arky / python-sdk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

{Name of App}

Give your app a short and informative title. Please adhere to our convention of Title Case without hyphens (e.g. My New App)


Github repository: (the link to the repository where the code of the app can be found must be provided)


As an App developer you should have a look into the developer README document. Please delete this section for your final app documentation


Enter here the short description of the App that might also be used when filling out the description at submission of the App to Moveapps. This text is directly presented to Users that look through the list of Apps when compiling Workflows.


Enter here a detailed description of your App. What is it intended to be used for. Which steps of analyses are performed and how. Please be explicit about any detail that is important for use and understanding of the App and its outcomes.

Input data

Indicate which type of input data the App requires. Currently only R objects of class MoveStack can be used. This will be extend in the future.

Example: MovingPandas TrajectoryCollection in Movebank format

Output data

Indicate which type of output data the App produces to be passed on to subsequent apps. Currently only R objects of class MoveStack can be used. This will be extend in the future. In case the App does not pass on any data (e.g. a shiny visualization app), it can be also indicated here that no output is produced to be used in subsequent apps.

Example: MovingPandas TrajectoryCollection in Movebank format


If the App creates artefacts (e.g. csv, pdf, jpeg, shapefiles, etc), please list them here and describe each.

Example: rest_overview.csv: csv-file with Table of all rest site properties


Please list and define all settings/parameters that the App requires to be set, if necessary including their unit.

Example: Radius of resting site (radius): Defined radius the animal has to stay in for a given duration of time for it to be considered resting site. Unit: metres.

Null or error handling

Please indicate for each setting/parameter as well as the input data which behaviour the App is supposed to show in case of errors or NULL values/input. Please also add notes of possible errors that can happen if settings are improperly set and any other important information that you find the user should be aware of.

Example: Setting radius: If no radius AND no duration are given, the input data set is returned with a warning. If no radius is given (NULL), but a duration is defined then a default radius of 1000m = 1km is set.



Language:Python 100.0%