armsp / covid-vaccine-tracker

Dataset of the use and authorization of covid vaccines.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comarmsp/covid-vaccine-trackerRepository from Github https://github.comarmsp/covid-vaccine-tracker

Covid Vaccine Tracker

This repository contains dataset on the various vaccines that are in development and(or) being administered around the world. This is not a repository for counts of people inoculated.

This is a fully automated pipeline that runs daily. It collects and parses data from the sources listed below and commits them to the repo - all done using GitHub actions workflow. There are two branches - main and gh-pages. main holds the datasets and scripts for collecting parsing and saving datasets. gh-pages has the files for the visualization website.

Website Screenshot


Datasets are updated once a day if there is a change.


NYT datasets

The script scrapes the NYT Tracker website and forms the dataset for vaccines in various phases and stages of approval.

  • nyt_approved_vaccine.csv - Contains the dataset for all the approved vaccines around the world.
  • Others are coming...

Our World in Data dataset

The file gets the location.csv data from the OWID Covid-19 Data repository and saves it in the owd_datasets folder.

Coming Soon

Notebooks to show processing, merging and making of geospatial charts using the datasets.

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