if selected, link to Bootstrap CDN by default
 --package-dir  directory containing elpa packages
 --verbose      enable debugging message on error

Note that code block evaluation is disabled by default; use
'--evaluate' to set a default value of ':eval yes' for all code
blocks. If you would like to evaluate by default without requiring
this option, include '#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval yes' in the file
header. Individual blocks can be selectively evaluated using ':eval
yes' in the block header.

The simplest invocation is as follows (you can test this out using this document):

org-export html --infile

If you want to provide css styles using Bootstrap (inserts a link to the Bootstrap CDN):

org-export html --infile --bootstrap

You can also embed the css content in a <style> block - this is useful if you want to distribute a file and don’t want to assume that the user’s environment will support linking to the css file.

org-export html --infile --bootstrap --embed-css

It’s also easy to link to or embed alternative css stylesheets, for example, the ones used by the org-mode manual:

org-export html --infile --css --embed-css


batch export of org-mode files from the command line


Language:Emacs Lisp 93.0%Language:Shell 7.0%