arnep / MBTileParser

MBTileParser is a cocos2d-iphone compatible game engine written using pure UIKit.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Look Ma, a game engine! Running on UIKit!

MBTileParser began as a small library that allows you to parse TMX files and then display them using pure UIKit. (You don't need to learn OpenGL and you don't have to use a game engine. ) Now, MBTileParser is more of a game engine, in that it supports loading TMX files, cocos2d spritesheets created with TexturePacker, and more.

What it can do: MBTileParser can do four things right now. Load maps, load sprites, display dialog, and take input via virtual controls.

  • Load maps: MBTileParser is actually the name of a class in the engine. You can load TMX files. Use the MBMapViewController class for this.
  • Load sprites: You can load sprites using MBSpriteView. MBMovableSpriteView supports movement too.
  • Display Dialog: Load and parse dialog trees, using MBDialogTree. (Support for end actions is now implemented.)
  • Take Input: Create custom virtual game controls, using the MBJoystick and MBControllerButton classes. You can also use the included layout.

Technical Requirements:

ARC, Xcode 4.5+

MBTileParser requires Xcode 4.5 because it uses a new feature called subscripting. You can hack it to run in Xcode 4.4, but I'm not supporting this. The hack will be unnessecary in the near future anyway. Seriously, upgrade Xcode to the latest version.


Clone or download the repository. The code is thoroughly commented and serves as its own demo.

How to use:

Copy the GameEngine folder out and just use it, The classes are all in there.

A word on the TMX format, Tiled, and TexturePacker:

The TMX file format is used by Tiled, a tool which helps you make world maps for games. (You can download Tiled here). The TMX format is explained in detail on the tiled GitHub repository wiki. The developer of TexturePacker, Andreas Löw, was kind enough to give me a license a while back. Thanks Andreas! You can get TexturePacker from his website.


The artwork is copyrighted by Allan Simpson. He has created it for a project we are working on. You may not use it for anything except to play with the game engine on your own machine(s). Sorry, it's not mine to let you give out. You may use the code in MBTileParser in games distributed/sold on the App Store. Otherwise, you may not resell the engine itself, either alone or as part of a larger library. Attribution somewhere in final products is required. Be nice.


Please take a moment to star this repository and pass it along to anyone who you think might enjoy it. Have fun, because game engines are.


MBTileParser is a cocos2d-iphone compatible game engine written using pure UIKit.
