armcburney / hs-hybrid

:apple: A Lua module providing system-wide emacs and vim keybindings for macOS

Repository from Github https://github.comarmcburney/hs-hybridRepository from Github https://github.comarmcburney/hs-hybrid


System-wide hybrid emacs/vim keybindings for macOS.


  1. Download hammerspoon:
  2. Clone the repo into your ~/.hammerspoon/ directory.
  3. Add the module in your init.lua hammerspoon config file.
-- init.lua 
-- @see: ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua

-- Including the hybrid module
local hybrid = require("hs-hybrid")

Enable and disable hybrid mode with cmd + esc when hammerspoon is running. When you press esc, you will enter vim normal-mode. By default you are in emacs-mode, which functions as vim insert-mode, with the addition of emacs keybindings.


The motivation behind this repo is that I get annoyed when I can't use vim or emacs keybindings in my daily computer use. This lua script for hammerspoon was made to provide system-wide, vim and emacs keybindings akin to those offered in spacemacs.

insert-mode for vim has all of the emacs keybindings by default. Pressing esc in this mode will let you enter the modal normal-mode for vim.


:apple: A Lua module providing system-wide emacs and vim keybindings for macOS


Language:Lua 100.0%