arnar / vim-matchopen

Vim plugin to highlight the last opened but unclosed delimiter from the cursor position forward.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple Vim plugin to highlight the last opened, but unclosed delimiter. Based on Vim's own matchparen.vim.


synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") 
               ^            ^
               |            if cursor is here
               this is highlighted

By default the delimiters are highlighted the same as vim highlights matching parentheses. To change this, set the MatchOpen highlight group in your .vimrc. E.g.:

hi link MatchOpen Error

Note: This is a preliminary version for testing. Only works for regular parenthesis and has no documentation.

Warning: Like matchparen.vim, this installs an autocommand run whenever the cursor is moved. It may be too slow if you have large folds collapsed in the current window, or very long lines. It can be turned it off with :NoMatchLastOpen, and on again with :DoMatchLastOpen.


Vim plugin to highlight the last opened but unclosed delimiter from the cursor position forward.


Language:Vim Script 100.0%