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COMP90024 - Cluster and Cloud Computing - 2020S1 - Exam review/summary sheet [past exam solutions by Richard in recordings integrated]

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Week1 - How we got here

  1. What is cloud computing?

    • In 2013, Cloud computing is a jargon term without a commonly accepted non-ambiguous scientific or technical definition. (Anything that is not on your computer, e.g.: gmail)
    • In 2016, Proponents claim that cloud computing allows companies to avoid upfront infrastructure costs, and focus on projects that differentiate their businesses instead of on infrastructure. Proponents also claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand. Cloud providers typically use a "pay as you go" model. This can lead to unexpectedly high charges if administrators do not adapt to the cloud pricing model. (Everyone has different flavor)
  2. Cloud Characteristics (Lecture notes and then my paraphrasing)

    • On-demand self-service
      • A consumer can provision computing capabilities as needed without requiring human interaction with each service provider.
      • Scale computing resources up and down by needs without requiring human interaction with each service provider.
      • For anyone in any time - infinite availability (key)
    • Networked access
      • Capabilities are available over the network and access through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous client platforms.
      • Resources can be access through network and adapted to heterogeneous client platforms.
    • Resource pooling
      • The provider's computing resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model potentially with different physical and virtual resources that can be dynamically assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand.
      • Provider’s resources are pooled and can be dynamically assigned and reassigned by need.
      • Enough resource to scale up & down
    • Rapid Elasticity
      • Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in some cases automatically, to scale rapidly upon demand.
      • Capabilities can scale easily and rapidly upon demand.
    • Measured Service
      • Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service.
      • Resourcing optimization by measuring usage
      • monitor for load balance (e.g.: nigix)
  3. Flavour

    • Compute clouds
      • Amazon Elastic compute cloud
      • Azure
    • Data Clouds
      • Amazon Simple Storage Service
      • Google docs
      • iCloud
      • Dropbox
    • Application Clouds
      • App store
      • Virtual image factories
    • Public(credit card and pay for using) /Private(Unimelb research cloud)/Hybrid(MRC run out of resource nad buy from Amazon)/Mobile/Health Clouds
    • complexity arise in: decision about what can we move out/what cost ot stay in/who is allowed this to happen
  4. History - tends in computing

    1. Computing and Communication Technologies (r)evolution
      • from centralised to decentralised
    2. distributed system history
      • Once upon a time we had standards
      • Then we had more standards
      • mid-90s: focused on computer-computer interaction
      • internet: peer-to-peer
        • challenge: sharing data between different organizations
        • soln: grid computing
        • Grid: only need access to it no matter it is data or super computer the process to move things
          • problem: people have different ways to do it
    • Distributed System
      • Transparency and heterogeneity in computer-computer interactions
      • Finding resources -> Binding resources -> run time type checking -> invoking resources
      • Dealing with heterogeneous of system
      • Challenges
        • Complexity of implementations
        • Vendor specific solutions
        • Scalability problem
        • Sharing data between different organizations
    • Grid Computing
      • From computer-computer focus to organisation-organisation focus
      • Can be thought of as a distributed system with non-interactive workloads.
      • It is in contrast to the traditional notion of a supercomputer, which has many processors connected by a local high-speed computer bus instead of Ethernet.
      • Grid computing is distinguished from conventional high-performance computing systems such as cluster computing in that grid computers have each node set to perform a different task/application. Grid computers also tend to be more heterogeneous and geographically dispersed (thus not physically coupled) than cluster computers.
      • Although a single grid can be dedicated to a particular application, commonly a grid is used for a variety of purposes. Grids are often constructed with general-purpose grid middleware software libraries. Grid sizes can be quite large.
      • Challenge
        • What resources are available
        • To determine the status of resources
        • Job scheduling
        • Virtual organization support
        • Security
          • Public key infrastructure
  5. Comparison between Grid/Cluster/Cloud Computing

    Clusters "tend" to be tightly coupled, e.g. a bunch of servers in a rack with high speed interconnects - we'll go into some details of this in week 3;  
    Grid is/was more loosely coupled resources that provided single sign-on access to distributed resources that are often hosted by different organisations;  
    Cloud = we'll get to that soon! ;o)
    • Grid computing
      • Refer to the top
    • Cluster Computing
      • Clusters tend to be tightly coupled, e.g. a bunch of servers in a rack with high speed interconnects
      • Example
        • Super computer
    • Cloud Computing
      • Refer to week 5
      • Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources(networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

past exam

  • [2013 Q1] A) Explain what is meant by the terms:

    • Grid Computing [1]

      • focus on organizational collaboration, coordination, activity and technologies to doing it
    • Cluster Computing [1]

      • multiple servers rach-mounted which are accessible and you can run jobs across the cluster
    • Cloud Computing [1]

      • is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources(networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
  • [2013 Q1, 2017 Q1 B [5]] B) Current Cloud Computing systems do not solve many key challenges of large-scale distributed systems. Discuss. [7]

    • by below
  • [sample Q2 A] Describe some of the current challenges associated with large-scale distributed systems. [4]

    • distributed systems didn't solve data heterogeneity. And we have big data challenges.
    • distributed systems has scalability and issues of fixed hardware system. We have distributed computers running on different hardware system.
    • fault tolerance not solved
      • Many diverse faults can happen with distributed systems
        • , e.g. server failures or partial failures, network outages, overloading of components etc etc.
        • There is no simple solution to this that has been widely adopted/accepted.
    • results in software stack
      • Each system tends to develop its own technical solution
        • , e.g. using queuing or having back-ups/failovers of system for failures.
        • This can result in complex software stacks and recipes that have to be cooked to address specific needs/demands.
    • (And all these erroneous assumption can't be made at week 2 last)
    • The network is reliable
    • Latency is zero
    • Bandwidth is infinite - I can send any amount of data I wish between any nodes
    • The network is secure
    • Topology doesn't change - Node x is always there
    • There is one administrator
    • Transport cost is zero - I can send as much data as I like for free
    • The network is homogeneous
    • Time is ubiquitous - Clock is same across all computers in network
  • [sample Q2 B] Cloud computing solves some of these issues but not all. Explain. [4]

    • scalability and elastic scaling (purchase cloud when you need its service)
    • software deployment easier as we have snapshots/scripted deployment
    • more tools available, e.g.: load balancers, proven solutions. You might not have this much in distributed system
    • data centers better networked. they are targeted to solve your problems
    • geospatially distributed and easy to migrate application
    • doesn't address many of the above though (但并没有解决上面的很多问题) (bandwidth from user/organization to data center)
  • [2015 Q1] A) Describe some of the erroneous assumptions that are often made in designing large-scale distributed systems. [5]

    • above
  • [2014 Q1] A) Discuss the major trends in research and research computing over the last 20 years that have led to the emergence of Cloud computing. [6]

    • Mainframes
      • main frames to move to the distributed system
    • decentralised PCs
    • explosion of the Internet
    • distributed system move back to the centralised system
    • scale of compute/storage
    • clouds and data centres

Week2 - Domain Drivers – tour of some big data projects

  1. compute scaling

    • method:
      1. Vertical Computational Scaling
        • Have faster processors
        • disabv: processor speed is limited
          Moore's law is no longer working, CPU stop goes faster as we expected (Transistors can not be shrinked any more)
      2. Horizontal Computational Scaling
        • Have more processors
        • adv:
            1. Easy to add more (more cores or cluster of nodes)
            • add more =
              • Single machine multiple cores
                • Typical laptop/PC/server these days
              • Loosely coupled collection/cluster of machines
                • Polling/sharing of resources
                • Dedicated vs available only when not in use by others
              • Tightly coupled cluster of machines
                • Typical HPC/HTC set-up (SPARTAN)
                • Which many servers in same room, often with fast message passing interconnects
              • Widely distributed clusters of machines
                • UK NGS, EGEE
              • Hybrid combination of the above
                • Leads to many challenges with distributed systems
                • Shared state
                • Delayed and lost in message passing
            1. cost increase not so much
        • disadv:
            1. add more limition (see week3 - Amdahl's law)
            1. harder to design, develop, test
  2. network scaling

    • volume of data on network grows each year
  3. massive amount of data generated among a time requires compute infrasture

    • Data Past - Punch cards, Punched streamed tapes, Magnetic tapes, Floppies, Cd, DVD, Hard disks, Shared storage, Mobile Storage, Internet(google drive,...)
    • Exponential growth of data
    • e.g. mapping the sky with data from tele-scope
  4. Cloud Computing in Different Domains

    • High energy physics 25 PB data per year. 20years ago
    • Astrophysics 40,000 PB per day. Now.
    • Macro-micro simulations
    • Electronics
    • Arts and humanities
    • Life sciences
      • Extensive Research Community
        • Parkville Precinct for example
      • Many people care about them
        • Health, Food, Environment – truly interdisciplinary!
      • Interacts with virtually every discipline
        • Physics, Chemistry, Maths/Stats, Nano-engineering, …
      • Thousands of databases relevant to bioinformatics (and growing!)
        • Heterogeneity, Interdependence, Complexity, Change, …
      • Some of the Big Questions/Challenges
        • How does a cell work?
        • How does a brain work?
        • How does an organism develop?
        • Why do people who eat less tend to live longer?
    • Social sciences
      • Aurin
    • Clinical sciences
    • Data sharing and ethics
    • e-Health
      • Security
    • environmental
    • social
    • geographical
    • Genome
    • Hierarchical statistical system simulations
      • Very large device and circuit simulations
        • 3D devices
        • 10^5 circuit components
      • Large statistical samples
        • 1000 - 100000 3D simulations
        • 4D 1000 - 100000 circuit simulations
      • Complex flow and storage of data
        • Many files per simulation
        • Metadata capture and data provenance
      • Collaboration between 5 partners
        • Multidisciplinary background
        • Complex data exchange
      • Stringent security requirements
        • Commercial IP
        • Expensive software licenses
  5. challenges are shaping the technological landscape

    • Challenges happen in multiple perspectives in research domains. - Big data - Big compute - Big distribution - Big collaboration - Big security
    • Tools, technologies and methodologies have been/can/are evolving to tackle these challenges
      • That there is a huge amount of work still to be done
      • Domain knowledge is also required

Week3 - Overview of Distributed and Parallel Computing Systems

  1. Question: If n processors (cores) are thrown at a problem how much faster will it go?
    • Some terminology:
      • Proportion of speed up depends on parts of program that cannot be parallelised
    1. Amdahl's law
      • assumes a fixed problem size – sometimes can’t predict length of time required for jobs,
        • e.g. state space exploration or differential equations that don’t solve
      • That is, if 95% of the program can be parallelized, the theoretical maximum speedup using parallel computing would be 20 times, no matter how many processors are used.
      • If the non-parallelisable part takes 1H, then no matter how many cores are used, it won’t complete in < 1H
      • Amdahl’s Law greatly simplifies the real world
    2. Gustafson-Barsis's Law
      • speedup is a linear formula dependent on the number of processes and the fraction of time to run sequential parts
      • Faster (more parallel) equipment available, larger problems can be solved in the same time.
    3. comparison
      • Amdahl’s Law suggests that with limited task, speed up could not be too fast.
      • Gustafson-Barsis’s Law suggests that with enough processors and remaining tasks, speed up will always meet the requirement.
  2. Computer Architecture
    • At the simplest level a computer comprises:
      • CPU for executing programs
      • Memory that stores/executing programs and related data
      • I/O systems
        • keyboards, networks
      • Permanent storage for read/writing data into out of memory
      • HPC needs to keep balance of these
        • Based on the problem needs to be solved
    • There are many different ways to design/architect computers
      • different flavours suitable to different problems (below)
        Simple Instruction Multiple Instruction
        Single Data SISD MISD
        Multiple Data SIMD MIMD
        • Single Instruction, Single Data Stream (SISD)
          • Sequential computer which exploits no parallelism in either the instruction of data streams
          • Single control unit fetches single instruction stream from memory. The CU/CPU then generates appropriate control signals to direct single processing element to operate on single Data Stream, i.e. one operation at a time.
          • Example
            • von Neumann computer
        • Multiple Instruction, Single Data stream (MISD)
          • Parallel computing architecture where many functional units (PU/CPU) perform different operations on the same data
          • Example
            • fault tolerant computer architectures: multiple error checking on the same date source
        • Single Instruction, Multiple Data Stream (SIMD)
          • Multiple processing elements that perform the same operation on multiple data points simultaneously
          • Focusing on data level parallelism: many parallel computations, but only a single process (instruction) at a given moment (Concurrency)
          • Example
            • to improve performance of multimedia use such as for image processing
        • Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data stream (MIMD)
          • Number of processors that function asynchronously and independently.
          • at any time, different processors may be executing different instructions on different pieces of data
          • Machines can be shared memory or distributed memory categories.
            • Depends on how MIMD processors access memory
          • Example
            • HPC
  3. Approaches for Parallelism (Where and how)
    • Explicit vs Implicit Parallelisation
      • Implicit Parallelism
        • Compiler is responsible for identifying parallelism and scheduling of calculations and the placement of data
        • Disadv: Pretty hard to do
      • Explicit Parallelisation
        • Programmer is responsible for most of the parallelization effort
    • Hardware
      • Hardware Parallelisation
        • Cache: much faster than reading/writing to main memory; instruction cache, data cache (multi-level) and translation lookaside buffer used for virtual-physical address translation (more later on Cloud and hypervisors).
        • Add CPU (parallelisation): Parallelisation by adding extra CPU to allow more instructions to be processed per cycle. Usually shares arithmetic units.
          • Disadv: Heavy use of one type of computation can tie up all the available units of the CPU preventing other threads from using them.
        • Multiple cores: Multiple cores that can process data and perform computational tasks in parallel.
          • Disadv: Typically share same cache, but issue of cache read/write performance and cache coherence.
          • Disadv: Possibility of cache stalls (CPU not doing anything whilst waiting for caching)
            • To address the issue that CPU not doing anything whilst waiting for caching. Many chips have mixture cache L1 for single core, L2 for pair cores and L3 shared with all cores.
          • Disadv: typical to have different cache speeds and cache sizes (higher hit rates but potentially higher latency).
      • Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)
        • Two (or more) identical processors connected to a single, shared main memory, with full access to all I/O devices, controlled by a single OS instance that treats all processors equally. Each processor executes different programs and works on different data but with capability of sharing common resources (memory, I/O device, …). Processors can be connected in a variety of ways: buses, crossbar switches, meshes.
          • Disadv: More complex to program since need to program both for CPU and inter-processor communication (bus).
      • Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
        • provides speed-up by allowing a processor to access its own local memory faster than non-local memory.
          • Disadv: Improved performance as long as data are localized to specific processes/processors.
          • Key is allocating memory/processors in NUMA friendly ways,
            • e.g. to avoid scheduling/locking and (expensive) inter-processor communication. Approaches such as ccNUMA with range of cache coherency protocols/products.
    • Operating System
      • parallel vs interleaved semantics
        • Most modern multi-core operating systems support different "forms" of parallelisation
        • e.g.: A || B vs A ||| B
      • Compute parallelism
        • Processes
          • Used to realize tasks, structure activities
        • Theads
          • Native threads
            • Fork, Spawn, Join
          • Green threads
            • Scheduled by a VM instead of natively by the OS
      • Data parallelism
        • Caching
    • Software/Applications
      • Programming language supports a range of parallelisation/concurrency features
        • Threads, thread pools, locks, semaphores ...
      • Programming languages developed specifically for parallel/concurrent systems
      • Key issues:
        • Deadlock
          • Processes involved constantly waiting for each other
        • LiveLock
          • Process constantly change with regard to one another, but none are progressing
    • Message Passing Interface (MPI)
      • Widely adopted approach for message passing in parallel systems
      • Supports point-point, broadcast communications
      • Key MPI functions
        •   MPI_Init	:initiate MPI computation
            MPI_Finalize	:terminate computation
            MPI_COMM_SIZE	:determine number of processors
            MPI_COMM_RANK	:determine my process identifier
            MPI_SEND	:send a message
            MPI_RECV	:receive a message
      • Adv:
        • Standardised, widely adopted, portable, performant
        • Parallelisation = users problem (user controll how to parallel)
    • (HT) Condor
      • A specialized workload management system for compute-intensive jobs developed at University of Wisconsin
      • Adv:
        • Offers job queueing mechanisms, scheduling policies, priority schemes, resource monitoring/management
        • User submits jobs to Condor and it chooses when and where to run the jobs, monitors their progress, and informs the user upon completion
        • Allows to harvest “free” (?) CPU power from otherwise idle desktop workstations
          • e.g. use desktop machines when keyboard and mouse are idle
            • key press detected checkpoint and migrate a job to a different (idle) machine
        • No need for shared file system across machines
          • Data can be staged to machines as/when needed
        • Can work across organisational boundaries
          • Condor Flocking
        • ClassAds
          • Advertise resources and accept jobs (according to policy)
    • Data Parallelism Approaches (week 9)
      • Challenges of big data
        • The most important kind of parallelism challenge?
      • Distributed data
        • CAP Theorem: Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance
        • ACID <-> BASE
      • Distributed File Systems
        • e.g. Hadoop, Lustre, Ceph…
  4. Erroneous Assumptions of Distributed Systems (detail see slides)
    • Challenges with Distribution
      • "A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable" by Leslie Lamport
    • The network is reliable
    • Latency is zero
    • Bandwidth is infinite - I can send any amount of data I wish between any nodes
    • The network is secure
      • People sending data to my services
        • Repeated password attempts, SQL injections, …!?
      • People actively attacking me
        • Distributed denial of service attacks
      • People reading the data sent over the network
        • Man in the middle attacks
      • People masquerading as one of my nodes
        • Spoofing
      • People breaking into one of my nodes
        • Trojans, viruses, brute force attacks, …
      • People stealing the physical hardware
    • Topology doesn't change - Node x is always there
    • There is one administrator
      • e.g.: Firewall changes, server reconfigurations, services, access control (students/staff/others…)
    • Transport cost is zero - I can send as much data as I like for free
    • The network is homogeneous
    • Time is ubiquitous - Clock is same across all computers in network
    • [-- Assumption ends --]
    • issues of heterogeneity of compute, data, security from lecture 1
    • Distributed systems are widespread - The Internet
    • Many approaches to design parallel or distributed systems (below)
      • No single algorithm
      • No single technical solution
      • Eco-system of approaches explored over time and many open research questions/challenges
      • Flavour of some of these…
  5. Strategies for Development of Parallel/Distributed Systems
    • strategies: (detail see slides)
      • Automatic parallelization
      • Parallel libraries
      • Major recording
    • Challenges:
      • dependence analysis is hard for code that uses pointers, recursion, …;
      • loops can have unknown number of iterations;
      • access to global resources, e.g. shared variables
  6. Design Stages of Parallel Programs
    • Partitioning
      • Decomposition of computational activities and data into smaller tasks
      • Numerous Pprallelisation paradigms:
        • Master-Worker/task-farming
          • Master decomposes the problem into small tasks
          • distributes to workers and gathers partial results to produce the result
          • Master-worker/task-farming is like divide and conquer with master doing both split and join operation
        • Divide and Conquer
            1. A problem is divided into two or more sub problems
            1. each of these sub problems are solved independently
            1. their results are combined
          • 3 operations: split, compute, and join
          • Master-worker/task-farming is like divide and conquer with master doing both split and join operation
        • Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD)
          • Each process executes the same piece of code, but on different parts of the data
          • Data is typically split among the available processors
          • Data splitting and analysis can be done in many ways
          • Commonly exploited model: MapReduce
        • Pipelining
          • Suitable for applications involving multiple stages of execution
          • typically operate on large number of data sets.
        • Speculation
          • Used when it is quite difficult to achieve parallelism through the previous paradigms
          • use "look ahead" execution
            • Like look ahead, if the data is predictable, we could use the predicted data to do the following action while waiting for data.
            • If the prediction is incorrect, we have to take corrective action.
          • procedure:
            • Consider a (long running) producer P and a consumer C such that C depends on P for the value of some variable V. If the value of V is predictable, we can execute C speculatively using a predicted value in parallel with P.
              • If the prediction turns out to be correct, we gain performance since C doesn’t wait for P anymore.
              • If the prediction is incorrect (which we can find out when P completes), we have to take corrective action, cancel C and restart C with the right value of V again.
        • Parametric Computation
          • not discussed?
      • Communication (relates with MPI)
        • Flow of information and coordination among tasks that are created in the partition stage
      • Agglomeration
        • (performance measuring) Tasks and communication created in above stages are evaluated for performance and implementation cost
        • Tasks may be grouped into larger tasks to improve communication
        • Individual communications can be bundled
      • Mapping/Scheduling
        • (design to be able to scale up/down) Assign tasks to processors such that job completion time is minimized and resource utilization is maximized

past exam

  • [sample Q5] A) Explain Amdahl's law and discuss the challenges of its practical implementation. [2]

    • Program always bound by limitations caused by sequential part.
    • no matter how mang cores thrown at problem will be limited to the sequential part of the algorithm.
      • Also inlcudes overheads required to deal with parallelism (loops, variables, communications)
  • [2014 Q4] A) Define Gustafson-Barsis’ law for scaled speed-up of parallel programs. [2]

    • Gustafson-Barsis’s Law suggests that with enough processors and remaining tasks, speed up will always meet the requirement. Faster (more parallel) equipment available, larger problems can be solved in the same time.
  • [2014 Q4] B) A parallel program takes 128 seconds to run on 32 processors. The total time spent in the sequential part of the program is 12 seconds. What is the scaled speedup? [2]

    • S(N) = N - alpha * (N - 1) where N = n processors, alpha = time on sequential / time on parallel
    • S(N) = 32 - (12/128) * (32-1) = 931/32 = 29.09375
  • [2014 Q4] C) According to Gustafson-Barsis’ law, how much faster could the application theoretically run if it ran across all 32 processors compared to running on a single processor? [3]

    • we know from b/ that it (theoretically) runs 29.09375 times faster using 32 processors compared to running on a single processor.
    • If it takes 128 seconds with the 32 processor case then it would (theoretically) take 29.09375*128 = 3724 seconds in the single processor case.
  • [2014 Q4] D) Why is theoretically italicized in the above? [3]

    • you are not factoring the overheads dealing with the scalling system. If you have parallel processing, this can carry additional overheads, e.g. loops, communications, variables introduced to deal with parallel aspects. While you don't have this overheads in sequential programs.
  • [2014 Q3] A) What is Flynn’s Taxonomy? [2]

    • Simple Instruction Multiple Instruction
      Single Data SISD MISD
      Multiple Data SIMD MIMD
    • a. What have been the implications of Flynn’s taxonomy on modern computer architectures?
      Give examples of its consequences on modern multi-core servers and clusters of servers such as the University of Melbourne Edward HPC facility. [4]

      • The HPC uses MIMD so you can have multiple applications running at the same time, reading/writing/processing multiple different types of data but still on the same cluster
  • [2015 Q4] A) Explain the following terms in the context of high performance computing.

    • a. Data parallelization [1]

      • problem like you have a large amount of data But you need to process, analysis and aggregrate in a small amount in a parallel way.
    • b. Compute parallelization [1]

      • many processes and many threads for process things concurrently
  • [2015 Q4] D) Compute parallelization of an application can be achieved through a variety of paradigms including task farming and single program multiple data. Describe these approaches and explain when they might best be applied. [3]

    • Master-Worker/task-farming
      • Master decomposes the problem into small tasks
      • distributes to workers and gathers partial results to produce the result
      • Master-worker/task-farming is like divide and conquer with master doing both split and join operation
    • Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD)
      • Each process executes the same piece of code, but on different parts of the data
      • Data is typically split among the available processors
      • Data splitting and analysis can be done in many ways
      • Commonly exploited model: MapReduce

Week4 - The Spartan HPC System

  • Some background on supercomputing, high performance computing, parallel computing, research computing (they're not the same thing!).
    • Supercomputer
      • Any single computer system that has exceptional processing power for its time.
    • Clustered computing
      • is when two or more computers serve a single resource
        • e.g.: A collection of smaller computers strapped together with a high-speed local network
      • Adv: improves performance and provides redundancy;
    • HPC - high performance computing
      • It is any computer system whose architecture allows for above average performance
      • The clustered HPC is the most efficient, economical, and scalable method, and for that reason it dominates supercomputing.
    • Parallel and Research Programming
      • Parallel computing refers to the submission of jobs or processes over multiple processors and by splitting up the data or tasks between them
        • With a cluster architecture, applications can be more easily parallelised across them.
      • Research computing is the software applications used by a research community to aid research.
        • challenge: This skills gap is a major problem and must be addressed because as the volume, velocity, and variety of datasets increases then researchers will need to be able to process this data.
  1. Flynn’s Taxonomy and Multicore System
    • Over time computing systems have moved towards multi-processor, multi-core, and often multi-threaded and multi-node systems.
    • As computing technology has moved increasingly to the MIMD taxonomic classification additional categories have been added:
      • Single program, multiple data streams (SPMD)
      • Multiple program, multiple data streams (MPMD)
  2. Things are more important than performance
    • Correctness of code and signal
    • Clarity of code and architecture
    • Reliability of code and equipment
    • Modularity of code and components
    • Readability of code and hardware documentation
    • Compatibility of code and hardware
  3. x-windows forwarding
    • allows you to start up a remote application (on Spartan) but forward the display to your local machine.
  4. Why Module?
    • have the advantages of being shared with many users on a system and easily allowing multiple installations of the same application but with different versions and compilation options. Sometimes users want the latest and greatest of a particular version of an application for the feature-set they offer. In other cases, such as someone who is participating in a research project, a consistent version of an application is desired. In both cases consistency and therefore reproducibility is attained.
  • Why performance and scale matters, and why it should matter to you.
  • An introduction to Spartan, University of Melbourne's HPC/cloud hybrid system
  • Logging in, help, and environment modules.
  • Job submission with Slurm workload manager; simple submissions, multicore, multi-node, job arrays, job dependencies, interactive jobs.
  • Parallel programming with shared memory and threads (OpenMP) and distributed memory and message passing (OpenMPI)
  • Tantalising hints about more advanced material on message passing routines.

past exam

  • [2015 Q4] B) Explain the role of a job scheduler on a high performance computing system like the University of Melbourne Edward cluster. What commands can be used to influence the behavior of the job scheduler in supporting parallel jobs running on single or multiple nodes (servers)? [3]

    • you can specify wall time, number of processess, number of threads in slurm scripts
    • and job scheduler schedule you job depend on theses
    • wall time is a massive influence on this
      • If you give a small wall time, the scheduler might schedule faster for you
  • [sample Q5] B) The actual performance as experienced by users of shared-access HPC facilities such as the Edward cluster at the University of Melbourne can vary – where here performance can be considered as the throughput of jobs, i.e. from the time of first job submission to the time of last job completion. Explain why this can happen. [2]

    • Stuck in queue
    • Overall usage of facility (some nodes can be super busy)
      • e.g.: I/O or node load
    • not all nodes are identical
    • the nature of the application itself
  • [sample Q5] C) Explain how the Edward cluster has been set up to minimize this. [2]

    • Stuck in queue: Multiple queues dedicated to certain jobs
      • e.g.: Cloud, physical, ...
    • Overall usage of facility (some nodes can be super busy): Queueing system to only schedule jobs when resources free
      • (avoid starvation/blocking of system by users with large reservation demands for their jobs)
    • Modules set uo with main libraries installed
  • [sample Q5] D) Explain what users can do to optimize their throughput (use) of the Edward cluster. [2]

    • wall time choices (minimal necessary)
      • If too large, then the job might be queued in a longer time it actually needs
      • If too small, then the job might be terminated before it finishes
    • avoid demanding large scale resource
    • Load right modules
    • benchmark small data then scale up to appropriate large value
  • [sample Q5] E) Describe some of the challenges with application benchmarking on HPC facilities. [2]

    • Stuck in queue for a long time
    • Shared facility is not just for you. Thus, can't guarantee runs the same results for same application
    • benchmarking apps is hard
      • different alogrithm implementation different performance
    • use Linpack which is a fixed set of algorithms that doesn't reflect real world apps
      • e.g.: Twitter analytics
  • [2014 Q3, 2015 Q4 C [1]] B) What features does the Edward HPC facility offer to allow utilization of multiple servers (nodes)? [2]

    • firstly, they exist
    • secondly, you can specify your slurm scripts, you can specify the cloud resources you need (nodes/threads/cores). allows you to express these
  • [2014 Q3] C) Why is the accuracy of the wall time estimate important to Edward end users? [2]

    • If too large, then the job might be queued in a longer time it actually needs
    • If too small, then the job might be terminated before it finishes
  • [2015 Q4] A) Explain the following terms in the context of high performance computing.

    • c. Wall-time [1]

      • the time limit when you submit job that you think the job will finish by

Week5 - Cloud Computing & Getting to Grips with the University of Melbourne Research Cloud

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction 可以通过最少的管理工作或服务提供者交互从而可以快速地配置和发布

  1. Deployment Models

    Private Community Public Hybrid
    pro 1. Control
    2. Consolidation of resources
    3. Easier to secure - easy to setup firewall
    4. More trust
    1. Utility computing
    2. Can focus on core business - no need to care infrasture or be a devop
    3. Cost-effective - use as much as you need
    4. “Right-sizing”
    5. Democratisation of computing
    1. Cloud-bursting - Use private cloud, but burst into (突然变成) public cloud when needed (What is hybrid cloud)
    con 1. Relevance to core business?
    e.g. Netflix to Amazon
    2. Staff/management overheads - need devop
    3. Hardware obsolescence - need to refesh hardware
    4. Over/under utilisation challenges - recycle resources
    1. Security - people can see your sensitive data
    2. Loss of control
    3. Possible lock-in - difficult to switch Azure if using AWS
    4. Dependency of Cloud provider continued existence
    1. How do you move data/resources when needed?
    2. How to decide (in real time?) what data can go to public cloud?
    3. Is the public cloud compliant with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard)?
    example Eucalyptus, VMWare vCloud Hybrid Service
  2. Delivery Models

  • responsibilities:
  • Iaas Paas Saas
    example Amazon Web Services
    Oracle Public Cloud
    Azure Gmail

past exam

  • [2015 Q6] C) Describe some of the challenges in delivering hybrid Clouds? [2]

    • How do you move data/resources when needed?
    • How to decide (in real time?) what data can go to public cloud?
    • Is the public cloud compliant with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard)?
  • [2015 Q6] B) What are the advantages/disadvantages of public, private and hybrid clouds? [5]

    • below
  • [2014 Q2] A) According to Wikipedia “Cloud Computing is a colloquial expression used to describe a variety of different types of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers that are connected through a real-time communication network (typically the Internet). Cloud computing is a jargon term without a commonly accepted non-ambiguous scientific or technical definition”.

    • a. Is this justified? Your answer should cover:

      • i. public, private and hybrid Cloud computing models and their advantages and disadvantages; [4]

        Private Public Hybrid
        pro 1. Control
        2. Consolidation of resources
        3. Easier to secure - easy to setup firewall
        4. More trust
        1. Utility computing
        2. Can focus on core business - no need to care infrasture or be a devop
        3. Cost-effective - use as much as you need
        4. “Right-sizing”
        5. Democratisation of computing
        1. Cloud-bursting - Use private cloud, but burst into (突然变成) public cloud when needed
        con 1. Relevance to core business?
        e.g. Netflix to Amazon
        2. Staff/management overheads - need devop
        3. Hardware obsolescence - need to refesh hardware
        4. Over/under utilisation challenges - recycle resources
        1. Security - people can see your sensitive data
        2. Loss of control
        3. Possible lock-in - difficult to switch Azure if using AWS
        4. Dependency of Cloud provider continued existence
        1. How do you move data/resources when needed?
        2. How to decide (in real time?) what data can go to public cloud?
        3. Is the public cloud compliant with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard)?
      • ii. the different flavours of “X as a Service (XaaS)” models including their associated advantages and disadvantages. [4]

        • IaaS
          • adv
            • give access to service where we can now deploy our services on top of that using Ansible/Heater disadv
            • you need to spend time to build such services
        • PaaS
          • adv
            • almost everything is organized by professionals, at the same time you have some freedom of action
          • disadv
            • great dependency on the vendor
        • SaaS
          • adv
            • everything is organized for you by professionals
          • disadv
            • no freedom, you fully depend on the vendor
  • [2015 Q6] A) Describe the terms Cloud-based IaaS, PaaS and SaaS and give examples for each. [3]

    • IaaS
      • is a computing infrastructure giving access to service where we can now deploy our services on top of that using Ansible/Heater
      • Amazon Web Services
    • PaaS
      • is a computing infrastructure almost everything is organized by professionals, at the same time you have some freedom of action
      • Azure
    • SaaS
      • is a computing infrastructure everything is organized for you by professionals
      • Gmail
  • [sample Q2 C] What are availability zones in NeCTAR and what restrictions do they impose on NeCTAR Cloud-based application developers? [2]

    • availability zone: locations of data centers used to provide logical view of cloud
    • restriction: can't mount volumes to VMs in remote locations. If you have computer in Melbourne, you can't have your storage somewhere else in a different availability zone and you can't mount that volume.
  • [2017 Q6] b. What are the implications of availability zones with regards to virtual machine instance creation and data volumes offered by NeCTAR? [2]

    • The implications of availability zones with data volumes is that Can’t mount volumes to VMs in remote locations.
    • Instances (on Nectar) can be created in and availability zone.

Workshop week5: Auto-Deployment -- Ansible

  • Reason for auto-deployment (comparison)
    • We are easy to forget what software we installed, and what steps we took to configure the system
    • Manual process is error-prone, can be non-repeatable
    • Snapshots are monolithic
      • provide no record of what has changed
    • Manual deployment provides no record of what has changed
  • Automation is the mechanism used to make servers reach a desirable state.
    • Automation provides (advantages)
      • A record of what you did
      • Knowledge about the system in code
      • Making the process repeatable
      • Making the process programmable
      • Infrastructure as Code
  • Configuration management (CM) tools
    • Configuration management refers to the process of systematically handling changes to a system in a way that it maintains integrity over time.
  • Ansible is an automation tool for configuring and managing computers.
    • Features about ansible (Pros)
      • Easy to learn
        • Playbooks in YAML, templates in Jinja2
        • Sequential execution
      • Minimal requirements
        • No need for centralized management servers/daemons
        • Single command to install
        • Using SSH to connect to target machine
      • Idempotent
        • Executing N times no different to executing once
        • Prevents side-effects from re-running scripts
      • Extensible
        • Write you own modules
      • Rolling updates
        • Useful for continuous deployment/zero downtime deployment
      • Inventory management
        • Dynamic inventory from external data sources
        • Execute tasks against host patterns
      • Ansible Vault for encryption

past exam

  • [Sample Q1, 2017 Q7 B each [2], 2015 Q7 A [4, 3]] Applications can be deployed across Clouds either through creation and deployment of virtual images (snapshots) or through scripting the installation and configuration of software applications.

    • What are the benefits and drawbacks of these approaches? [3]

      • Snapshots
        • benefits
          • Snapshots are easy, can be created just by clicking buttons on dashboard
        • drawbacks
          • No history of how the instance built -> no control
      • Scripting
        • benefits
          • Scripting allows to do much more
            • start application
            • configure application
            • deploy application
            • upgrade system
            • thus, have more controll over the system
          • Scripting has complete record of how to build and deploy
        • drawbacks
          • harder compared to clicking buttons in Snapshots
    • Discuss the mechanisms used to support these approaches. You may refer to specific tools used to support these processes on the NeCTAR Research Cloud. [3]

      • openstack API (Nova/Glance/Swift/etc)
      • openstack Service (Heat/etc)
        • templates the flavor of deployment
          • e.g.: specify the version of Ubuntu used
      • Ansible scripting allows to automate software deployment including tasks/role
  • Describe the approach that would be taken using Ansible for scripted deployment of SaaS solutions onto the Cloud. [2]

    • Create a playbook that contains YAML files. Typical contents include variables, inventories and roles/tasks/templates. Inventories will include the servers/database used for the software etc etc.
    • Then say how you would run the script using etc. Note 2 points so massive amounts of detail not needed.

Week 6 – Web Services, ReST Services and Twitter demo


  1. What's in an Architecture?

    • A (system) architecture is just the way different components are distributed on computers,
    • and the way in which they interact with each other.
  2. Why Service-oriented Architectures - SOA?

    • When an architecture is completely contained within the same machine, components can communicate directly
      • e.g. through function calls or object instantiations.
    • However, when components are distributed such a direct approach typically cannot be used (e.g. Assignment 2!)
    • Therefore, components (more properly, systems) have to interact in more loosely-coupled ways.
    • Services are often used for this. Typically combinations and commonality of services can be used to form a Service-oriented Architecture (SoA).
  3. SOA goal

    A set of externally facing services that a business wants to provide to external collaborators
    An architectural pattern based on service providers, one or more brokers, and service requestors based on agreed service descriptions
    A set of architectural principles, patterns and criteria that support modularity, encapsulation, loose coupling, separation of concerns, reuse and composability
    A programming model complete with standards, tools and technologies that supports development and support of services (note that there can be many flavours of services)
    A middleware solution optimized for service assembly, orchestration, monitoring, and management (Can include tools and approaches that combine services together.)
    e.g. as workflows. - later on security lecture
  4. SOA design principle

    Standardized service contract Services adhere to a communications agreement, as defined collectively by one or more service-description documents. Use defined twitter API
    Service loose coupling Services maintain a relationship that minimizes dependencies and only requires that they maintain an awareness of each other.
    Service abstraction Beyond descriptions in the service contract, services hide logic from the outside world. Twitter decide the API for you to use i.e. the rule how you can see inside through the Twitter, hide things which you have no access to
    Service reusability Logic is divided into services with the intention of promoting reuse.
    Service autonomy Services have control over the logic they encapsulate. you can have tweets older than 2 weeks than you really can't
    Service statelessness Services minimize resource consumption by deferring the management of state information when necessary.
    Service discoverability Services are supplemented with communicative meta data by which they can be effectively discovered and interpreted.
    Service composability Services are effective composition participants, regardless of the size and complexity of the composition.
    Service granularity a design consideration to provide optimal scope at the right granular level of the business functionality in a service operation.
    Service normalization services are decomposed and/or consolidated to a level that minimizes redundancy, for performance optimization, access, and aggregation.
    Service optimization high-quality services that serve specific functions are generally preferable to general purpose low-quality ones.
    Service relevance functionality is presented at a level of granularity recognized by the user as a meaningful service.
    Service encapsulation many services are consolidated for use under a SOA and their inner workings hidden.
    Service location transparency the ability of a service consumer to invoke a service regardless of its actual location in the network. client only use url to use the service on the web regardless of location of service

Web Services

  1. Web Services & SOA

    • Web Services = SOA for the Web
    • Both use HTTP, hence can run over the web (although SOAP/WS often run over other protocols as well)
    • Web services used to implement SOA
  2. Web Services flavor

    • (main focus of the lecture) SOAP-based Web Services
    • (main focus of the lecture) ReST-based Web Services
      • Both flavours to call services over HTTP
    • Geospatial services (WFS, WMS, WPS…)
    • Health services (HL7)
    • SDMX (Statistical Data Markup eXchange)
      • approach the statistical data around the world
  3. SOAP/WS v.s. ReST
    SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

    is centered around resources, and the way they can be manipulated (added, deleted, etc.) remotely built upon the Remote Procedure Call paradigm (a language independent function call that spans another system)
    Actually ReST is more of a style to use HTTP than a separate protocol while SOAP/WS is a stack of protocols that covers every aspect of using a remote service, from service discovery, to service description, to the actual request/response
  4. How to describes the functionality offered by a web service?

    • WSDL: is an XML-based interface description language that describes the functionality offered by a web service.
    • WSDL provides a machine-readable description of how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what results/data structures it returns:
      • Definition – what it does
      • Target Namespace – context for naming things
      • Data Types – simple/complex data structures inputs/outputs
      • Messages – messages and structures exchanged between client and server
      • Port Type - encapsulate input/output messages into one logical operation
      • Bindings - bind the operation to the particular port type
      • Service - name given to the web service itself

ReST-based Web Services

  1. What is ReST?
    Representational State Transfer (ReST) is intended to evoke an image of how a well-designed Web application behaves: a network of web pages (a virtual state-machine), where the user progresses through an application by selecting links (state transitions), resulting in the next page (representing the next state of the application) being transferred to the user and rendered for their use.

  2. How it works?

    • Client wants to access a service (Amazon) a product and things come back
      1. Clients requests Resource through Identifier (URL)
      2. Server/proxy sends representation of Resource 
      3. This puts the client in a certain state. 
      4. Representation contains URLs allowing navigation.
      5. Client follows URL to fetch another resource.
      6. This transitions client into yet another state.
      7. Representational State Transfer!
  3. ReST Best Practices (principle)

    • Keep your URIs short – and create URIs that don’t change.
    • URIs should be opaque identifiers that are meant to be discovered by following hyperlinks, not constructed by the client.
    • Use nouns, not verbs in URLs
    • Make all HTTP GETs side-effect free. Doing so makes the request "safe".
    • Use links in your responses to requests! Doing so connects your response with other data. It enables client applications to be "self-propelled". That is, the response itself contains info about "what's the next step to take". Contrast this to responses that do not contain links. Thus, the decision of "what's the next step to take" must be made out-of-band.
    • Minimize the use of query strings.
    • Use HTTP status codes to convey errors/success
    • In general, keep the REST principles in mind.
      • In particular:
        • Addressability (discussed above about address design)
        • Uniform Interface (below)
        • Resources and Representations instead of RPC (below Resource section)
        • HATEOAS (below)
  4. ReST – Uniform Interface

    • Uniform Interface has four more constrains:
      • Identification of Resources
        • All important resources are identified by one (uniform) resource identifier mechanism (e.g. HTTP URL)
      • Manipulation of Resources through representations
        • Each resource can have one or more representations. Such as application/xml, application/json, text/html, etc. Clients and servers negotiate to select representation.
      • Self-descriptive messages
        • Requests and responses contain not only data but additional headers describing how the content should be handled.
        • (HTTP GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, DELETE, CONNECTION, TRACE, PATCH): eneryone knows what these means, no need to google the document (one advantage over SOAP)
      • HATEOAS: Hyper Media as the Engine of Application State
        • Resource representations contain links to identified resources
        • Resources and state can be used by navigating links
          • links make interconnected resources navigable
          • without navigation, identifying new resources is service-specific
        • RESTful applications navigate instead of calling
          • Representations contain information about possible traversals
          • application navigates to the next resource depending on link semantics
          • navigation can be delegated since all links use identifiers
        • Making Resources Navigable
          • RPC-oriented systems need to expose the available functions
            • functions are essential for interacting with a service
            • introspection or interface descriptions make functions discoverable
          • ReSTful systems use a Uniform Interface
            • no need to learn about functions
            • To find resources
              • find them by following links from other resources
              • learn about them by using URI Templates
              • understand them by recognizing representations
  5. Resource

    • is anything that’s important enough to be referenced as a thing in itself.
    • e.g.:
      If your users might
      - want to create a hypertext link to it
      - make or refute assertions about it
      - retrieve or cache a representation of it
      - include all or part of it by reference into another representation
      - annotate it
      - or perform other operations on it
                  ...then you should make it a resource.
  6. Resource-Oriented Architecture (ROA)

    • what is it?
      • is a way of turning a problem into a RESTful web service:
        an arrangement of URIs, HTTP, and XML that works like the rest of the Web
      • ROA has a style of supporting Restful services that allows folk to interact/navigate their functionality (HATEOS etc). The services still do PUT, POST, GET etc.
        • can be used to support the definition and creation of services or service endpoints.
    • ROA & Rest
      • ROA has a style of supporting Restful services that allows folk to interact/navigate their functionality (HATEOS etc). The services still do PUT, POST, GET etc.
    • ROA v.s. SOA
      • similar
        • Much of the philosophy behind SOA applies to ROA,
          • e.g. services should support abstraction, contract, autonomy etc,
      • difference
        • ROA is compared to SOA as a different (better) approach that can be used to support the definition and creation of services or service endpoints.
      • ROA has advantages
        • there is no need to understand what methods mean or deal with complex WSDL etc. You can mix/match service models
          • e.g. consider the AURIN architecture with ReST, SOAP and many other service flavours.
    • ROA procedure
      •   1. Figure out the data set 
          2. Split the data set into resources and for each kind of resource 
          3. Name the resources with URIs 
          4. Expose a subset of the uniform interface 
          5. Design the representation(s) accepted from the client 
          6. Design the representation(s) served to the client 
          7. Integrate this resource into existing resources, using hypermedia links and forms 
          8. Consider the typical course of events: what’s supposed to happen? - How would a user interact with it?
          9. Consider error conditions: what might go wrong?
    • ROA actions
      • Action HTTP METHOD
        Create Resource PUT to a new URI POST to an existing URI
        Retrieve Resource GET
        Update Resource POST to an existing URI
        Delete Resource DELETE
      • Don't mapping PUT to Update and POST to create
        • PUT should be used when target resource URL is known by the client.
        • POST should be used when target resource URL is server generated
  7. HTTP Methods can be

    • Safe
      • Do not change, repeating a call is equivalent to not making a call at all
      • GET , OPTION, HEAD
    • Idempotent
      • Effect of repeating a call is equivalent to making a single call; if not can has side-effects
      • PUT, DELETE
    • Neither
      • POST

past exam

  • [2015 Q2] A) Explain the general principles that should underlie the design of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). [7]

    • exmaple
      Standardized service contract Services adhere to a communications agreement, as defined collectively by one or more service-description documents. Use defined twitter API
      Service loose coupling Services maintain a relationship that minimizes dependencies and only requires that they maintain an awareness of each other.
      Service abstraction Beyond descriptions in the service contract, services hide logic from the outside world. Twitter decide the API for you to use i.e. the rule how you can see inside through the Twitter, hide things which you have no access to
      Service reusability Logic is divided into services with the intention of promoting reuse.
      Service autonomy Services have control over the logic they encapsulate. you can have tweets older than 2 weeks than you really can't
      Service statelessness Services minimize resource consumption by deferring the management of state information when necessary.
      Service discoverability Services are supplemented with communicative meta data by which they can be effectively discovered and interpreted.
      Service composability Services are effective composition participants, regardless of the size and complexity of the composition.
      Service granularity a design consideration to provide optimal scope at the right granular level of the business functionality in a service operation.
      Service normalization services are decomposed and/or consolidated to a level that minimizes redundancy, for performance optimization, access, and aggregation.
      Service optimization high-quality services that serve specific functions are generally preferable to general purpose low-quality ones.
      Service relevance functionality is presented at a level of granularity recognized by the user as a meaningful service.
      Service encapsulation many services are consolidated for use under a SOA and their inner workings hidden.
      Service location transparency the ability of a service consumer to invoke a service regardless of its actual location in the network. client only use url to use the service on the web regardless of location of service
  • [2015 Q2] B) Explain why and how Cloud infrastructures have benefited from SOA. [3]

    • standardized interfaces available tn enable you not worry how the cloud internal do tasks for external interactions
    • When an architecture is completely contained within the same machine, components can communicate directly
      • e.g. through function calls or object instantiations.
    • However, when components are distributed such a direct approach typically cannot be used (e.g. Assignment 2!)
    • Therefore, components (more properly, systems) have to interact in more loosely-coupled ways.
    • Services are often used for this. Typically combinations and commonality of services can be used to form a Service-oriented Architecture (SoA).
  • [2014 Q1] B) How has the evolution of service-oriented architectures supported Cloud computing? [2]

    • SOA has Uniform interface, abstraction, standard contract etc etc avoid all Clouds building their own bespoke solutions (from the forum, below from recording)
    • you have standardized interface for the service-oriented architectures
      • it offers the autonomy
      • you are providing interface that people/software can interact with
    • Where it is helping cloud computing is every single cloud provider at the builder of the interface using different technlogies i.e. you have to learn the programming language to do that and this can be a major bottleneck. Adpoting SOA like ReST can help to solve this problem. We have apis provided by openstack where you can interact with the cloud with the help of set of libraries for doing that.
  • [2013 Q4] A) Compare and contrast Representational State Transfer (ReST) based web services and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based web services for implementing service-oriented architectures. [8]

    • They are different flavors of web services
    • complexity of SOAP
      • have namespace and standardization around us to do with the operation names of parameters
      • using XML which is bloated (臃肿的) and not easy to use
        • SOAP uses a stack of protocols that covers every aspect of using a remote service, from service discovery, to service description, to the actual request/response. While ReST uses HTTP than a separate protocol
        • SOAP uses WSDL which is an XML-based interface description language that describes the functionality offered by a web service. WSDL provides a machine-readable description of how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what results/data structures are.
        • While ReST doesn't deal with complex WSDL. You can mix/match service models
        • While ReST has no need to understand what methods mean. There is a very small subset of methods that are available in operation where you can do PUT, POST, GET, etc. This very limited vocabulary provide many advantages:
          • simplify understanding from developers who are implementing system to make client to interact with
      • too much standards compared to ReST
    • SOAP is built upon the Remote Procedure Call paradigm (a language independent function call that spans another system) while ReST is centered around resources, and the way they can be manipulated (added, deleted, etc.) remotely
  • [2015 Q3] A) SOAP is dead; ReST is the future! Explain this statement with regards to Representational State Transfer (ReST) based web services compared to Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based web services for implementing service-oriented architectures. [5]

    • above
  • [2016 Q4] A) Representational State Transfer (ReST) based web services are often used for creating Resourceoriented Architectures (ROA) whilst Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based web services are often used to implement Service-oriented Architectures (SOA). Discuss the similarities and differences between a ROA and a SOA. [3]

    • similar
      • Much of the philosophy behind SOA applies to ROA,
        • Standardized service contract
          • Services adhere to a communications agreement, as defined collectively by one or more service-description documents.|Use defined twitter API|
        • Service abstraction
          • Beyond descriptions in the service contract, services hide logic from the outside world.|Twitter decide the API for you to use i.e. the rule how you can see inside through the Twitter, hide things which you have no access to
        • Service autonomy
          • Services have control over the logic they encapsulate.|you can have tweets older than 2 weeks than you really can't
      • both uses HTTP for the communication between client and the resource
    • difference
      • ROA is compared to SOA as a different (better) approach that can be used to support the definition and creation of services or service endpoints.
      • ROA has no need to understand what methods mean or deal with complex WSDL.
  • [2013 Q4] B) Explain the differences between ReST-based PUT and POST methods and explain when one should be used over another. [2]

    • PUT is used to create resource
    • POST is used to update resource
    • PUT should be used when target resource URL is known by the client.
    • POST should be used when target resource URL is server generated
  • [2014 Q1] C) A HTTP method can be idempotent

    • What is meant by this italicized term? [1]

      • Effect of repeating a call is equivalent to making a single call; if not can has side-effects
    • Give an example of an idempotent ReST method. [1]

      • PUT
  • [2015 Q3] B) HTTP methods can be safe or idempotent.

    • a. What is meant by a safe HTTP method? [1]

      • Do not change, repeating a call is equivalent to not making a call at all
    • b. Give an example of a safe HTTP method. [1]

      • GET
    • c. What is meant by an idempotent HTTP method? [1]

      • Effect of repeating a call is equivalent to making a single call; if not can has side-effects
    • d. Give an example of an idempotent HTTP method. [1]

      • PUT
    • e. Give an example of a HTTP method that is neither safe nor idempotent? [1]

      • POST

Week 7 – Big Data and CouchDB

"Big data" challenges and architectures


  1. four "Vs"

    Big data challenges
    Volume No one really knows how much new data is being generated, but the amount of information being collected is huge.
    Velocity the frequency (that data arrive) at which new data is being brought into the system and analytics performed
    Variety the variability and complexity of data schema. The more complex the data schema(s) you have, the higher the probability of them changing along the way, adding more complexity.
    Veracity the level of trust in the data accuracy (provenance); the more diverse sources you have, the more unstructured they are, the less veracity you have.
  2. Big Data Calls for Ad hoc Solutions

    • While Relational DBMSs are extremely good at ensuring consistency, they rely on normalized data models that, in a world of big data (think about Veracity and Variety) can no longer be taken for granted.
    • Therefore, it makes sense to use DBMSs that are built upon data models that are not relational (relational model: tables and relationships amongst tables).
    • While there is nothing preventing SQL to be used in distributed environments, alternative query languages have been used for distributed databases, hence they are sometimes called NoSQL DBMSs
  3. DBMSs for Distributed Environments

    • e.g.
      key-value store is a DBMS that allows the retrieval of a chunk of data given a key: fast, but crude (e.g. Redis, PostgreSQL Hstore, Berkeley DB)
      BigTable DBMS store data in columns grouped into column families, with rows potentially containing different columns of the same family for quick retrive (e.g. Apache Cassandra, Apache Accumulo)
      Document-oriented DBMS store - data as structured documents, usually expressed as XML or JSON
      - Document-oriented databases are one of the main categories of NoSQL databases
      (e.g. Apache CouchDB, MongoDB)
      NoSQL DBMSs While there is nothing preventing SQL to be used in distributed environments, alternative query languages have been used for distributed databases, hence they are sometimes called NoSQL DBMSs
    • Why Document-oriented DBMS for Big data?
      • While Relational DBMSs are extremely good for ensuring consistency and availability, the normalization that lies at the heart of a relational database model implies fine-grained data, which are less conducive to partition-tolerance than coarse-grained data.
        • Example:
          • A typical contact database in a relational data model may include: a person table, a telephone table, an email table and an address table, all relate to each other.
          • The same database in a document-oriented database would entail one document type only, with telephones numbers, email addresses, etc., nested as arrays in the same document.
      • While Relational DBMSs are extremely good at ensuring consistency, they rely on normalized data models that, in a world of big data (think about Veracity and Variety) can no longer be taken for granted.
        • Therefore, it makes sense to use DBMSs that are built upon data models that are not relational (relational model: tables and relationships amongst tables).
      • While there is nothing preventing SQL to be used in distributed environments, alternative query languages have been used for distributed databases, hence they are sometimes called NoSQL DBMSs
      • Relational database finds it challenging to handle such huge data volumes. To address this, RDBMS added more central processing units (or CPUs) or more memory to the database management system to scale up vertically
      • The majority of the data comes in a semi-structured or unstructured format from social media, audio, video, texts, and emails.
      • Big data is generated at a very high velocity. RDBMS lacks in high velocity because it’s designed for steady data retention rather than rapid growth
  4. Brewer’s CAP Theorem

    • Consistency, Availability, Partition-Tolerance

      Consistency every client receiving an answer receives the same answer from all nodes in the cluster (it doesn't depend on which node is quired)
      Availability every client receives an answer from any node in the cluster (which might differ from node to node)
      Partition-Tolerance the cluster keeps on operating when one or more nodes cannot communicate with the rest of the cluster
    • Brewer’s CAP Theorem: you can only pick any two of Consistency, Availability and Partition-Tolerance.

      • The CAP theorem forces us to consider trade-offs among different options
      • (not quite) While the theorem shows all three qualities are symmetrical, Consistency and Availability are at odds when a Partition happens (虽然定理表明这三个性质都是对称的,但是当一个分区发生时,一致性和可用性是不一致的)
        • “Hard” network partitions may be rare, but “soft” ones are not (a slow node may be considered dead even if it is not); ultimately, every partition is detected by a timeout
          • Can have consequences that impact the cluster as a whole
            • e.g. a distributed join is only complete when all sub-queries return
          • Traditional DBMS architectures were not concerned with network partitions, since all data were supposed to be in a small, co-located cluster of servers
        • Consequence:
          • The emphasis on numerous commodity servers, can result in an increased number of hardware failures
  5. CAP Theorem and the Classification of Distributed Processing Algorithms

    1. Two phase commit: Consistency and Availability
      • This is the usual algorithm used in relational DBMS's (and MongoDB)

        what does it entail? by
        enforces consistency every database is in a consistent state, and all are left in the same state 1. locking data that are within the transaction scope
        2. performing transactions on write-ahead logs
        3. completing transactions (commit) only when all nodes in the cluster have performed the transaction
        4. aborts transactions (rollback) when a partition is detected
        reduced availability data lock, stop in case of partition
      • Conclusion

        • Therefore, two-phase commit is a good solution when the cluster is co-located, less good when it is distributed
    2. Paxos: Consistency and Partition-Tolerance
      • This family of algorithms is driven by consensus, and is both partition-tolerant and consistent
      • In Paxos, every node is either a proposer or an accepter:
        • a proposer proposes a value (with a timestamp)
        • an accepter can accept or refuse it (e.g. if the accepter receives a more recent value)
        • When a proposer has received a sufficient number of acceptances (a quorum is reached), and a confirmation message is sent to the accepters with the agreed value
      • Conclusion
        • Paxos clusters can recover from partitions and maintain consistency, but the smaller part of a partition (the part that is not in the quorum) will not send responses, hence the availability is compromised
    3. Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC): Availability and Partition-tolerance
      • MVCC is
        • a method to ensure availability (every node in a cluster always accepts requests) and
        • some sort of recovery from a partition by reconciling the single databases with revisions (data are not replaced, they are just given a new revision number)
      • In MVCC, concurrent updates are possible without distributed locks (in optimistic locking only the local copy of the object is locked), since the updates will have different revision numbers;
        • the transaction that completes last will get a higher revision number, hence will be considered as the current value.
      • In case of cluster partition and concurrent requests with the same revision number going to two partitioned nodes, both are accepted, but once the partition is solved, there would be a conflict.
        • Conflict that would have to be solved somehow (CouchDB returns a list of all current conflicts, which are then left to be solved by the application).
      • To achieve consistency, Bitcoin uses a form of MVCC based on proof-of-work (which is a proxy for the computing power used in a transaction) and on repeated confirmations by a majority of nodes of a history of transactions.


  1. Sharding

    • What is it?
      • Sharding is the partitioning of a database “horizontally”, i.e. the database rows (or documents) are partitioned into subsets that are stored on different servers.
      • shard: Every subset of rows
    • Number of shards
      • Larger than the number of replica
      • the number of shards = the max number of nodes (lest a node contains the same shard file twice)
    • Number of nodes
      • larger than the number of replicas (usually set to 3)
      • The max number of nodes = the number of shards (lest a node contains the same shard file twice)
    • The main advantage of a sharded database lies in the
      • improve performance through the distribution of computing load across nodes.
        • i.e.: better distribution of data
      • makes it easier to move data files around,
        • e.g. when adding new nodes to the cluster
    • sharding strategies:
      Hash sharding to distribute rows evenly across the cluster
      Range sharding similar rows (say, tweets coming for the same area) that are stored on the same node
  2. Replication and Sharding

    • What is replication?
      • Replication is the action of storing the same row (or document) on different nodes to make the database fault-tolerant.
    • (adv) Replication and sharding can be combined with the objective of maximizing availability while maintaining a minimum level of data safety.
    • A bit of nomenclature:
      • n is the number of replicas (how many times the same data item is repeated across the cluster)

      • q is the number of shards (how many files a database is split)

      • n * q is the total number of shard files distributed in the different nodes of the cluster

        • There are 16 shards since the three node clustered database has n=2 replicas and q=8 shards.
  3. Partitions

    • What is it?
      • A partition is a grouping of logically related rows in the same shard
        • e.g.: all the tweets of the same user
    • Advantage:
      • Partitioning improves performance by restricting queries to a single shard
        • To be effective, partitions have to be relatively small (certainly smaller than a shard)
    • A database has to be declared “partitioned” during its creation
    • Partitions are a new feature of CouchDB 3.x
  4. MapReduce Algorithms

    • What is it?
      • This family of algorithms is particularly suited to parallel computing of the Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data type (SIMD) (see Flynn's taxonomy in a previous lecture)
    • Advantage:
      • parallelism
      • greatly reducing network traffic by moving the process to where data are
    • Procedure:
      1. Map: distributes data across machines, while

      2. Reduce: hierarchically summarizes them until the result is obtained.

         function map(name, document):
             for each word w in document:
                 emit (w, 1)
         function reduce(word, partialCounts):
             sum = 0
             for each pc in partialCounts:
                 sum += pc
             emit (word, sum)
  5. Clustered database architecture

    • Distributed databases are run over “clusters”, that is, sets of connected computers
    • Clusters are needed to:
      • Distribute the computing load over multiple computers, e.g. to improve availability
      • Storing multiple copies of data, e.g. to achieve redundancy
    • Consider two document-oriented DBMSs (CouchDB and MongoDB) and their typical cluster architectures
  6. CouchDB Cluster Architecture

    • In this example there are 3 nodes, 4 shards and a replica number of 2
      • replica: copy of data
    • All nodes answer requests (read or write) at the same time
      • no master
    • Sharding (splitting of data across nodes) is done on every node
      • if a read request to shard A to node 1, then node 1 answer it
      • if a read request to shard A to node 2, then redirect it to node 1 or node 3 answer it
      • How Shards Look in CouchDB see lecture 7 slide 23
        • and section "Replication and Sharding" below
        This is the content of the data/shards directory on a node of a three-node cluster
        The test database has q=8, n=2, hence 16 shards files
        The *.couch files are the actual files where data are stored
        The sub-directories are named after the document _ids ranges
    • When a node does not contain a document (say, a document of Shard A is requested to Node 2), the node requests it from another node (say, Node 1) and returns it to the client
    • Scalability: Nodes can be added/removed easily, and their shards are re-balanced automatically upon addition/deletion of nodes
    • Quorums
      • Write
        • Can only complete successfully if the document is committed to a quorum of replicas, usually a simple majority
      • Read
        • Can only complete successfully only if a quorum of replicas return matching documents
  7. MongoDB Cluster Architecture

    • Sharding (splitting of data) is done at the replica set level
      • i.e.: it involves more than one cluster (a shard is on top of a replica set)
    • write requests can be answered only by the primary node in a replica set
    • read requests can be answered by every node (including secondary nodes) in the set
      • depend on the specifics of the configuration
    • Updates flow only from the primary to the secondary
      • If a primary node fails, or discovers it is connected to a minority of nodes, a secondary of the same replica set is elected as the primary
    • Data are balanced across replica sets
    • Arbiters (MongoDB instances without data) can assist in breaking a tie in elections.
    • Since a quorum has to be reached, it is better to have an odd number of voting members (the arbiter in this diagram is only illustrative)
  8. MongoDB vs CouchDB Clusters

    MongoDB CouchDB
    complexity Higher Lower
    Availability Lower Higher
    Accessibility MongoDB software routers must be embedded in application servers Can connected by any HTTP client
    Data Integrity Lossing two nodes in the MongoDB in this example implies losing write access to half the data, and possibly read access too, depending on the cluster configuration parameters and the nature of the lost node (primary or secondary) Losing two nodes out of three in the CouchDB example implies losing access to between 1/4 and 1/2 the data, depending on the nodes that fail
    Functionality Some features, such as unique indexes, are not supported in MongoDB sharded environments Can support this
    CAP Two-phase commit for replicating data from primary to secondary.
    Paxos-like to elect a primary node in a replica-set.
    CouchDB MongoDB
    clusters are (difference in API) less complex more complex
    clusters are more available less available, as - by default - only primary nodes can talk to clients for read operations, (and exclusively so for write operations)
    software routers while any HTTP client can connect to CouchDB (MongoS) must be embedded in application servers
    Losing two nodes out of three in the CouchDB architecture shown, means losing access to between 1/4 and 1/2 the data, depending on the nodes that fail in the MongoDB example implies losing write access to half the data (although there are ten nodes in the cluster instead of three), and possibly read access too, depending on the cluster configuration parameters and the nature (primary or secondary) of the lost nodes
    Some features (such as unique indexes) not supported in MongoDB sharded environmen
    Classification of Distributed Processing Algorithms uses MVCC - uses a mix of two-phase commit (for replicating data from primary to secondary nodes)
    - Paxos-like (to elect a primary node in a replica-set)
    emphasis on and all have partition-tolerance Availability consistency
    • These differences are rooted in different approaches to an unsolvable problem, a problem defined by Brewer’s CAP Theorem
      • first 5
    • The different choices of strategies explains the different cluster architectures of these two DBMSs
      • last 2

Introduction to CouchDB

  • Part 2: Introduction to CouchDB, recording 07:: 01:15:16

past exam

  • [2016 Q3] A) Big data is often associated with data having a range of properties including high volume, high velocity and high variety (heterogeneity).
    Discuss the advantages, disadvantages and suitability more generally of the following data solutions with regards to these big data properties:
    Your answer should include the way in which these solutions implement MapReduce.

    • a. CouchDB [3]

      • document-oriented approach (less fine grained schema which is typically needed for many big data scenarios)
        • is a document oriented database which helps to solve the data variaty challenge
      • supports MVCC for availability and partition tolerance
      • support for MapReduce for data analytics
        • the use of mapreduce in CouchDB parallelize data processing from huge amout in a small amount way which can helps to solve the high volume challenge
      • may not be suitable for all big data scenarios (where consistency needed)
      • MapReduce not as rich analytics as others
        • e.g. running machine learning algorithms hence we have Spark
      • supports unique index which helps to improve storage space when there is data duplication for high volume challenge
    • b. Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) [3]

      • Apache Hadoop started as a way to distribute files over a cluster and execute MapReduce tasks
      • HDFS distributed file system so suited for high velocity data (not single server bottleneck)
      • MapReduce for big data processing and increased block size so suited to larger data
      • variety needs programming to tackle
    • c. Apache Spark [3]

      • Spark was designed to reduce the latency inherent in the Hadoop approach for the execution of MapReduce job
      • Spark supports large in memory analysis
      • richer data processing capabilities (plug-ins)
      • typically used with HDFS to benefit from above two
      • maybe also mention RDDs etc
    • What other data properties can be associated with big data challenges? [1]

      • Veracity: the level of trust in the data accuracy (provenance); the more diverse sources you have, the more unstructured they are, the less veracity you have.
  • [2013 Q7] A) Many research domains are facing "big data" challenges. Big data is not just related to the size of the data sets. Explain. [5]

    • Big data challenges
      Volume No one really knows how much new data is being generated, but the amount of information being collected is huge.
      Velocity the frequency (that data arrive) at which new data is being brought into the system and analytics performed
      Variety the variability and complexity of data schema. The more complex the data schema(s) you have, the higher the probability of them changing along the way, adding more complexity.
      Veracity the level of trust in the data accuracy (provenance); the more diverse sources you have, the more unstructured they are, the less veracity you have.
    • For life science, there can be all kinds of flavours of datasets and it's not as simple as integrating them all as there can be huge heterogeneous across data sets.
  • [2013 Q7] B) What capabilities are currently offered or will be required for Cloud Computing infrastructures such as the NeCTAR Research Cloud to tackle these "big data" challenges. [5]
    You may refer to specific research disciplines, e.g. life sciences, astrophysics, urban research (or others!) in your answer to part A) and B) of this question.

    • You can have access to CouchDB service on the cloud but this does not help to the high velocity problems or sensitive data problems or it doesn't solve other challenges in the big data space. These problems should be solved by engineers and shouldn't be expected to be solved by the NeCTAR.
    • For life science, there is no cancer database. You have to build your own by using the infrastructure provided by the NeCTAR.
    • No fine-grained security service, you have to build it on the cloud.
    • For life science, there can be all kinds of flavours of datasets and you need to provide a service to integrate them and make the result accessible.
    • For life science, there are thousands of databases relevant to bioinformatics and growing! i.e. we know there can be lots of data but we don't know exact how much. So we should make the NeCTAR be scalable to the volumes of the data to be stored.
  • [2013 Q3] A) Explain the consequences of Brewer's CAP theorem on distributed databases. [4]

    • Brewer’s CAP Theorem: you can only pick any two of Consistency, Availability and Partition-Tolerance.
    • Two phase commit can achieve Consistency and Availability
    • Paxos can achieve Consistency and Partition-Tolerance
    • Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) can achieve Availability and Partition-tolerance
  • [2013 Q3] B) Describe which aspects of the CAP theorem are supported by the following database technologies:

    • non-SQL (unstructured) databases such as CouchDB. [2]

      • CouchDB uses MVCC to support Availability and Partition-tolerance
    • relational databases such as PostGreSQL. [2]

      • Relational DBMSs are extremely good for ensuring consistency and availability
    • Describe the advantages of MapReduce compared to other more traditional data processing approaches. [2]

      • You can map to multiple different servers and you can reductions on all data and it can scale.
      • parallelism
      • greatly reducing network traffic by moving the process to where data are
  • [sample Q4] A) In the context of distributed databases, explain the concepts of:

    • Consistency [1]

      • every client receiving an answer receives the same answer from all nodes in the cluster (it doesn't depend on which node is quired)
    • Availability [1]

      • every client receives an answer from any node in the cluster (which might differ from node to node)
  • [sample Q4] B) Give an example of a database technology that supports Availability in the presence of a (network) partition. [1]

    • Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC)
  • [sample Q4] C) In the context of CouchDB clusters what is the meaning of:

    • Replica number [1]

      • Number of copies of the same shard kept in the cluster
    • Number of shards [1]

      • Number of horizontal partitions of the cluster
    • Read quorum [1]

      • Minumum number of nodes that have to give the same result to a read operation for it to be declared valid and sent back to the client
    • Write quorum [1]

      • Minumum number of nodes that have to occur for a write operation for it to be accepted
  • [2014 Q5] A) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of unstructured (noSQL) databases such as CouchDB for dealing with “big data” compared to more traditional databases, e.g. relational databases such as MySQL.
    Your answer should cover challenges with data distribution, traditional database ACID properties, heterogeneity of data and large-scale data processing. [6]

    • In traditional database, we have things like schema, keys tables. While we don't have these in noSQL database which is more flexible.
    • In traditional database, we have to write queries. While we don't to do these in noSQL database
    • Because we have heterogenous data, we would like to save them as document in the noSQL database which is not supported by traditional database - The majority of the data comes in a semi-structured or unstructured format from social media, audio, video, texts, and emails.
    • Because noSQL database support mapreduce, we can run mapreduce across many many services which full-scale the processing opportunities for large scale analytics on multiple servers and processing them
    • For ACID, in mySQL transaction needs to be complete while this not a problem with distributed database which shard across multiple servers and everyone of returns with the same answer which can causes overhead on the limitation to do that. CouchDB's nodes can fail but you can still get results.
    • While Relational DBMSs are extremely good for ensuring consistency and availability, the normalization that lies at the heart of a relational database model implies fine-grained data, which are less conducive to partition-tolerance than coarse-grained data.
      • Example:
        • A typical contact database in a relational data model may include: a person table, a telephone table, an email table and an address table, all relate to each other.
        • The same database in a document-oriented database would entail one document type only, with telephones numbers, email addresses, etc., nested as arrays in the same document.
      • While Relational DBMSs are extremely good at ensuring consistency, they rely on normalized data models that, in a world of big data (Veracity and Variety) can no longer be taken for granted.
        • Therefore, it makes sense to use DBMSs that are built upon data models that are not relational (relational model: tables and relationships amongst tables).
      • Relational database finds it challenging to handle such huge data volumes. To address this, RDBMS added more central processing units (or CPUs) or more memory to the database management system to scale up vertically
      • Big data is generated at a very high velocity. RDBMS lacks in high velocity because it’s designed for steady data retention rather than rapid growth

Workshop week6: Containerization and docker

Virtualization vs Containerization

  • Virtualization

    • Pros
      • Application containment
      • Horizontal scalability
    • Cons
      • The guest OS and binaries can give rise to duplications between VMs wasting server processors, memory and disk space and limiting the number of VMs each server can support -> virtualization overhead
  • Containerization

    • Pros
      • It allows virtual instances to share a single host OS (and associated drivers, binaries, libraries) to reduce these wasted resources since each container only holds the application and related binaries. The rest are shared among the containers.
  • Parameter Virtual Machines Container
    Guest OS Run on virtual Hardware, have their own OS kernels Share same OS kernel
    Communication Through Ethernet devices IPC mechanisms (pipes, sockets)
    Security Depends on the Hypervisor Requires close scrutiny
    Performance Small overhead incurs when instructions are translated from guest to host OS Near native performance
    Isolation File systems and libraries are not shared between guest and host OS File systems can be shared, and libraries are
    Startup time Slow (minutes) Fast (a few seconds)
    Storage Large Small (most are reusable)
  • In real world they can co-exist

    • When deploying applications on the cloud, the base computation unit is a Virtual Machine. Usually Docker containers are deployed on top of VMs.
  • Containers not always better

    • It depends on:
      • The size of the task on hand
      • The life span of the application
      • Security concerns
      • Host operation system

What is Container?

  • Similar concept of resources isolation and allocation as a virtual machine
  • Without bundling the entire hardware environment and full OS
  • What container runtimes are in use?
    • Docker
      • The leading software container platform
    • Containerd
    • cri-o


  • What is it?
    • the most successful containerization technology.
  • Docker Nomenclature
    • Container: a process that behaves like an independent machine, it is a runtime instance of a docker image.
    • Image: a blueprint for a container.
    • Dockerfile: the recipe to create an image.
    • Registry: a hosted service containing repositories of images. E.g., the Docker Hub (
    • Repository: is a sets of Docker images.
    • Tag: a label applied to a Docker image in a repository.
    • Docker Compose: Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-containers Docker applications.
    • Docker SWARM: a standalone native clustering / orchestration tool for Docker.
  • Manage Data in Docker
    • By default, data inside a Docker container won’t be persisted when a container is no longer exist.
    • You can copy data in and out of a container.
    • Docker has two options for containers to store files on the host machine, so that the files are persisted even after the container stops.
      • Docker volumes (Managed by Docker, /var/lib/docker/volume/)
      • Bind mounts (Managed by user, any where on the file system)
  • different networking options
    • host: every container uses the host network stack; which means all containers share the same IP address, hence ports cannot be shared across containers
    • bridge: containers can re-use the same port, as they have different IP addresses, and expose a port of their own that belongs to the hosts, allowing the containers to be somewhat visible from the outside.


  • FROM nginx:latest
    ENV WELCOME_STRING "nginx in Docker"
    WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html
    COPY ["./", "/"]
    RUN cp index.html index_backup.html; \
            chmod +x /; \
            apt-get update && apt-get install -qy vim
    # above run at build time
    # below run at start up
    ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
    CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
    • ENTRYPOINT gets executed when the container starts. CMD specifies arguments that will be fed to the ENTRYPOINT.
    • Unless it is overridden, ENTRYPOINT will always be executed.

What are Orchestration Tools?

  • Container orchestration technologies provides a framework for integrating and managing containers at scale
  • Goals/benefits
    • Simplify container management process
    • Help to manage availability and scaling of containers
  • Features
    • Networking
    • Scaling
    • Service discovery and load balancing
    • Health check and self-healing
    • Security
    • Rolling update
  • Tools
    • Kubernetes and Hosted Kubernetes
    • Docker SWARM / Docker Compose
    • OpenShift

Docker SWARM

  • What is Docker SWARM (the correct name: Docker in SWARM mode)?
    • It is a Docker orchestration tool.
  • Why Docker SWARM?
    • Hundreds of containers to manage?
    • Scalability
    • Self-healing
    • Rolling updates
  • Features
    • Raft consensus group
      • consists of internal distributed state store and all manager nodes.
    • Internal Distributed State Store
      • built-in key-value store of Docker Swarm mode.
    • Manager Node
      • It conducts orchestration and management tasks. Docker Swarm mode allows multiple manager nodes in a cluster. However, only one of the manager nodes can be selected as a leader.
    • Worker Node
      • receives and executes tasks directly from the manager node
    • Node Availability
      • In Docker Swarm mode, all nodes with ACTIVE availability can be assigned new tasks, even the manager node can assign itself new tasks (unless it is in DRAIN mode)
    • Service
      • consists of one or more replica tasks which are specified by users when first creating the service.
    • Task
      • A task in Docker Swarm mode refers to the combination of a single docker container and commands of how it will be run.

past exam

  • [Sample Q1] Applications can be deployed across Clouds either through creation and deployment of virtual images (snapshots) or through scripting the installation and configuration of software applications.

    • Container based solutions such as Docker have advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional Cloud-based virtualization solutions based upon hypervisors. Discuss. [4]

      • Guest OS
        • Running on virtual Hardware will have their own OS kernels, thus introduce virtualization overhead. While container allows virtual instances to share a single host OS to reduce these wasted resources
      • Communication
        • Virulization communicate through Ethernet devices. Container communicate through IPC mechanisms
      • Security
        • Virulization depends on the Hypervisor. Container requires close scrutiny.
      • Performance
        • Virulization has small overhead incurs when instructions are translated from guest to host OS. Container have near native performance.
      • Isolation
        • Virulization has file systems and libraries are not shared between guest and host OS. Container has file systems and libraries can be shared.
      • Startup time
        • Virulization's startup time is slow. Container's startup time is fast.
      • Storage
        • Virulization's requires storage space is large. Container's requires storage space is small and most are reusable.
      • (Virtualization vs Containerization table above)
  • [sample Q6] A) What are container orchestration technologies? What are the main benefits of using container orchestration tools? Name two of the most popular Docker orchestration tools? [3]

    • Container orchestration technologies provides a framework for integrating and managing containers at scale
    • benefits
      • Simplify container management process
      • Help to manage availability and scaling of containers
    • Docker orchestration tools
      • Kubernetes
      • Docker SWARM
  • [2017 Q4] d ii What is the relationship between a Docker Image and a Docker Container? [1]

    • Container is a process that behaves like an independent machine, it is a runtime instance of a docker image.
    • Image is a blueprint for a container.
  • [sample Q6] B) A researcher wants to attach to an already running Postgresql container and list all of the databases it contains. The command to list all of the database is psql -U postgres -c “\l”. The name of the container is postgres and it exposes the port 5432 to the host. Is the following command correct? If not, please correct it: docker exec -p 5432 --name postgres sh -c psql -U postgres -c “\l” [3]

    • docker exec -t postgres sh -c "psql -U postgres -c "\I""
    • docker exec -t postgres psql -U postgres -c "\I"
  • [sample Q6] C) The following Docker compose file starts two Docker containers that are used to run a WordPress website. What are the equivalent Docker commands that could be used to start these two containers individually? [4]

    version: '3.6'
        image: wordpress
        restart: always
        - 8080:80
        WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: database
        WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wordpress
        WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wordpress
        WORDPRESS_DB_NAME: wordpress
        image: mysql:5.7
        restart: always
        MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress
        MYSQL_USER: wordpress
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress
        MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: P@ssw0rd
        - /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
    •   docker run -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=database \
        -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wordpress \
        -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=wordpress \
        -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress \
        -p 8080:80 --restart always wordpress
    •   docker run -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress \
        -e MYSQL_USER=wordpress \
        -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=wordpress \
        -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=P@ssw0rd \
        -v /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
        -d --restart always mysql:5.7

Week 8.1 – Virtualisation


  • Virtual Machine Monitor/Hypervisor The virtualisation layer between the underlying hardware the virtual machines and guest operating systems it supports. Give a perception of a whole machine.
    Virtual Machine A representation of a real machine using hardware/software that can host a guest operating system
    Guest Operating System An operating system that runs in a virtual machine environment that would otherwise run directly on a separate physical system.
  1. What happens in a VM?

    • Inside the virtual machine, there are Virtual Network Device, VHD(Virtual Hard disk), VMDK(Virtual Machinie Disk), qcow2(QEMU Copy on Write)
    • Guest OS apps “think” they write to hard disk but translated to virtualised host hard drive by VMM
      • Which one is determined by image that is launched
  2. Motivation (why we want VM/virtualization/advantages) & History

    Server Consolidation 1. Increased utilisation
    2. Reduced energy consumption
    Personal virtual machines can be created on demand 1. No hardware purchase needed
    2. Public cloud computing - won't lockin Amazon
    Security/Isolation Share a single machine with multiple users - won't want everyone see what you are doing
    Hardware independence Relocate to different hardware
    • originally, virtual machine = an efficient, isolated duplicate of the real machine
      • Properties of interest (can also be thought as motivation):
        • Fidelity
          • Software on the VMM executes behaviour identical to that demonstrated when running on the machine directly, barring timing effects
        • Performance
          • An overwhelming majority of guest instructions executed by hardware without VMM intervention
        • Safety
          • The VMM manages all hardware resources
    • history see lecture 8.1 slide 7
  3. Classification of Instructions

    Privileged Instructions instructions that trap if the processor is in user mode and do not trap in kernel mode
    Sensitive Instructions instructions whose behaviour depends on the mode or configuration of the hardware Different behaviours depending on whether in user or kernel mode
    - e.g. POPF interrupt (for interrupt flag handling)
    Innocuous Instructions instructions that are neither privileged nor sensitive Read data, add numbers etc
    • Popek and Goldberg Theorem
      • For any conventional third generation computer, a virtual machine monitor may be constructed if the set of sensitive instructions for that computer is a subset of the set of privileged instructions i.e. have to be trappable
    • x86 architecture was historically not virtualisable, due to sensitive instructions that could not be trapped
    • Intel and AMD introduced extensions to make x86 virtualisable
  4. What are the requirements for virtualisation?

    Typical Virtualisation Strategy Achieved by problem
    De-privileging (trap-and-emulate) trap-and-emulate: VMM emulates the effect on system/hardware resources of privileged instructions whose execution traps into the VMM running GuestOS at a lower hardware priority level than the VMM Problematic on some architectures where privileged instructions do not trap when executed at de-privileged level
    Primary/shadow structures 1. VMM maintains “shadow” copies of critical structures whose “primary” versions are manipulated by the GuestOS, e.g. memory page tables
    2. Primary copies needed to insure correct versions are visible to GuestOS
    Memory traces Controlling access to memory so that the shadow and primary structure remain coherent write-protect primary copies so that update operations cause page faults which can be caught, interpreted, and addressed
    - Someones app/code doesn’t crash the server you are using!!!
    • Do sensitive instructions and privileged instructions both need to be trap-and-emulate?
      • All sensitive/privileged instructions have to be dealt with. Some will need to be emulated/translated
      • others can just happen depending on the mode and/or whether para-virtualisation is supported.
      • (Popek and Goldberg Theorem above and sth below)
  5. Virtualisation approaches (compare with each other pair wise 1 v.s. 2, ...)

    Aspects of VMMs What is it? e.g. Advantages Disadvantages
    Full virtualisation allow an unmodified guest OS to run in isolation by simulating full hardware
    - Guest OS has no idea it is not on physical machine
    VMWare 1. Guest is unaware it is executing within a VM
    2. Guest OS need not be modified
    3. No hardware or OS assistance required
    4. Can run legacy OS
    1. can be less efficient
    Para-virtualisation - VMM/Hypervisor exposes special interface to guest OS for better performance. Requires a modified/hypervisor-aware Guest OS
    - Can optimise systems to use this interface since not all instructions need to be trapped/dealt with because "VMM emulates the effect on system/hardware resources of privileged instructions whose execution traps into the VMM"
    Xen 1. Lower virtualisation overheads, so better performance 1. Need to modify guest OS - Can’t run arbitrary OS!
    2. Less portable
    3. Less compatibility
    Hardware-assisted virtualisation Hardware provides architectural support for running a Hypervisor
    - New processors typically have this
    - Requires that all sensitive instructions trappable
    KVM 1. Good performance
    2. Easier to implement
    3. Advanced implementation supports hardware assisted DMA, memory virtualisation
    1. Needs hardware support
    software virtualization Any virtualisation that does not involve hardware support.
    Binary Translation Trap and execute occurs by scanning guest instruction stream and replacing sensitive instructions with emulated code
    - Don’t need hardware support, but can be much harder to achieve
    VMWare 1. Guest OS need not be modified
    2. No hardware or OS assistance required
    3. Can run legacy OS
    1. Overheads
    2. Complicated
    3. Need to replace instructions “on-the-fly”
    4. Library support to help this, e.g. vCUDA
    Bare Metal Hypervisor VMM runs directly on actual hardware
    - Boots up and runs on actual physical machine
    - VMM has to support device drivers, all HW mgt
    VMWare ESX Server
    Hosted Virtualisation VMM runs on top of another operating system VMWare Workstation
    Operating System Level Virtualisation 1. Lightweight VMs
    2. Instead of whole-system virtualisation, the OS creates mini-containers
    Docker 1. Lightweight
    2. Many more VMs on same hardware
    3. Can be used to package applications and all OS dependencies into container
    1. Can only run apps designed for the same OS
    2. Cannot host a different guest OS
    3. Can only use native file systems
    4. Uses same resources as other containers
    Memory Virtualisation VMM maintains shadow page tables in lock-step with the page tables.
    detail see below section
    1. Adds additional management overhead
    • for Full virtualisation, Binary Translation
      • but in each case there can be some differences in rangs for each service see lecture 8.1 slides 15, 19
    • for Para-virtualisation, Hardware-assisted virtualisation differ in ring 0 service, see lecture 8.1 slides 16, 18
      • New Ring -1 for VMM supported Page tables, virtual memory mgt, direct memory access for high speed reads etc
  6. Memory Virtualisation

      • In conventional case, page tables store the logical page number and physical page number mappings
      • In VMM case, VMM maintains shadow page tables in lock-step with the page tables. Additional management overhead is added.
    • Shadow Page Tables

      • VMM maintains shadow page tables in lock-step with the page tables
      • In this case, one OS represent in blue, the other in green
      • Disadv: Adds additional management overhead
        • Hardware performs guest -> physical and physical -> machine translation
  7. Live migration

    • having continuity of service during data moving
    • Live Migration from Virtualisation Perspective/Live migration of virtual machines

past exam

  • [2014 Q7] A) Define the following terms and their relevance to Cloud Computing:

    • a. Hypervisor [1]

      • above
    • b. Virtual machine [1]

      • A representation of a real machine using hardware/software that can host a guest operating system
    • c. Machine image [1]

      • is a Compute Engine resource that stores all the configuration, metadata, permissions, and data from one or more disks required to create a virtual machine (VM) instance.
    • d. Object Store [1]

      • is a strategy that manages and manipulates data storage as distinct units
    • e. Volume Store [1]

      • Store = Storage
      • Volume storage is the virtual equivalent of a USB drive. A USB drive retains your data, whether it is plugged in or not. Manipulating the data on a USB drive requires that it is plugged into a computer and that it is mounted by the operating system. Your USB drive can be unplugged and plugged into another (newer, bigger, better) computer, but your USB drive can only ever be plugged in to one computer at a time.
      • Equivalently a volume in your Nectar project can retain your data, whether it is attached to an instance or not. Manipulating the data on the volume requires that is attached to an instance, and that the file systems is mounted by the operating system. Your volume can be detached and attached to another (newer, bigger, better) instance, but your volume can only ever be attached to one instance at a time.
    • f. Key-pair [1]

      • A key pair consists of a private key and a public key.
  • [2013 Q5] A) Explain what is meant by the following terms:

    • Virtual Machine Monitor/Hypervisor [1]

      • is a technology to provide virtualization by providing a virtualisation layer between the underlying hardware the virtual machines and guest operating systems it supports.
    • Full virtualization [1]

      • allow an unmodified guest OS to run in isolation by simulating full hardware
        • Guest OS has no idea it is not on physical machine
    • Para-virtualization [1]

      • VMM/Hypervisor exposes special interface to guest OS for better performance. Requires a modified/hypervisor-aware Guest OS
      • Can optimise systems to use this interface since not all instructions need to be trapped/dealt with
    • Shadow page tables [1]

      • VMM (virtual machine monitar) keeps a mapping between what a vitual machine on the server rack you think that if you are dealing with address spaces and memory update. And it keeps a logical mapping so that all the instances think their own page tables which they don't. All of that is managed indirectly by the shadow page table.
    • Explain how hardware virtualization and software virtualization can differ in their treatment of shadow page tables. [2]

      • Main issue is that the hardware does a lot of the management of shadow page tables and hence is faster but needs all calls to be trappable by hardware. Doing it via software virtualisation requires sensitive calls to be trapped and handled by the VMM which is slower.
      • The VMM needs to keep shadow page tables synchronised with guest page tables. You might add para-virtualisation to hardware virtualization (the one has shadow page table) can improve things from a performance perspective.
    • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of virtual machines. [2]

      • adv
        • reuse hardware and have multiple different OS running on the same physical system
      • disadv
        • performance overhead
        • privacy and security issue
        • virtual machine has slow startup time
    • [2017 Q7 C [3]] Describe the typical steps that are required to support live migration of virtual machine instances using a Cloud facility such as the NeCTAR Research Cloud. [2]

      • picture above
  • [2016 Q5] A) Popek and Goldberg laid down the foundations for computer virtualization in their 1974 paper, Formal Requirements for Third Generation Architectures.

    • a. Identify and explain the different types of classification of instruction sets for virtualization to occur according to the theorem of Popek and Goldberg. You should include the relationships between the instruction sets. [3]

      • Privileged Instructions instructions that trap if the processor is in user mode and do not trap in kernel mode
        Sensitive Instructions instructions whose behaviour depends on the mode or configuration of the hardware
        Innocuous Instructions instructions that are neither privileged nor sensitive
      • relation = subset
        • For any conventional third generation computer, a virtual machine monitor may be constructed if the set of sensitive instructions for that computer is a subset of the set of privileged instructions i.e. have to be trappable
      • innocuous instructions do not need to be trapped and dealt with and hence can be considered separately.
    • b. Describe how these principles are realized by modern virtual machine monitors/hypervisors. [2]

      • Typical Virtualisation Strategy
        De-privileging (trap-and-emulate) trap-and-emulate: VMM emulates the effect on system/hardware resources of privileged instructions whose execution traps into the VMM
        Primary/shadow structures 1. VMM maintains “shadow” copies of critical structures whose “primary” versions are manipulated by the GuestOS, e.g. memory page tables
        2. Primary copies needed to insure correct versions are visible to GuestOS
        Memory traces Controlling access to memory so that the shadow and primary structure remain coherent
      • sensitive/privileged instructions (calls) have to be trapped and dealt with
    • c. Explain the differences between full virtualization and para-virtualisation. Give an example of a hypervisor that uses full virtualization and an example of a hypervisor that uses paravirtualisation. [2]

      • full virtualization
        • allow an unmodified guest OS to run in isolation by simulating full hardware
        • VMWare
      • para-virtualisation
        • VMM/Hypervisor exposes special interface to a modified/hypervisor-aware Guest OS for better performance.
        • Xen
    • d. Describe the role of a virtual machine manager/hypervisor with regards to memory management and shadow page tables. [3]

      • VMM maintains shadow page tables in lock-step with the page tables. Additional management overhead is added.
      • VMM emulates the effect on system/hardware resources of privileged instructions whose execution traps into the VMM
      • VMM maintains “shadow” copies of critical structures whose “primary” versions are manipulated by the GuestOS
      • Control access to memory so that the shadow and primary structure remain coherent

Week 8.2 – OpenStack & Comparing and Contrasting AWS with NeCTAR Cloud

  • Offers free and open-source software platform for cloud computing for IaaS
  • Consists of interrelated components (services) that control / support compute, storage, and networking resources
  • Often used through web-based dashboards, through command-line tools, or programmatically through ReSTful APIs

Openstack architecture

    • As a user, login in through Horizon to have access to cloud and get identity
      • identity is passed among the components
      • operation is restricted based on your identity and resource available
        • reformat other's disk
    • launch server/instance
      • identity is passed among the components
      • operation is restricted based on your identity and resource available
      • use pre-existing instance, use Ubuntu via Glance's image service
      • attach some storage
        • object storage via Swift or
        • block storage via Cinder
      • setup firewall, ssh port via Neutron's Networking Services
    • Identity works as a glue among components

Typically asynchronous queuing systems used (AMQP)

    • AMQP: queueing service for load balance when large request comes
      • queue an instance creation request and starts when one is released

Key Services

Keystone -- Identity Service

  • Provides an authentication and authorization service fro OpenStack services
    • Tracks users/permissions
  • Provides a catalog of endpoints for all OpenStack services
    • Each service registered during install
      • Know where they are and who can do what with them
    • Project membership
    • firewall rules
  • Generic authorization system
    • More refer to week10 ==TODO==

Nova -- Compute Service

  • Manages the lifecycle of compute instances in an OpenStack environment
  • Responsibilities for virtual machines on demand, include
    • spawning
    • scheduling
    • Decommissioning
  • Virtualisation agnostic
    • Key point of success as it allows openStack works with any kind of virtualisation solution, including
      • XenAPI, Hyper-V, VMWare ESX
      • Docker
    • You are not binding with any specific solution
  • ==(The following not covered in detail in the lecture)==
  • API
    • Nova-api

      • Accepts/responds to end user API calls
      • Supports openStack Compute & EC2 & admin APIs
    • Compute Core

      • Nova-computer
        • Daemon that creates/terminates VMs through hypervisor APIs
      • Nova-scheduler
        • schedules VM instance requests from queue and determines which server host to run
      • Nova-conductor
        • Mediates interactions between compute services and other components, e.g. image database
    • Networking

      • Nova-network
        • Accepts network tasks from queue and manipulates network, e.g. changing IP table rules
      • I need a VM with: 64Gb memory, 8vCPUs, in Melbourne, running Ubuntu 12.04
        • The call comes in through load balancer and buffered
        • nova-api Accepts/responds to end user API calls
        • Nova-scheduler schedules VM instance requests from queue and determines which server host to run
        • Nova-conductor mediates interactions between compute services and other components, e.g. image database

Swift - Object Storage

  • Stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructured data objects via ReSTful API
    • e.g.: VM images and data
    • This service can be used to access arbitrary unstructured data
  • Fault tolerant with data replication and scale-out architecture
    • Available from anywhere; persists until deleted
    • Allows to write objects and files to multiple drives, ensuring the data is replicated across a server cluster
  • Can be used with/without Nova
  • Client/admin support
    • Swift client allows users to submit commands to ReST API through command line clients to configure/connect object storage to VMs

Cinder -- Block Storage

  • Provides persistent block storage to virtual machines (instances) and supports creation and management of block storage devices
  • Cinder access associated with a VM
    • Cinder-api
      • routes requests to cinder-volume
    • Cinder-volume
      • interacts with block storage service and scheduler to read/write requests; can interact with multiple flavours of storage (flexible driver architecture)
    • Cinder-scheduler
      • selects optimal storage provider node to create volumes (ala nova-scheduler)
    • Cinder-backup
      • provides backup to any types of volume to backup storage provider

Glance -- Image Service

  • Accepts requests for disk or server images and their associated metadata (from Swift) and retrieves / installs (through Nova)
    • Find the image at Swift, but getting the image at Glance
  • API
    • Glance-api
      • Image discovery, retrieval and storage requests
    • Glance-registry
      • Stores, processes and retrieves metadata about images, e.g. size and type
        • Ubuntu 14.04
        • My last good snapshot
          • I (the owner) can control who can access the snapshot using Keystone

Neutron -- Networking Services

  • Supports networking of OpenStack services
    • subnet
    • Network in and out
    • Network security group
  • Offers an API for users to define networks and the attachments into them,
    • e.g.:
      • switches
      • routers
  • Pluggable architecture that supports multiple networking vendors and technologies
  • Neutron-server
    • accepts and routes API requests to appropriate plug-ins for action
    • Port management, e.g. default SSH, VM-specific rules, ...
    • More broadly configuration of availability zone networking, e.g. subnets, DHCP, ...

Horizon -- Dashboard Service

  • Provides a web-based self-service portal to interact with underlying OpenStack services, such as
    1. launching an instance
    2. assigning IP addresses
    3. configuring access controls
  • Based on Python/Django web application
  • Requires Nova, Keystone, Glance, Neutron
  • Other services optional...

Trove -- Database Service

  • Provides scalable and reliable Cloud database (DBaaS) functionality for both relational and non-relational database engines
  • Benefits
    • Resource isolation
    • high performance
    • automates deployment
    • config
    • patching
    • backups
    • restores
    • monitoring
    • ...
  • Use image service for each DB type and trove-manage to offer them to tenants/user communities

Sahara -- Data Processing Service

  • Provides capabilities to provision and scale Hadoop clusters in OpenStack by specifying parameters such as Hadoop version, cluster topology and node hardware details
  • User fills in details and Sahara supports the automated deployment of infrastructure with support for addition/removal of worker nodes on demand

Heat -- Orchestration Service

  • Template-driven service to manage lifecycle of applications deployed on Openstack
  • Stack
    • Another name for the template and procedure behind creating infrastructure and the required resources from the template file
  • Can be integrated with automation tools such as Chef
    • Puppet
    • Ansible
  • Heat details
    • heat_template_version: allows to specify which version of Heat, the template was written for (optional)
    • Description: describes the intent of the template to a human audience (optional)
    • Parameters: the arguments that the user might be required to provide (optional)
    • Resources: the specifications of resources that are to be created (mandatory)
    • Outputs: any expected values that are to be returned once the template has been processed (optional)

Creating Stacks in MRC/NeCTAR

  1. Create the template file according to your requirements
  2. Provide environment details (name of key file, image id, etc)
  3. Select a name for your stack and confirm the parameters
  4. Make sure rollback checkbox is marked, so if anything goes wrong, all partially created resources get dumped too
  5. Wait for the magic to happen!

past exam

  • [sample Q3 A] The NeCTAR Research Cloud is based on the OpenStack technology. Describe the role and features of the following OpenStack components:

    • Nova [1] (one of below)
      • Manages the lifecycle of compute instances in an OpenStack environment
      • Responsibilities for virtual machines on demand, include spawning, scheduling and decommissioning
    • Horizon [1]
      • Provides a web-based self-service portal to interact with underlying OpenStack services, such as launching an instance, assigning IP addresses and configuring access controls.
    • Heat [1]
      • Template-driven service to manage lifecycle of applications deployed on Openstack
    • Glance [1]
      • Accepts requests for disk or server images and their associated metadata (from Swift) and retrieves / installs (through Nova)
    • Swift [1]
      • Stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructured data objects via ReSTful API, e.g.: VM images and data
    • Keystone [1]
      • Provides an authentication and authorization service fro OpenStack services
      • Tracks users/permissions
      • Provides a catalog of endpoints for all OpenStack services
    • Neutron [1]
      • Supports networking of OpenStack services
      • Offers an API for users to define networks and the attachments into them, e.g.: switches, routers
      • Port management, e.g. default SSH, VM-specific rules, ...
  • [sample Q3 B] Describe the interplay between these components that allows a researcher to create an instance of a virtual machine through a pre-existing snapshot from a non-public NeCTAR Cloud image, e.g. a snapshot created by a user. [3]

    • Authenticate via Keystone. provide unimelb id and password for MRC. And Keystone identity enable us to use other components in the system so that the system knows that's us using them.
    • Daemon that creates/terminates VMs through hypervisor APIs via Nova-computer
    • schedules VM instance requests from queue and determines which server host to run via Nova-scheduler
    • Mediates interactions between compute services and other components, e.g. image database via Nova-conductor
    • looking up resoueces required via Swift/Glance
    • preparing the VM on machine required
  • Describe the approach that would be taken using the openStack Heat service for deployment of SaaS solutions onto the Cloud. [2]

    1. Create the template file according to your requirements
    2. Provide environment details (name of key file, image id, etc)
    3. Select a name for your stack and confirm the parameters
    4. Make sure rollback checkbox is marked, so if anything goes wrong, all partially created resources get dumped too
    5. Wait for the magic to happen!

Week 8.3 - Serverless (Function as a Service (FaaS))

  1. Why Functions?
    • A function in computer science is typically a piece of code that takes in parameters and returns a value
    • Functions are the founding concept of functional programming - one of the oldest programming paradigms
    • Why they are used in Faas?
    • Functions in server less comuting are:
      • free of side-effects,
        • What is it?
          • A function that does not modify the state of the system
            • e.g.: a function that takes an image and returns a thumbnail of that image
          • A function that changes the system somehow is not side-effect free
            • e.g.: a function that writes to the file system the thumbnail of an image
        • How Side-effect free benefits parallel execition?
          • Side-effect free functions can be run in parallel, and are guaranteed to return the same output given the same input
        • How it benefits FaaS?
          • Side-effects are almost inevitable (不可避免的) in a relatively complex system. Therefore consideration must be given on how to make functions with side effects run in parallel, as typically required in FaaS environments.
      • ephemeral (短暂的;瞬息的),
        • Synchronous/Asynchronous Functions
        • Relationship to FaaS
          • By default functions in FaaS are synchronous, hence they return their result immediately
          • However, there may be functions that take longer to return a result, hence they incur timeouts and lock connections with clients in the process, hence it is better to transform them into asynchronous functions
            • a publish/subscribe pattern involving a queuing system can be used to deal with asynchronous functions
        • How them work?
          Function How
          Synchronous functions return their result immediately
          Asynchronous functions return a code that informs the client that the execution has started, and then trigger an event when the execution completes
      • stateless,
        • What is it?
          • A subset of functions with side-effects is composed of stateful functions
            stateful function is one whose output changes in relation to internally stored information (hence its input cannot entirely predict its output) a function that adds items to a "shopping cart" and retains that information internally
            stateless function is one that does not store information internally adding an item to a "shopping cart" stored in a DBMS service and not internally would make the function above stateless, but not side-effect free.
        • Why it is important for FaaS?
          • Because there are multiple instances of the same function, and there is no guarantee the same user would call the same function instance twice.
      • which make them ideal for
        • parallel execution and
        • rapid scaling-up and -down
        • Functions are free of side-effects, ephemeral, and stateless, which make them ideal for parallel execution and rapid scaling-up and -down, hence their use in FaaS
  2. Function & FaaS
    • Side effects
    • stateful & stateless
    • Synchronous/Asynchronous Functions
  3. What is Function as a Service (FaaS)?
    • FaaS is also know as Serverless computing
    • FaaS is an extreme form of microservice architecture
    • The idea behind Serverless/FaaS is to develop software applications without bothering with the infrastructure (especially scaling-up and down as load increases or decreases). Therefore, it is more Server-unseen than Server-less
    • What does it do?
      • A FaaS service allows functions to be added, removed, updated, executed, and auto-scaled
  4. Why we need Faas?
    Reason How
    Simpler deployment the service provider takes care of the infrastructure
    Reduced computing costs only the time during which functions are executed is billed
    Reduced application complexity due to loosely-coupled architecture
  5. FaaS application
    • Functions are triggered by events
    • Functions can call each other
    • Functions and events can be combined to build software applications
    • Combining event-driven scenarios and functions resembles how User Interface software is built: user actions trigger the execution of pieces of code
    • E.g.: FaaS Services and Frameworks
      • Amazon’s AWS Lambda
      • Google Cloud Functions
      • Azure Functions by Microsoft
    • proprietary FaaS services v.s. open-source FaaS frameworks
      • open-source FaaS frameworks can be deployed on your cluster, peered into, disassembled, and improved by you.

past exam

  • [sample Q7] A) In the context of Cloud, what is meant by serverless computing? [1]

    • A way of developing applications as collections of functions that are deployed on a computing infrastructure without the need to manage it.
  • [sample Q7] B) List three reasons why it may be beneficial to choose a serverless solution. [3]

    • Reason How
      Simpler deployment the service provider takes care of the infrastructure
      Reduced computing costs only the time during which functions are executed is billed
      Reduced application complexity due to loosely-coupled architecture
      • "Why we need Faas?" above
  • [sample Q7] C) Discuss the role of functions in serverless computing. Your answer should include key properties of functions that make them suitable for serverless environments. [3]

    • Serverless applications are composed of functions
    • key properties of functions that make them suitable for serverless environments:
      • Functions in server less comuting are:
        • free of side-effects
        • ephemeral
        • stateless
        • which make them ideal for
          • parallel execution and
          • rapid scale up and scale down
      • Functions are triggered by events
      • Functions can call each other

Workshop week8: OpenFaaS


  • Functions are passed a request as an object in the language of choice and return a response as an object
  • OpenFaaS & container
    • Open-source framework that uses Docker containers to deliver FaaS functionality
    • role of container technologies and their relationship with functions:
      • Every function in OpenFaaS is a Docker container, ensuring loose coupling between functions
        • Function can be written in different languages and mixed freely
    • OpenFaaS can use either Docker Swarm or Kubernetes to manage cluster of nodes on which functions run
    • By using Docker containers as functions, OpenFaaS allow to freely mix different languages and environments at the cost of decreased performance as containers are inherently heavier than threads
      • However, it is possible to reduce the size to only a few MBs

Auto-scalability and OpenFaaS

  • OpenFaaS can add more Docker containers when a function is called more often, and remove containers when the function is called less often
  • The scaling-up (and down) of functions can be tied to memory or CPU utilization as well (currently only on Kubernetes-managed clusters though)

past exam

  • [sample Q7] D) OpenFaaS is an open source framework that can be used to deliver serverless computing solutions. Discuss the role of container technologies such as Docker in OpenFaaS and their relationship with functions and how they might be used to support auto-scaling. [3]

    • Every function in OpenFaaS is a Docker container, ensuring loose coupling between functions
    • When the load increases, OpenFaaS add more container executing the same function.
    • When the load decreases, OpenFaaS remove containers for the function is called less often.

Week 9 - Big Data Analytics

  1. Why we need it?
    • There would not be much point in amassing vast amount of data without being able to analyse it, hence the blossoming of large-scale business intelligence and more complex machine learning algorithms.
    • Overlapping among business intelligence, machine learning, statistics and data mining.
      • Just use big data analytics
  2. What is it?
    • There is a good deal of overlap and confusion among terms such as business intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and data mining. For the sake of clarity, we just use the more general term (big) data analytics
  3. Examples of Analytics
    Full-text searching
    Aggregation of data
    Sentiment analysis
  4. Challenges of Big Data Analytics
    • A framework for analysing big data has to distribute both data and processing over many nodes, which implies:
      Reading and writing distributed datasets
      Preserving data in the presence of failing data nodes
      Supporting the execution of MapReduce tasks
      Being fault-tolerant a few failing compute nodes may slow down the processing, but not stop it
      Coordinating the execution of tasks across a cluster
  5. Tools for Analytics:
    • Apache Hadoop
    • Apache Spark

Apache Hadoop

  1. How it works?
    • Apache Hadoop started as a way to distribute files over a cluster and execute MapReduce tasks, but many tools have now been built on that foundation to add further functionality
  2. Components
    • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
    • Hadoop Resource Manager (YARN)
  3. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
    • What is it?
      • The core of Hadoop is a fault tolerant file system that has been explicitly designed to span many nodes
    • HDFS blocks v.s. blocks
      • HDFS blocks are much larger than blocks used by an ordinary file system (say, 4 KB versus 128MB)
      • Why?
        How achieve it?
        Reduced need for memory to store information about where the blocks are metadata
        More efficient use of the network with a large block, a reduced number network connections needs to be kept open
        Reduced need for seek operations on big files
        Efficient when most data of a block have to be processed
    • HDFS Architecture
      • A HDFS file is a collection of blocks stored in datanodes, with metadata (such as the position of those blocks) that is stored in namenodes
    • The HDFS Shell
      • Why we need it?
        • Managing the files on a HDFS cluster cannot be done on the operating system shell
          • hence a custom HDFS shell must be used.
      • The HDFS file system shell replicates many of the usual commands (ls, rm, etc.), with some other commands dedicated to loading files from the operating system to the cluster (and back)
  4. The Hadoop Resource Manager (YARN)
    • What is it/What does it do?
      • YARN deals with Executing MapReduce jobs on a cluster
        • It is composed of a central Resource Manager and
        • Many Node Managers that reside on slave machines
    • Every time a MapReduce job is scheduled for execution on a Hadoop cluster, YARN starts an Application Master that negotiates resources with the Resource Manager and starts Containers on the slave nodes
      • Containers are the processes where the actual processing is done
  5. Programming on Hadoop

Apache Spark

  1. Why Spark not Hadoop?/Spark v.s. Hadoop
    • While Hadoop MapReduce works well, it is geared towards performing relatively simple jobs on large datasets.
      • While the execution order of Hadoop MapReduce is fixed, the lazy evaluation of Spark allows the developer to stop worrying about it, and have the Spark optimizer take care of it.
      • In addition, the driver program can be divided into steps that are easier to understand without sacrificing performance (as long as those steps are composed of transformations).
    • However, when complex jobs are performed, we would like
      • Caching data in memory
      • Having finer-grained control on the execution of the jobs
    • Spark was designed to
      • reduce the latency inherent in the Hadoop approach for the execution of MapReduce job
      • How?
        • The transformations in the program use lazy evaluation, hence Spark has the possibility of optimizing the process
    • Spark can operate within the Hadoop architecture, using YARN and Zookeeper to
      • Manage computing resources
      • Storing data on HDFS
    • Spark has a tightly-coupled nature of its main components
    • Spark has a cluster manager of its own, but it can work with other cluster managers, such as YARN or MESOS.
  2. Spark Architecture
    • One of the strong points of Spark is the tightly-coupled nature of its main components
    • Spark ships with a cluster manager of its own, but it can work with other cluster managers, such as YARN or MESOS.
  3. The Spark Shell
    • allows to send commands to the cluster interactively in either Scala or Python.
    • While the shell can be extremely useful, it prevents Spark from deploying all of its optimizations, leading to poor performance.
  4. Programming on Spark
    • Lecture 09:: 00:34:24
  5. Spark Runtime Architecture
    • Applications in Spark are composed of different components including
      • Job
        • The data processing that has to be performed on a dataset
        • the overall processing that Spark is directed to perform by a driver program
      • Task
        • A single operation on a dataset
        • a single transformation operating on a single partition of data on a single node
      • Stage
        • Set of task operating on a single partition
      • Stage & performance
        • The fewer the number of stages, the faster the computation (shuffling data across the cluster is slow)
      • Stage & Job
        • A job is composed of more than one stage when data are to be transferred across node
      • Executors
        • The processes in which tasks are executed
      • Cluster Manager
        • The process assigning tasks to executors
      • Driver program
        • The main logic of the application
      • Spark application
        • Driver program + Executor
      • Spark Context
        • The general configuration of the job
          • The deployment is set in the Stpark Context, which is also used to set the configuration of a Spark application, including the cluster it connects to in cluster mode.
            • For instance, this hard-coded Spark Context directs the execution to run locally, using 2 threads (usually, it is set to the number of cores):
              • sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setMaster("local[2]"));
            • This other hard-coded line directs the execution to a remote cluster:
              • sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setMaster("spark://"));
          • Spark Contexts can also be used to tune the execution by setting the memory, or the number of executors to use.
    • These different components can be arranged in three different deployment modes (below) across the cluster
    • Spark Runtime Mode
      • Local Mode
        • In local mode, every Spark component runs within the same JVM. However, the Spark application can still run in parallel, as there may be more than on executor active
        • When used?
          • Good for developing and debugging
      • Cluster Mode
        • In cluster mode, every component, including the driver program, is executed on the cluster. Upon launching, the job can run autonomously.
        • When used?
          • This is the common way of running non-interactive Spark jobs.
      • Client Mode
        • The driver program talks directly to the executors on the worker nodes. Therefore, the machine hosting the driver program has to be connected to the cluster until job completion.
        • When used?
          • Client mode must be used when the applications are interactive, as happens in the Python or Scala Spark shells.
  6. Caching Intermediate Results
    • rdd.persist(storageLevel) can be used to save an RDD either in memory and/or disk.
      • The storageLevel can be tuned to a different mix of use of RAM or disk to store the RDD
      • since RDDs are immutable,
        • the result of the final transformation is cached, not the input RDD.
        • In other words, when this statement is executed
          • rddB = rddA.persist(DISK_ONLY)
          • only rddB has been written to disk.
  7. Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDDs) (Central to Spark)
    • What is it?
      • the way data are stored in Spark during computation, and understanding them is crucial to writing programs in Spark:
        Resilient data are stored redundantly, hence a failing node would not affect their integrity
        Distributed data are split into chunks, and these chunks are sent to different nodes
        Dataset a dataset is just a collection of objects, hence very generic
    • Properties of RDDs
      • RDDs are
        Property benefit
        immutable once defined, they cannot be changed simplifies parallel computations on them, and
        is consistent with the functional programming paradigm
        transient they are meant to be used only once, then discarded (but they can be cached, if it improves performance)
        lazily-evaluated the evaluation process happens only
        - when data cannot be kept in an RDD, as when the number of objects in an RDD has to be computed,
        - or an RDD has to be written to a file (these are called actions), but
        - not when an RDD are transformed into another RDD (these are called transformations)
        optimizing the process
        • The transformations in the program use lazy evaluation, hence Spark has the possibility of optimizing the process
    • How to Build an RDD?
      • created out of data stored elsewhere (HDFS, a local text file, a DBMS)
      • created out of collections too, using the parallelize function
    • RDD variable
      • are just placeholders until the action is encountered. Remember that the Spark application is not just the driver program, but all the RDD processing that takes place on the cluster
    • RDD Transformations
      • rdd.filter(lambda) selects elements from an RDD
      • rdd.distinct() returns an RDD without duplicated elements
      • rdd.union(otherRdd) merges two RDDs
      • rdd.intersection(otherRdd) returns elements common to both
      • rdd.subtract(otherRdd) removes elements of otherRdd
      • rdd.cartesian(otherRdd) returns the Cartesian product of both RDDs
    • RDD Action
      • rdd.collect() returns all elements in an RDD
      • rdd.count() returns the number of elements in an RDD
      • rdd.reduce(lambda) applies the function to all elements repeatedly, resulting in one result (say, the sum of all elements. Not to be confused with the reduceByKey transformation)
      • rdd.foreach(lambda) applies lambda to all elements of an RDD

past exam

  • [2014 Q5] B) Apache Hadoop is a software framework that enables processing of large data sets.

    • a. Explain the role of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) in supporting the Apache Hadoop framework. [2]

      • HDFS has blocks existing on nodes and there is a name node which contains the meta data about which block is running.
      • HDFS is a fault tolerant file system that has been explicitly designed to span many nodes
    • b. Describe the process by which Apache Hadoop supports fault tolerant data processing. [2]

      • HDFS has blocks existing on nodes and there is a name node which contains the meta data about which block is running and if one of the nodes fails then the data is still available somewhere else in the system load balanced. And it will try to rebalnce itself.
  • [sample Q4] D) Describe the three different Apache SPARK runtime modes:

    • Local [1]

      • The driver program and the executors are all hosted on the same computer (no need for a cluster manager).
      • The Spark appplication is hosted on the same computer.
    • Cluster [1]

      • The cluster manager, driver program and the executors are all hosted on the cluster.
      • The cluster manager and Spark appplication is hosted on the cluster.
    • Client [1]

      • The driver program is hosted on the same computer that is not part of the cluster, while the cluster manager and executors are hosted on the cluster.
  • [2017 Q2] B What is the Apache Hadoop Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) operation type that triggers RDD evaluations? Which operation type does not trigger RDD evaluations? [2]

    • Spark's RDDs provide two kinds of operations: transformations and actions, where only actions such as reduce or collect trigger the evaluation. So transformation does not trigger RDD evaluations.

Week 10.1 – Security and Clouds

  1. Why is security so important?
    • If systems (Grids/Clouds/outsourced infrastructure!) are not secure
      • Large communities will not engage
        • medical community, industry, financial community, etc they will only use their own internal resources, e.g.: private clouds!
    • Expensive to repeat some experiments
      • Huge machines running large simulations for several years
    • Legal and ethical issues possible to be violated with all sorts of consequences
      • e.g. data protection act violations and fines incurred
        • Amazon Web Services, Sydney
    • Trust is easily lost and hard to re-establish
  • What do we mean by security anyway?
    • Secure from whom?
      • From sys-admin?
      • From rogue employee?
  • Secure against what?
    • Security is never black and white but is a grey landscape where the context determines the accuracy of how secure a system is
      • e.g. secure as given by a set of security requirements
  • security technology ≠ secure system
    • Ultra secure system using 2048+ bit encryption technology, packet filtering firewalls, …
      • on laptop in unlocked room
      • on PC with password on “post-it” on screen/desk
      • the challenge of peta/exa-scale computers and possibility for brute force cracking
  1. The Challenge of Security
    • Grids and Clouds (IaaS) allow users to compile codes that do stuff on physical/virtual machines
      • In the Grid world a rich blend of facilities co-existed (were accessible/integrated!) which had "issues" - prevent people do bad staff
        • Highly secure supercomputing facilities compromised by single user PCs/laptops
        • Need security technologies that scales to meet wide variety of applications
      • Using services for processing of patient data through to “needle in haystack” searching of physics experiments
    • Should try to develop generic security solutions
      • Avoid all application areas re-inventing their own (incompatible/inoperable) solutions
    • Clouds allow scenarios that stretch inter-organisational security
      • Policies that restrict access to and usage of resources based on pre-identified users, resources
        • Groups/tenancy…
      • But what if new resources added, new users added, old users go…?
        • Over-subscription issues
        • User management (per user, per team, per organisation, per country…)
      • What if organisations decide to change policies governing access to and usage of resources, or bring their data back inside of their firewall?
        • Really not replicated somewhere else?
      • What if you share a tenancy with a noisy neighbour!
        • I/O demanding applications
          • You hopefully never experienced this, but early NeCTAR RC had performance issues!
      • The multi-faceted challenges of ”life beyond the organisational firewall”?
  2. Technical Challenges of Security
    • All are important but some applications/domains have more emphasis on concepts than others
      • Key is to make all of this simple/transparent to users!
    • Single sign-on
      • What is it?
        • Login once, but can access many more resources that potentially provided by other providers
        • When you login The university of Melbourne Cloud, you could also access the amazon cloud
      • The Grid model (and Shib model!) needed
      • Currently not solved for Cloud-based IaaS
        • has to build by deveoplers
      • Onus (责任) is on non-Cloud developers to define/support this
    • Auditing
      • What is it?
        • logging, intrusion detection, auditing of security in external computer facilities. Logging the actions by each user
          • When bad thing happen, we have the record
      • well established in theory and practice and for local systems
        • Less mature in Cloud environments (beyond the firewall!)
      • Tools to support generation of diagnostic trails
        • Across federations of Clouds?
        • Log/keep all information?
        • For how long?
      • Problem/challenge
        • The record are distributed most of time
      • Solution
        • Use block-chain ledger to provide confidentiality of the log
    • Deletion (and encryption!!!)
      • Data deletion with no direct hard disk (might cost a lot of money to delete it)
        • Many tools and utilities don’t work!
      • Scale of data
        • Securely deleting a few Mb easy enough
    • Liability
      • Using contract to state the risk when put data here
    • Licensing
      • Challenges with the Cloud delivery model (Where can jobs realistically run)
      • Many license models
        • Per user
        • Per server
        • Per organisation
        • Floating licenses
        • Fixed to machines
    • Workflows
      • Many workflow tools for combing SoA services/data flows
        • Taverna, Pegasus, Galaxy, Kepler, Nimrod, OMS, …
      • Many workflows models
        • Orchestration (centralised definition/enactment),
        • Choreography (decentralised)
      • Serious challenges of
        • defining,
        • enforcing,
        • sharing,
        • enacting
      • security-oriented workflows
    • The Ever Changing Technical/Legal Landscape
      • requirements and guarantee on cloud using
  • Authentication What does it do? - prove who you are
    • What is it?
      • Authentication is the establishment and propagation of a user’s identity in the system
      • e.g. so site X can check that user Y is attempting to gain access to it’s resources
        • Note does not check what user is allowed to do, only that we know (and can check!) who they are
          • Masquerading always a danger (and realistic possibility)
          • Security guidance/balances
            • Password selection
              • 16 characters, upper/lower case and must include nonalphanumeric characters and be changed quarterly…!?!?!?!
            • Treatment of certificates
      • challenge:
        • Local username/password?
          • 100,000+ users that come and go (scalability)
        • Centralised vs decentralised systems?
          • More scalable solution needed
          • Decentralised Authentication (Proof of Identity) thru Shibboleth
              • Supports Single-Sign On (in case you were unaware)
              • service provider
                • web site/Journal in the picture
              • identity provider
                • the federation, listed in this case
              • How does the role of AURIN project go into the unimelb system
              • How does the unimelb system a user is involved in the AURIN project
              • How does the unimelb system know to send the information to the service provider related to which when it is required
                • Only send one attribute related to the project not the whole database
              • How does the site know what to do with these information when gets it
                • certificated have to be trusted
              • If the site is a gateway to remote service, how does these privilages which have been defined in the unimelb to allow me to access the site.
                • How can this be used to unlock the remote services which are outside of unimelb
              • Only several attributes used to federation authentication access control
    • Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) underpins MANY systems
      • What is it?
        • an arrangement that binds public key with respective identities of entities(like people and organization).
        • The binding is established through a process of registration and issurance of certificates at and by a certificate authority
        • The PKI role that assures valid and correct registration is called a registration authority(RA). RA is responsible for accepting requests for digital certificates and authenticating the entity making the reques
      • Based on public key cryptography
      • Public Key Cryptography
        • Also called Asymmetric Cryptography
          • Two distinct keys
            • One that must be kept private
              • Private Key
            • One that can be made public
              • Public Key
          • Two keys complementary, but essential that cannot find out value of private key from public key
            • With private keys can digitally sign messages, documents and validate them with associated public keys
              • Check whether changed, useful for non-repudiation
        • Public Key Cryptography simplifies key management
          • Don’t need to have many keys for long time
            • The longer keys are left in storage, more likelihood of their being compromised
              • Instead use Public Keys for short time and then discard
              • Public Keys can be freely distributed
            • Only Private Key needs to be kept long term and kept securely
      • PKI and Cloud
        • So what has this got to do with Cloud…?
          • IaaS – key pair!
        • Cloud interoperability begins with security!
          • There is no single, ubiquitous CA, there are many
        • There are many ways to prove your identity
          • OpenId, FacebookId, Visa credit card for Amazon, …
            • Degrees of trust
          • But remember need for single sign-on
          • Prove identity once and access distributed, autonomous resources!
      • Public Key Certificates
        • (PKC & PKI) Mechanism connecting public key to user with corresponding private key is Public Key Certificate
          • Public key certificate contains public key and identifies the user with the corresponding private key
            • Distinguished Name (DN): CN=Richard Sinnott; OU=Dept CIS; O=UniMelb; C=AU
          • Not a new idea
            • Business card
              • My name, my association, contact details, …
                • Can be distributed to people I want to exchange info with
              • If include public key on it, then have basic certificate, but
                • has to be delivered in person (or no trust!), who says I work at Melbourne?, could be a forgery, I might be an impostor, what if I move to Monash or my phone number changes, who would have 1024-bit key on business card, …
        • Public Key Certificates & Certification Authority
          • Public Key Certificates issued by trusted "Certification Authority"
      • Certification Authority
        • What it it?
          • Central component of PKI is Certification Authority (CA)
        • CA has numerous responsibilities
          • Policy and procedures
            • How to’s, do’s and don’ts of using certificates
            • Processes that should be followed by users, organisations, service providers …(and consequence for violating them!)
        • challenge:
          • Issuing certificates
            • Often need to delegate to local Registration Authority
            • Prove who you are, e.g. with passport, student card
          • Revoking certificates
            • Certificate Revocation List (CRL) for expired/compromised certificates
          • Storing, archiving
            • Keeping track of existing certificates, various other information, …
        • models
        • Typical Simple CA
          • Based on statically defined centralised CA with direct single hierarchy to users
          • Typical scenario for getting a certificate
          • steps:
  • Authorisation
    • What is it?
      • Authorisation is concerned with controlling access to resources based on policy
        • Can this user invoke this service, make use of this data?
        • Complementary to authenticationL Know it is this user, now can we restrict/enforce what they can/cannot do
    • Many different approaches for authorisation
      approach e.g.
      Group Based Access Control your project VMs
      Role Based Access Control RBAC
      Identity Based Access Control IBAC
      Attribute Based Access Control ABAC
    • Many Technologies
    • typical model: RBAC
      • Basic idea is to define:
        • roles applicable to specific collaboration
          • roles often hierarchical
            • Role X ≥ Role Y ≥ Role Z
            • X can do everything and more than Y who can do everything and more than Z
        • actions allowed/not allowed for VO members
        • resources comprising VO infrastructure (computers, data etc)
        • A policy then consists of sets of these rules
          • { Role x Action x Target }
            • Can user with VO role X invoke service Y on resource Z?
          • Policy itself can be represented in many ways,
            • e.g. XML document, SAML, XACML, …
        • Standards on when/where these used (PEP) and enforced (PDP)
        • Policy engines consume this information to make access decisions
    • Authorisation and Clouds
      • Authorisation typically applies to services/data deployed on Clouds, i.e. when they are running
      • But not only…
        • Who can install this patch, when can they do it, how many VMs will be affected if this happens…?
        • Is this virtual image free of trojans, malware etc?
        • Lots of tools to support this: Pakiti, Cfengine, Puppet, …
        • Real challenge of software dependency management for complex systems
          • Amazingly (?) most users/organisations do not patch!!!
          • Side-effects, complexities, stopping jobs, restarting jobs etc
    • What does it do?
      • Defining what they can do and define and enforce rules
        • Each site will have different rules/regulations
    • How it is achieved?
      • Often realised through Virtual Organisations (VO)
        • Collection of distributed resources shared by collection of users from one or more organizations typically to work on common research goal
          • Provides conceptual framework for rules and regulations for resources to be offered/shared between VO institutions/members
          • Different domains place greater/lesser emphasis on expression and enforcement of rules and regulations (policies)
    • Should all be transparent to end users!
    • Reflect needs and understanding of organisations involved!
    • Identity Provider
      • The place you got authenticated

past exam

  • [2013 Q6] A) Explain what is meant by the following security terms:

    • single sign-on [1]

      • is where you authenticate once then the identity provider will enable you to access set of multiple different services which can be hosted in different places
    • public key infrastructures [1]

      • the cloud computing is based on this
      • you have public private key pairs where public key is hold by anyone but only you hold by yourself. And the certificates which issuing the connection between your pulic key and your private key. And the certificate is issued by the certification authority. If you want to get certificates, you have to prove your identity.
    • certification authority [1]

      • The certification authority is the authority who is responsible for issuing the certificate.
    • registration authority [1]

      • The physical individual in the organization who is responsible for checking someone's identity
    • identity provider (IdP) [l]

      • is the authentication system
      • The place you got authenticated to prove your identity
      • e.g.: When you want to login the AURIN, you are redirected to unimelb authentication where you need to provide your identity
  • [2013 Q6] B) Discuss the challenges in supporting fine-grained security in Cloud environments. You may refer to the importance and/or role of (some of) the terms in part A) of this question. [5]

    • how cloud do authentication

      • e.g.: fine-grained access control which is authorization, auditing. There is still problem which is confidentiality. The fact that you put your data on the given server and you have no idea where the server is
    • fine-grained security is not done pretty well in the cloud. We kind of knowing how to do authentication to a certain degree. But building access control system without fine-grain is something that cloud doesn't generally provide for you so that you have to build by yourself.

    • authentication

    • authorization

    • accounting/auditing

    • confidentiality

    • trust

  • [2015 Q5] A) There are many open challenges in delivering secure Clouds. Describe some of the technical and non-technical issues that currently exist for development and delivery of security-oriented Clouds. [4]

    • techincal issues:
      • authorisation
      • trust,
        • trust the cloud provider that data is secured to be stored on that
      • api,
      • single sign-on,
        • Login once, but can access many more resources that potentially provided by other providers
        • The Grid model (and Shib model!) needed
        • Currently not solved for Cloud-based IaaS
        • Onus (责任) is on non-Cloud developers to define/support this, so cloud developer can't do anything to help with
      • certificate authority
        • challenge:
          • there isn't centralized certificate authority for the cloud
          • Issuing certificates
            • Often need to delegate to local Registration Authority
            • Prove who you are, e.g. with passport, student card
          • Revoking certificates
            • Certificate Revocation List (CRL) for expired/compromised certificates
          • Storing, archiving
            • Keeping track of existing certificates, various other information
    • non-techincal issues:
      • business issue: government won't allow medical data stored on cloud like AWS because it might be backup in somewhere else
      • sensitive issue
      • policy issue
      • Liability
        • Using contract to state the risk when put data here
      • Licensing
        • Challenges with the Cloud delivery model (Where can jobs realistically run)
        • Many license models
          • Per user
          • Per server
          • Per organisation
          • Floating licenses
          • Fixed to machines
  • [2014 Q2] A) b. Outline some of the practical challenges in supporting Cloud interoperability? [2]

    • Security
      • You don't have single sign-on: login once to access a variety of clouds for various reasons
    • API themselves
      • Cloud providers, especially public ones want to lock you in.
      • They have different business models, different costs
  • [2014 Q6] A) The Internet2 Shibboleth technology as currently supported by the Australia Access Federation provides federated authentication and single sign-on.

    • a. Explain what is meant by the italicized terms [2].

      • federated authentication
        • is basically where you are trying to access a resource while you are proving your identity somewhere else
      • single sign-on
        • is where you authenticate once then the identity provider will enable you to access set of multiple different services which can be hosted in different places
    • b. Explain the role of trust and public key infrastructures in supporting the Internet2 Shibboleth model. [2]

      • trust
        • is a key part of any kind of security system in Shibboleth based on trust. So we all trust the organisation to authenticate their uses
      • public key infrastructures
        • all messages about where you are from and do you authenticate here are digitally signed. We don't trust anyone who is not identity proven. It's only those in the federation and they have keys which are used to do the authentication.
          • e.g. I am from unimelb and I am assigning this message with my key which you can then use this key to verify that this is the key you trust effectively.
    • c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Shibboleth approach for security? [4]

      • adv
        • flexible when you doing single sign-on
        • simple to use, access different service just by proving identity once
      • disadv
        • all of the protocols are static
          • this information which is used to setup professor snott has authenticated at unimelb. So there is a collection about attributes e.g.: he is a staff. This information is pre-agreed in advance. If join the new project, this information wouldn't be available with unimelb system. limited because it is static
        • not flexible, not dynamic
    • d. Why isn’t Shibboleth used to access Cloud-based systems more generally? [2]

      • related to trust. differnt cloud provider requires different facts in the Shibboleth
        • e.g.: Amazon requires you credit card info while unimelb only requires student info.
      • Static federation
      • no single CA
  • [2015 Q5] B) The Internet2 Shibboleth technology as currently supported by the Australia Access Federation provides federated authentication.

    • a. Explain what is meant by this italicized term and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Shibboleth approach for security. [3]

      • above
    • b. Why isn’t Shibboleth used to access Cloud-based systems more generally? [3]

      • above


COMP90024 - Cluster and Cloud Computing - 2020S1 - Exam review/summary sheet [past exam solutions by Richard in recordings integrated]

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