arkalsekar / Django-Blog-API

A Blog API created using Python/Django as an Assignment for an Internship.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Django + PostgreSQL Blog API

A Complete Blog API created using Python / Django as the Backend Language / Framework and PostgreSQL as the Database. PostgreSQL is highly efficient and is capable of managing Databases in Production.

Requirements / Key Features

Here are the Features of the features of API.

  1. Uses PostgreSQL as the Relational Database.
  2. Performs all the CRUD Operations
  3. Along with the CRUD Operation it also also provides an endpoint for Searching.


  • / - Gets a Glimpse of all the Endpoints.
  • /getAll - Returns all the Blogs currently available in the Database.
  • /get/<id> - Returns Specific Blog with an id provided in the id parameter.
  • /drop/<id> - Deletes a Specific Blog using the id.
  • /search?<query> - Returns the Post have a Specific Query.
  • /insert - Inserts a new Post into the Database.
  • /update - Updates an Existing Post from the Database.

Setting Up

Clone or Download the this repository and store it on your machine.

git clone


Once Downloaded or Cloned the Repository, Run the following Commands

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once Installed all the requirements. Run the Following Commands.

python makemigrations
python sqlmigrate home 0001
python migrate

This is isin't necessary but with this you would be able to login to the website.

python createsuperuser

This command will finally run the server on localhost://8000

python runserver

Now head on to localhost:8000 and access the site.


Demo 1

Demo 2

Demo 3

Demo 4

Demo 5

Demo 6

Demo 7




A Blog API created using Python/Django as an Assignment for an Internship.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%