arnaudjuracek / kirby-backup-widget

Kirby panel widget to easily backup your site content.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kirby Backup Widget

Kirby panel widget to easily backup your site content.

version kirby_version license



Use one of the alternatives below.

1. Using kirby-webpack

Simply use the built-in Kirby Package Manager by running:

$ npm run kirby:add
$ [?] Git URL:
$ [?] Module name: kirby-backup-widget
$ [?] Category: widgets

2. Kirby CLI

If you are using the Kirby CLI you can install this plugin by running the following commands in your shell:

$ cd path/to/kirby
$ kirby plugin:install arnaudjuracek/kirby-backup-widget

3. Clone or download

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Unzip the archive if needed and rename the folder to kirby-backup-widget.

Make sure that the plugin folder structure looks like this:


4. Git Submodule

If you know your way around Git, you can download this plugin as a submodule:

$ cd path/to/kirby
$ git submodule add site/widgets/kirby-backup-widget


The following options can be set in your /site/config/config.php file:


c::set('widget.backup.include', ['projects', 'blog']);
  • description: array of folders to include from the backup. Note that if you use widget.backup.exclude, all folders will be included no matter what you set in widget.backup.include.
  • default: by default, all folders inside content/ are included


c::set('widget.backup.exclude', ['error']);
  • description: array of folders to exclude from the backup. Note that if used, widget.backup.include will be ignored.
  • default: []


c::set('widget.backup.include_site', false);
  • description: whether to include root files and site options. Set this to true if you want to backup your site.LANG.txt etc.
  • default: false


c::set('widget.backup.destination', 'backups');
  • description: set the destination directory for the backup files. Accept subdirectory by using 'dir' . DS . 'subdir'. Note that the directory will be placed in content/ no matter what. This is mainly used to avoid collisions if you already have a directory called backups in content/. If the directory does not exist, it will be automatically created with CHMOD 0777. Finally, note that this backup directory will always be exluded, to avoid recursion.
  • default: backups


c::set('widget.backup.overwrite', true);
  • description: set it to false if you don't want to allow backups overwrite. If set to false and a backup file with the same name already exists, the widget will show an alert error message.
  • default: true


c::set('widget.backup.date_format', 'Y-m-d');
  • description: set the date format used to name the backup file. See for available formats.
  • default: Y-m-d


It is recommended to limit access to your backup files by placing them behing a firewall.

Here is a quick way to prevent unauthorised user to download your backups :

c::set('routes', [
    'pattern' => 'content/backups/(:any)',
    'action' => function ($file) {
      if (site()->user()) {
        // only logged users have access to content/backups files
      } else {
        die('Unauthorized access');
# block backups from being accessed directly
RewriteRule ^content/backups/(.*)$ index.php [L]

If you want more detail about it, see how to build an asset firewall.


  • change basic url ?action= parameters for a more robust widget routing solution
  • add confirmation modal before deleting
  • swtich to .gitignore like exclude / include path patterns



This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please create a new issue.



It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.


Kirby panel widget to easily backup your site content.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%