arnemertz / presentations

Presentations held on conferences, user groups and elsewhere

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Properties of Unit Tests

What are the desired properties of unit tests to make them most useful? This talk goes through the most common use cases for unit tests and deducts those desired properties from them. Slides

The talk was held:

  • At the NDC TechTown conference on August 31st in Kongsberg, Norway.
  • At the MeetingC++ conference on November 19th 2022 in Berlin, Germany.

Identifying Common Code Smells

I talk about what code smells are and show eight of the most common language agnostic and C++ specific code smells, as well as how to fix them. Each smell is shown using examples from open source code bases. Slides

The talk was held on several occasions:

  • At the MeetingC++ conference on November 15th 2019 in Berlin, Germany (different title, video)
  • At the C++ On Sea conference on July 6th 2022 in Folkestone, UK (video)
  • At the NDC TechTown conference on September 1st in Kongsberg, Norway.

Bringing Clean Code to Large Scale Legacy C++ Applications

A talk about the experiences I gathered in several large and old enterprise C++ code bases. (Slides)

The talk was held on several occasions:

I also transcribed the talk to a series of blog posts since there are no recordings:

  1. Clean up Large C++ Legacy Applications
  2. Large C++ Legacy Applications: Planned Refactoring
  3. Large Legacy Applications: Tests and Modularization

Learning and Teaching Modern C++

Some observations about what "Modern C++" might be, what challenges there are in teaching it and a comparison of the different sources we have for learning it. The talk was held on several occasions in slightly different versions:

(Slides 2016/17) (Slides 2019)

Code Reviews - Why, What, and How

Collected best practices about how to do code reviews and what to review, as well as some background why code reviews are a useful tool. (Slides)

This material was held as:

Pillars of Modern C++

A talk about what makes the basis for a Modern C++ code style. (Slides) Held at:

  • Zühlke ZDays 2018 (internal conference) September 7th 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany


Presentations held on conferences, user groups and elsewhere