arkgnan / expressJWT

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Json Web Token Implementation

JWT on ExpressJS API


Database Config

  • lookad configDatabase.json on app/config/ and change the database credential
  • run sequelize db:migrate

in this project we use MySQL as database (mysql2 library), if you want to use other database, please install db adapter via npm. for example if you use PostgreSQL run npm install --save pg pg-hstore or npm install --save sqlite3 for SQLite or npm install --save tedious for MsSQL.

Project Config

  • npm install
  • sequelize init
  • touch .env
  • put TITLE, NODE_ENV, URL, PORT dan SECRET params on .env file


type npm start or node server on your terminal



Language:JavaScript 100.0%