arjinmc / Android-GuideView

An Android GuideView for step by step to lead users.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Android GuideView for step by step to lead users.

Refer to repertory:GuideView of laxian. By the way, thanks laxin who has share this awesome GuideView.

This repertory is an enhanced edition.

Effect Images


How to Use

This GuideView need a target view and a tips view:

  • target view: you want to focus on it.
  • tips view: the tips will show when ui focus on the target view.
GuideView.Builder guideWiewBuilder = new GuideView.Builder(activitycontext);
GuideView guideView = guideWiewBuilder.create()


GuideView guideView = new GuideView.Builder(activitycontext).create();


target view

Here are two methods can set target view.

  • targetView(View view)
  • targetView(

tips view

Here are two methods can set target view.

  • tipsView(view)
  • tipsView(R.layout.layoutId)

click focus part

  • isShouldClickFocus(boolean)
    Set if need to click the target view to dismiss the GuidView or not. Default value is true.
  • isRealClickFocus(boolean)
    Set if need to real click the target view to dissmiss and it will callback the target view's OnClickListenter or onTouchEvent. Defaul is false

Set isRealClickFocus true required the value of isShouldClickFocus is true, otherwise it won't work

Focus part on target view shape types support

  • shape(shapeType) default shape type is CIRCLE.

ShapeTypes values

  • SHAPE_RECTANGLE (including round rectangle)
    You can set the radian attribute to make a round retangle.
    You can set the roundRectOffset attribute control the order offset.

offset on x,y axis

This offset is for tips view relative to target view on x,y axis,default values is zero.

  • offsetX(int)
  • offsetY(int)

layout gravity of tips view

This layout gravity is relative to target view.

  • layoutGravity(gravityInt) default value is Gravity.NO_GRAVITY


  • Gravity.LEFT
  • Gravity.TOP
  • Gravity.RIGHT
  • Gravity.BOTTOM
  • Gravity.NO_GRAVITY

background color

bgColor(colorInt) default color is #b0000000


  • blurRadius(float)
    Control to the blur effect on target view. Default is zero. It will work if bigger than zero.


  • focusToShake(boolean)
    Control if need to shake the focus part on target view. It will cost some cpu,gpu consumption. Default value is false.


Callback for dismiss.

onDismissListener(new GuideView.OnDismissListener() {
    public void onDismiss() {
        //do your things

or use GuidView

guideView.setOnDismissListener(new GuideView.OnDismissListener() {
    public void onDismiss() {
        //do your things


GuideView guideView = new GuideView.Builder(activitycontext)
//                .isShouldClickFocus(false)
//                .isRealClickFocus(true)
//                .onDismissListener(new GuideView.OnDismissListener() {
//                    @Override
//                    public void onDismiss() {
//                        Log.e("setOnDismissListener","dismiss");
//                    }
//                })


GuideViewQueue is a static queue for guideviews.It will show every GuideView you have added in order and finally callback the OnFinallyDismissListener,it will be null when its jobs is done.

Here is a sample below:

GuideViewQueue guideViewQueue = GuideViewQueue.getInstance();
guideViewQueue.add(new GuideView.Builder(this).targetView(tv1).tipsView(createTextView())
guideViewQueue.add(new GuideView.Builder(this).targetView(tv2).tipsView(R.layout.layout_linearlayout)
guideViewQueue.add(new GuideView.Builder(this).targetView(ll3).tipsView(createTextView())
guideViewQueue.setOnCompleteDismissListener(new GuideViewQueue.OnCompleteDismissListener() {
    public void onDismiss() {
        Log.e("GuideViewQueue","finally dimiss");


An Android GuideView for step by step to lead users.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%